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64 out of 89 people found the following review useful:

Steadily going down hill

Author: lockbell from Atlanta, GA
11 March 2003

This show is going down hill at warp speed. Three years ago, the show was interesting and intelligent, especially their "Hot Topics" segment where hosts Meredith Vieira, Joy Behar, Star Jones, then host Lisa Ling and occasionally the show's den mother, Barbara Walters would comment on newsworthy stories, often exposing a hidden side that had been buried in the pages of the country's newspapers.

Since then, however, it has regressed into a talk show parody, ranking in terms of content somewhere between Maury Povich and Ricki Lake. No matter how serious the subject at hand, the topic quickly turns to sex, Payless Shoes (for which Star Jones is the spokesperson), Joy's hot flashes or Star's celebrity friends. Subjects like war, murder and child abuse are punctuated either by jokes about viagara, or by Star Jones informing everyone of her self-proclaimed diva status -- Again!

Even Babs herself has fallen into the trash talk abyss, only managing to grab a foot hold long enough to shout out a promo for yet another "riveting" 20/20 special.

If it were not for Meredith Vieira, I would boycott this show completely. Only she seems to have the vaguest clue as to when it is appropriate to push the envelope. But each day I find myself turning it off earlier into the broadcast, shaking my head at the vapid, vacuous piece of pseudo entertainment/journalism this show has become. Please Emmy voters, don't encourage this show with an Emmy nod this year.

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55 out of 75 people found the following review useful:

The View, In Context

Author: DeanNYC (thedeanofnyc@yahoo.com) from New York, NY
5 August 2006

The View was first stated by news legend Barbara Walters as a program with a meaning: a discussion of various topics from five different women of differing ages and cultural backgrounds. It was to be a think tank for women to look at their lives and see how they fit with the world! With the program telecast live to most of the Eastern and Central time zones and a fresh concept, this seemed new and worthwhile.

The original cast featured newswoman Meredith Vieira, who had previously worked on "60 Minutes" and other news programs on CBS. She quickly became the de facto leader of the company, representing the 40somethings.

Star Jones made a name for herself during the O.J. Simpson trial. Her reporting was often insightful and worthwhile and was in her 30s when the program began.

Joy Behar was a stand up comic and a quick-witted, jovial sort that said exactly what she thought, especially when she expected it to get a laugh and she was in the 50+ set! Last, Debbie Matenopoulos, the 20something kid who had little to no experience in broadcasting, gave the more youthful and exuberant opinion of that generation.

Problem: Five women talking at once. Ringmaster Vieira kept things in line as best she could; patterns began to form. Debbie was often ridiculed as being a no-nothing, and did sometimes say and do things that displayed her naiveté.

The show was so eager to dump Debbie, she was removed before a replacement had been selected! The "ladies" then held a nationwide search. The winner: Lisa Ling, a former correspondent for Channel One, the cable news service for grade schools.

People either saw Lisa as intelligent and charming or dull and boring, but either way, The View lived up to its name, providing useful and informative discussion during her tenure. However, this job was a mere stepping stone for Lisa. She quit and moved on to National Geographic, where she could cover stories of global import, first hand.

With the "20" chair vacant again, the show held another set of auditions. This time, the winner came from the world of reality television. "Survivor" contestant Elisabeth Filarski, who married and became Elisabeth Hasselbeck, won the job this time. Elisabeth's overt political conservatism rubbed both Star and Joy the wrong way, causing some extra friction within the group.

Meanwhile, Star was having weight problems. There were frequent segments designed to help her and those in the audience in her position, get back to a healthy figure. However, after a brief hiatus, Star came back with a slimmer new body. It was widely rumored that she had "stomach stapling" surgery, though she never confirmed (nor denied) this.

Star was also focusing on her wedding. She was to marry Al Reynolds and many episodes were about preparations for the day, including gifts, catering, and other such features. However, when the wedding itself took place, Star disallowed cameras, even those of her co-hosts.

Things came to a head in 2006. Katie Couric, longtime popular host of NBC's Today Show was offered the anchor's chair at The CBS Evening News. NBC then plucked Meredith Vieira to take over for Katie, which left a hole in The View lineup.

Barbara selected Rosie O'Donnell to replace Meredith, despite knowing that Rosie had publicly insulted Star, and the handwriting was on the wall. Star knew that this situation would be, at best, uncomfortable for her. But she never got that far. She was privately told that her contract would not be renewed for the 2006-2007 season and that she would play out the string until September, when the new season began.

Star didn't see it that way, and in a moment reminiscent of Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie," Star went entirely off-script to voice her grievances to her co-hosts and to the world, live on the broadcast, in a candid statement that garnered national headlines.

The next day, she was off the program, permanently.

With only Joy and Elisabeth as hosts, Barbara returned to the role of everyday member of the cast for the rest of Summer 2006, and the show brought in replacement hosts to take Star's former chair.

