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This page is an overview of the various sources of open-licensed data published by the Wikimedia Foundation or about Wikimedia projects. The information is intended to help community members, developers and researchers learn about available data sources and find the data they need for their work.

If you have any questions, you might find the answer in the Frequently Asked Questions about Data.

If you wish to donate or document any additional data sources, you can use the Wikimedia organization on DataHub.

See also Wikistats, Statistics and proposals, and inspirational example uses.

Quick glance[edit]

Data Dumps (details)

Homepage | Download

Dumps of all WMF projects for backup, offline use, research, etc.

  • Wiki content, revisions, metadata, and page-to-page and outside links
  • XML and SQL format
  • once/twice a month
  • large file sizes
  • The domain also hosts some other data, including anonymized survey data from the three 2011/12 Editor surveys

API (details)


The API provides direct, high-level access to the data contained in MediaWiki databases through HTTP requests to the web service.

  • Meta info about the wiki and logged-in user, properties of pages (revisions, content, etc.) and lists of pages based on criteria
  • JSON, WDDX, XML, YAML, and PHP's native serialization format

Toolforge (details)

Homepage @ Wikitech

Toolforge allows you to connect to shared server resources and query a copy of the database (with some lag).

  • acts as a standard web server hosting web-based tools
  • command-line tools
  • account required

Recent changes stream (details)


Wikimedia broadcasts every change to every Wikimedia wiki using the Socket.IO protocol.

Analytics Dumps (details)


Raw pageview, unique device estimates, mediacounts, etc.

WikiStats (details)

Homepage | Download

Reports in 25+ languages based on data dumps and server log files.

  • Unique visits, page views, active editors and more
  • Intermediate CSV files available.
  • Graphical presentation.
  • Monthly

DBpedia (details)


DBpedia extracts structured data from Wikipedia, allows users to run complex queries and link Wikipedia data to other data sets.

  • RDF ,N-triplets, SPARQL endpoint, Linked Data
  • billions of triplets of info in a consistent Ontology

DataHub and Figshare (details)

DataHub Homepage

A collection of various Wikimedia-related datasets.

  • smaller (usually one-time) surveys/studies
  • dbpedia lite, DBpedia-Live and others
  • EPIC/Oxford quality assessment

Figshare (datasets taggd 'wikipedia')

Data dumps[edit]

Home page[edit]

Data dumps


WMF releases data dumps of Wikipedia and all WMF projects on a regular basis. English Wikipedia is dumped once a month, while smaller projects are often dumped twice a month.


  • Text and metadata of current or all revisions of all pages as XML files
  • Most database tables as sql files
    • Page-to-page link lists (pagelinks, categorylinks, imagelinks, templatelinks tables)
    • Lists of pages with links outside of the project (externallinks, iwlinks, langlinks tables)
    • Media metadata (image, oldimage tables)
    • Info about each page (page, page_props, page_restrictions tables)
    • Titles of all pages in the main namespace, i.e. all articles (*-all-titles-in-ns0.gz)
    • List of all pages that are redirects and their targets (redirect table)
    • Log data, including blocks, protection, deletion, uploads (logging table)
    • Misc bits (interwiki, site_stats, user_groups tables)
  • experimental add/change dumps (no moves and deletes + some other limitations)

  • Stub-prefixed dumps for some projects which only have header info for pages and revisions without actual content
  • Media bundles for each project, separated into files uploaded to the project and files from Commons

Images : See here

  • Static HTML dumps for 2007-2008

(see more)


You can download the latest dumps (for the last year) here ( for English Wikipedia, for German Wikipedia, etc).

Archives :

Current mirrors offer an alternative to the download page.

Due to large file sizes, using a download tool is recommended.

Data format[edit]

XML dumps since 2010 are in the wrapper format described at Export format (schema). Files are compressed in bzip2 (.bz2) and .7z format.

SQL dumps are provided as dumps of entire tables, using mysqldump.

Some older dumps exist in various formats.

How to and examples[edit]

See examples of importing dumps in a MySQL database with step-by-step instructions here .

Existing tools[edit]

Available tools are listed in the following locations, but information is not always up-to-date:


All text content is multi-licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License (CC-BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Images and other files are available under different terms, as detailed on their description pages.


