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noun, often attributive com·mu·ni·ty \kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\

Definition of community



  1. 1 :  a unified body of individuals: such asa :  state, commonwealthb :  the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly :  the area itself <the problems of a large community>c :  an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common locationd :  a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society <a community of retired persons> <a monastic community>e :  a group linked by a common policyf :  a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests <the international community>g :  a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society <the academic community> <the scientific community>

  2. 2 :  society at large <the interests of the community>

  3. 3a :  joint ownership or participation <community of goods>b :  common character :  likeness <community of interests>c :  social activity :  fellowshipd :  a social state or condition <The school encourages a sense of community in its students.>

Examples of community in a sentence

  1. a respectable member of the community

  2. The festival was a great way for the local community to get together.

  3. Many communities are facing budget problems.

  4. People in the community wanted better police protection.

Origin and Etymology of community

Middle English comunete, from Anglo-French communité, from Latin communitat-, communitas, from communis —see 1common

First Known Use: 14th century

COMMUNITY Defined for English Language Learners


noun, often attributive com·mu·ni·ty \kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\

Definition of community for English Language Learners

  • : a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood)

  • : a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc.

  • : a group of nations

COMMUNITY Defined for Kids


noun com·mu·ni·ty \kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\

Definition of community for Students



  1. 1 :  the people living in a certain place (as a village or city) :  the area itself

  2. 2 :  a natural group (as of kinds of plants and animals) living together and depending on one another for various necessities of life (as food or shelter)

  3. 3 :  a group of people with common interests <the business community> <a community of artists>

  4. 4 :  a feeling of caring about others in a group <The school fosters a sense of community.>

Medical Dictionary


noun com·mu·ni·ty \kə-ˈmyü-nət-ē\

Medical Definition of community



  1. :  a unified body of individuals: asa:  the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly :  the area itself <the problems of a large community>b:  an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common locationc:  a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society <a community of retired persons>

Law Dictionary


noun com·mu·ni·ty

Legal Definition of community



  1. 1 :  the people who live in a particular place or region and usually are linked by some common interests

  2. 2a :  the mass of community property owned by a husband and wife <a spouse may not…lease to a third person his undivided interest in the community or in particular things of the communityLouisiana Civil Code> b :  the entity created upon the marriage of a husband and wife for the purposes of ownership of property in community property states — see also community property at property, regime

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