The "Rosie" era for The View began on September 5, 2006. Where it was first predicted that Rosie, one of the most liberal voices in broadcasting, would have constant run-ins with conservative Elisabeth, what originally happened was a battle between the two stand-up voices, As Ms. O'Donnell and Ms. Behar began trying to out-joke each other. The quips and barbs (no Walters pun intended) these two hurled at each other had an undercurrent of malice that even a casual observer could note. After feedback, they have since toned down the oneupwomanship.

More recently, the show's claim to fame is in Rosie's commentary about various celebrities, including accusing Kelly Ripa of homophobia because of a comment Ripa made to American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken (who had not stated anything about his sexual preference at the time) and Donald Trump of being a hypocrite for his handling the situation with Miss USA, Tara Conner, both of which prompted quick responses from the accused parties. If nothing else, Rosie's "view" has kept the program in the news and people tuning in to see what bon mot will fall out of her mouth next.

The View began with the best of intentions, however, in catering to the all important ratings (it is head to head with Bob Barker's "The Price Is Right" in many markets), the meaning of the show's name ebbed away.

Today, it's just another talk show that is frequently louder, more meaningless and more useless than any of the other programs of its type, especially with the verbal jockeying of the Rosie era. Perhaps it's fun to watch a daily train wreck, but that wasn't what was promised from this program.

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65 out of 98 people found the following review useful:

toilet television

Author: rott21 from Paola, Kansas
5 December 2005

My mom is a big fan of this show. Every time its on she has to watch it. Every once in a while I catch a glimpse of it and it disgusts me every time I catch it. 4 women all sit around and talk about the stupid and most pointless things I've ever heard. They don't cover (well, at least not anymore) the smart or important issues. All they discuss about are stupid jokes and sexual innuendo that makes you want to shoot the T.V. Not to mention every time it is on, it seems like one of the women always has to mention something about the male part (you know). You don't have to go to prison to suffer. Hell, just watch this show. I ran out of things to say so I'm going to name names for this show. Not important; mindless; pointless; annoying; stupid;

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46 out of 70 people found the following review useful:

This was once upon a time,and now its once upon sorry and I do mean sorry

Author: rcj5365 from Durham, North Carolina
4 September 2005

Once upon a time it was brilliant and interesting to watch. Nowadays, "The View" has gone to hell in a handbasket,and for good reason. Its amazes me that ABC Daytime let this show run its course for over eight years and that show is nothing but a bunch of women who sit on there butts and cackle like a bunch of hens on the farm. At one time,this show talked about the news facts of the day,and nowadays its nothing but a bunch of sex jokes and diva issues not to mention some of the racist and foul comments that come out of the mouth of one of its co-hosts..Joy Behar. And Star Jones talking about her "diva status" get repulsively annoying. And as far as others are concern,I would not watch the show if it were not for Meredith Vieira,who in my opinion is the only one on the panel with common sense. And as far as the special co-hosts are concerning,they need to put the annoying as hell Rosie O'Donnell out of our misery. And they can figure out why the intelligent one out of the panel Lisa Ling left,and do you blame her? She got tired of the crap of this show and for good reason. Its amazing that the leader of the pack Barbara Walters hasn't call it quits either.

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35 out of 60 people found the following review useful:

A poor view of Barbara Walters and ABC

Author: miopinyun from United States
3 July 2006

I am not a Star Jones fan, however, I am totally disgusted with the way Barbara Walters and ABC treated Star Jones after she announced that she would no longer be co-hosting the show. Also, Larry King's statement, in his interview with Star, that Barbara Walters doesn't lie is equally annoying. Who does he think she is? She tries to act holier than thou but she is totally unprofessional. As far as I'm concerned Barbara is the most irritating one on the show. On one of the programs, they had an audience full of military soldiers on leave from the war and she inappropriately talked about a stain that she gotten on her favorite outfit at a party that she had attended that weekend. She went on and on about it, oblivious to the fact that it was trivial in comparison to what was going on in the lives of her audience members. Also whenever she was on the show, she acted high and mighty like she was better than everybody else. She would interrupt and monopolize conversations and expect the others to acquiesce to her "holy" presence. In her one-on-one celebrity interviews, the actors that she interviewed who "cried" when she started prying into their personal lives with her nosy questions were sickening. She does not have a "special" interviewing technique that makes people cry. some actors will just do anything to get attention and publicity. How she has gotten as far as she has in the media is puzzling. This is a woman who is constantly mocked for her ineptness in speech, yet ABC continues to provide her with a platform to do interviews, news stories, etc. If she were black this would not be the case and If Star Jones was white she would not have been treated so disrespectfully. The way Barbara Walters and ABC "chastised" her for the way she left was unacceptable and hypocritical.