Research projects using data from this source[edit]



The web service API provides direct, high-level access to the data contained in MediaWiki databases. Client programs can log in to a wiki, get data, and post changes automatically by making HTTP requests.


  • Meta information about the wiki and the logged-in user
  • Properties of pages, including page revisions and content, external links, categories, templates,etc.
  • Lists of pages that match certain criteria


To query the database you send a HTTP GET request to the desired endpoint (example for English Wikipedia) setting the action parameter to "query" and defining the query details the URL.

How to and examples[edit]

Here's a simple example:

This means fetch (action=query) the content (rvprop=content) of the most recent revision of Main Page (titles=Main%20Page) of English Wikipedia ( )in XML format (format=xml). You can paste the URL in a browser to see the output.

Further ( and more complex) examples can be found here.

Also see :

Existing tools[edit]

To try out the API interactively, use the Api Sandbox.


To use the API, your application or client might need to log in.

Before you start, learn about the API etiquette.

Researchers could be given Special access rights on case-to-case bases.

All text content is multi-licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License (CC-BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).



Mailing list: mediawiki-api


NOTE: In 2014 Toolforge replaced the "Toolserver" server cluster managed by WMDE.

Home page[edit]


Toolforge hosts command line or web-based tools, which can query copies of the database. Copies are generally real-time but sometimes replication lag occurs.


Toolforge hosts copies of the databases of all Wikimedia projects including Commons. You are allowed use the contents of the database as long as you don't violate the rules.

Data format[edit]

Learn more about the current database schema.

How to[edit]

Using Toolforge requires familiarity with Unix/Linux command line, SSL keys, SQL/databases, and some programming.

To start using the Toolforge, see this handy guide: R:Labs2/Getting started with Toolforge. The steps are summarized as follows:

  1. register wikitech account (register)
  2. Add your public SSH key under preferences
  3. request access to Toolforge (request)
  4. SSH to using your private SSH key

Existing tools[edit]



  • On IRC: #wikimedia-clouds on Freenode, a great place to ask questions, get help, and meet other Toolforge developers. See Help:IRC for more information.

Projects using Toolforge / Toolserver data[edit]

On the old toolserver:

Recent changes stream[edit]

See wikitech:EventStreams to subscribe to Recent changes to all Wikimedia wikis. This broadcasts edits and other changes as they happen; confirmation that an edit has completed is typically faster over this than through the browser.

Old IRC recent changes feed[edit]

Wikimedia also has IRC feeds of recent changes hosted on the server. EventStreams is more robust and easier to parse, but the old system is still operational and its details follow.

  • Changes shown automatically as they happen.
  • Feeds for each wiki in a separate channel.
  • Filtered feeds available with cloak

Data and format[edit]

Each wiki edit is reflected in the wiki's IRC channel.Displayed URLs give the cumulative differences produced by the edit concerned and any subsequent edits. The time is not listed but timestamping may be provided by your IRC-client.

The format of each edit summary is :

[page_title] [URL_of_the_revision] * [user] * [size_of_the_edit] [edit_summary]

You can see some examples below:

<rc-pmtpa> Talk:Duke of York's Picture House, Brighton *Fortdj33* (-14) Updated classification

<rc-pmtpa> Bloody Sunday (1887) *03184.61.149.187* (-2371) /* Aftermath */


IRC feeds are hosted on the server.

Every one of the >730 Wikimedia wikis has an IRC RC feed. The channel name is #lang.project. For example, the channel for German Wikibooks channel is #de.wikibooks.

Existing tools[edit]

  • wm-bot lets you get IRC feeds filtered according to your needs. You can define a list of pages and get notifications of revisions on those pages only.
  • WikiStream uses IRC feeds to illustrate the amount of activity happening on Wikimedia projects.
  • wikimon is a WebSocket-oriented monitor for the IRC feeds


Anyone can access IRC feeds. However, you need a wm-bot.

Analytics dumps[edit]

Home Page[edit]

Detail about each dump is listed on the home page: Additional detail about these dumps and other Analytics data:

Pageview statistics[edit] highly compacted monthly aggregates, without loss of hourly resolution


Each request of a page reaches one of Wikimedia's varnish caching hosts. The project name and the title of the page requested are logged and aggregated hourly. New higher quality data filtered of spiders available since May 2015. Deprecated pagecounts-raw has English statistics since 2007 and non-English since 2008. And pagecounts-ez stitches the best available data at all times.

