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WOW. The ’s reason to object to insurance covering prenatal care? “Why should men pay for it?” Watch:
D. M. Sipe Mar 9
but yet men should be informed if a woman ends a pregnancy.... hypocrites
Dist 5 Coalition Mar 9
men are pigs- sorry. They do most of the gun violence, killing, wars, domestic abuse, rape- need i go on?
Arleta James Mar 9
My goodness. The ridiculous point made is tiny in comparison to the glaring problems with this new plan!
Jack Mar 9
As a male and a father, I am happy to pay for something that benefits women and future kids get the best healthcare.
Evelyn Mar 9
woah dude that's a bit intense. We all have fathers, sons, brothers, uncles etc. there are good men everywhere.
FemNurse Mar 9
One of the worst truths to come out in these times/how some men really view women: By looking down on us &denying basic human rights
Milena Mutter Mar 9
absolutely disgusted with , they don't want men to pay for prenatal care but that want to control women's reproductive rights
Mary Kasprzak Mar 9
they should pay because they benefited from their mothers' prenatal care
BeccaM Mar 9
Women "pay a little bit more" for every time a man seeks help with impotence or erectile dysfunction. Why should we pay for this?
BeccaM Mar 9
Not saying we shouldn't but it's sexist for position GOPers to have, that men shouldn't be responsible for condition they help create
JB Mar 9
I suppose immaculate conception is the reason for all pregnancies? Defund urology care and viagra too then.
Cindy Womack Mar 9
And these people call themselves Pro-Life?
Dist 5 Coalition Mar 9
true. You are right. I follow gun news all day. And some days it is overwhelming- and it's mostly men.
St. Schneef Mar 9
Do they think men have nothing to do with pregnancies? We may have some 'splaining to do!
St. Schneef Mar 9
Are these guys right-to-lifers? "You have to have the baby but that doesn't mean it has to be a healthy baby."
Bleeder Mar 9
Rogue Barkeep Mar 9
. but what about the "life of the child" involved? Isn't that the reason they trot out there for their "pro-life" stance?
Alt_Lawyer Mar 9
Rinaldo Zoontjes ® Mar 9
These GOP'ers make me sick.