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5 out of 5 people found the following review useful:

Joy Behar

Author: rlokremer from United States
13 December 2007

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I've listened numerous times as Joy Behar thinks she knows everything about the South - how we think, dress, eat, vote. Today (12/13/07) again she referred to the South as racists, would not vote for Obama just because he's Black, etc. Every time she speaks, I want to jump right through the TV and tell her that she is a New Yorker, not a Southerner and most definitely doesn't know diddly-squat about anything in the South. She is a know it all who knows nothing!!!. I try to be open-minded and listen to other people's comments. This is done to gain a better perspective of issues but I've learned that there is nothing to be learned from this show - sadly.

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21 out of 37 people found the following review useful:

I'm Done

Author: ibbussin2 from United States
25 September 2006

I can't believe how BAD your show is getting. I used to enjoy listening to the different opinions of all the women that were on the show but now it's a joke!! If I wanted to see a musical I would go see one, but it's getting pushed on us at a daily basis by Rosie O'Donnell. What were you thinking adding her on your show?? Or should I say what was Barbara thinking? I think Barbara is losing it anyway. Rosie lost her own show because she stunk now you put her on your show? You must be trying to get the boot. Well you won't be around too much longer if you keep this up. I hope someone besides Barbara sees what is happening to this show and does something before it is too late. I change my channel from now on.

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4 out of 4 people found the following review useful:

Bias in interviewing Presidential candidates by Barbara Walters

Author: viclemonds from United States
27 September 2008

I used to be a fan of The View and admired Barbara Walters immensely until recently seeing her interview O'Bama and then McCain. She practically sat in O'Bama's lap, gushing and calling him "cute" but her interview of McCain was more like a "grilling over open flame". One would have to be deaf and blind not to see the differences in her interview tactics. No one ever called Barbara Walters fair and balanced but you would think she could at least pretend to not show her liberal bias! I was actually embarrassed by Ms Walter's behavior! Isn't this supposed to be entertainment for all the people-liberal and conservative?? I have seen my final episode of "The View"! It is not worth my time and BW is at the bottom of my list of people I now admire!

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15 out of 26 people found the following review useful:

In need of a Revamp, Rejuvenation, and Reworking- and Fast

Author: NovakMonkey2628 from Minnesota
13 July 2006

The View began as a fascinatingly fresh and new kind of morning show in 1997, with a collection of intelligent, successful, and vivacious women who could reflect upon current events with thought. Their "views" were varied and multi-layered, and provided unbiased television to wake us up.

In recent years, The View has become less about the virtues of its women and more about their rise to fame. As Meredith, Star, Joy, and Barbara (the four women who, until recently, stuck out 2000 episodes of the gab fest) reaped the benefits of their obviously popular show, the audience became at once disenchanted and guiltily curious. As new co hosts entered and exited, the women morphed into glossy products of the show, viewpoints became less varied and more rigid, tensions rose and The View entered into a frivolous time period of self-congratulations. All this culminating in the recent blow-out- a face lift from the network, firing Star Jones, the exit of Meredith Viera, and the hiring of Rosie O'Donnell. Viewers reached an opportunity to see these women outside of The View use their wills to say what they could never be say on ABC. Now, viewers tune in to see what's next for the show's cast- whose safe (Barbara), whose not (Elisabeth and maybe Joy), if Rosie is in or out, and if they will ever mention Star again.

In other words, viewers no longer tune in for the show but in curiosity of its politics. Sure, that means there are still ratings for The View, but fickle ones- the show has a morbidly scandalous cloud over it in recent weeks. And once the show settles down, and probably rises to even more self-congratulating heights, the fan ship will die down steadily.

That is why, while ABC still has viewer-ship, The View is in need of a serious and quick reworking. Starting off by taking a fresh look at the cast- and if all three women (meaning Joy, Elisabeth, and Rosie- Barabara is clearly off limits) are really reflective of The View's mission- do they really represent popular facets of American women? New cast members are needed, and it would be advisable not to go ahead with Rosie, as she adds to the show's recent circus act undertone. Secondly, ABC and the women would do well to focus less on the show's business ON the show and in the media, and focus on REAL current events, while really discussing their views, and not just making self-effacing or self-upholding jokes on the matters.

If The View can get through this firestorm, and come back in a fresh way, it will be better then before.

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3 out of 3 people found the following review useful:

McCain interview

Author: Dennis / Gail Campbell from Canada
17 September 2008

Being a Canadian citizen spending 6mths each year in the the southern USA we are very interested in your Politics and want to be able to discuss issues with our American friends in an intelligent way. But we just have to comment on the "The Views" interview with Sen. McCain. We always respected Barbra Walters but not so much anymore. This show was a complete farce! Sounded like a bunch of screaming teenage girls at a rock concert, it fact the show has been nothing but a screaming contest for months now. By comparison the Obama interview was a love in! Actually the show hit its all time low when Rosey was brought in, but since she left its even gone further downhill. Time for Joy to move on, won't be watching this program ever again!!!

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