Files starting with "project" contain total hits per project per hour statistics. A separate set with repaired counts is maintained as well (several cases of multi-month underreporting could be fixed from secondary sources)

Note: These are not unique hits and changed titles/moves are counted separately.

Download[edit] (repaired projectcounts)

Data format[edit]

Delimited format :

[Project] [Article_name] [Number_of_requests]

where Project is in the form language.project using abbreviations described here.


    fr.b Special:Recherche/Achille_Baraguey_d%5C%27Hilliers 1

means that the French Wikibooks page with title "Special:Recherche/Achille_Baraguey_d%5C%27Hilliers" was viewed 1 time in the last hour. Old pagecounts-raw files also have the size of the content returned as a number, for example: 624.

    en Main_Page 242332

we see that the main page of the English language Wikipedia was requested over 240 thousand times during the specific hour.

Data in JSON format is available at

Existing tools[edit]

You can interactively browse the page view statistis and get data in JSON format at

The following tools also use pageview statistics:


Maintainer: is maintained by User:Henrik

Research projects using data from this source[edit]


Home page[edit]

Also see: mw:Analytics/Wikistats


Wikistats is an informal but widely recognized name for a set of reports developed by Erik Zachte since 2003, which provide monthly trend information for all Wikimedia projects and wikis based on XML data dumps and squid server traffic.


Thousands of monthly reports in 25+ languages about:

  • unique visitors
  • editor activity
  • page views (overall and mobile only)
  • article creation
  • browser usage

Special reports (some are one time, some regular) about:

  • growth per project and language
  • pageview and edits per project and language
  • server requests and traffic surges
  • edits & reverts
  • user feedback
  • bot activity
  • mailing lists

Data format[edit]

Final reports are presened in table and chart form. Intermediate files are available in CSV format.


CSV files

Project counts repackaged yearly

Existing tools[edit]

The scripts used to generate the CSV files ( + WikiCounts*.pm) and reports ( + WikiReports*.pm )are available for download here.


Maintainer: Erik Zachte


Home page[edit]

Description[edit] is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data.


English version of the DBpedia knowledge base

  • describes 3.77 million things
  • 2.35 million are classified in a consistent Ontology(persons, places, creative works like music albums, films and video games, organizations like companies and educational institutions, species, diseases, etc.

Localized versions of DBpedia in 111 language

  • together describe 20.8 million things, out of which 10.5 million overlap (are interlinked) with concepts from the English DBpedia

The data set also features:

  • about 2 billion pieces of information (RDF triples)
  • labels and abstracts for >10 million unique things in up to 111 different languages
  • millions of
    • links to images
    • links to external web pages
    • data links into external RDF data sets
    • links to Wikipedia categories
    • YAGO categories

Data format[edit]

  • Turtle
  • N-Triplets
  • SPARQL endpoint

Download[edit] has download links for all the data sets, different formats and languages. - DBpedia's SPARQL endpoint

How to and examples[edit]

  • Use cases shows the different ways you can use DBpedia data ( such as improving Wikipedia search or adding Wikipedia content to your webpage)
  • Applications (broken link!) shows the various applications of DBpedia including faceted browsers, visualization, URI lookup, NLP and others.

Existing tools[edit]

  • DBpedia Spotlight is a tool for annotating mentions of DBpedia resources in text, providing a solution for linking unstructured information sources to the Linked Open Data cloud through DBpedia.
  • RelFinder is a tool for interactive relationship discovery in RDF data


DBpedia data from version 3.4 on is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License and the GNU Free Documentation License.


Mailing list: DBpedia Discuss


Research projects using data from this source[edit]


The Wikimedia organization on the Open Knowledge Foundation's DataHub is a collection of datasets about Wikipedia and other projects run by the Wikimedia Foundation.

The DataHub repository is meant to become the place where all Wikimedia-related data sources are documented. The collection is open to contributions and researchers are encouraged to donate relevant datasets.

The Wikimedia group on DataHub points to some additional data sources not listed on this page. Some examples are:

Wikivoyage also maintains data on its own DataHub:

  • Hotels/restaurants/attractions data as CSV/OSM/OBF
  • Tourism guide for offline use