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Paranormal : Weird or creepy stories you have?

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Weird or creepy stories you have?

Thought I would ask around and see what creepy or strange stories people want to share. They can be ghost related or just strange experiences.

For example(This might fall under both?):

I remember when I was really young, maybe about 8 or 9, me and my family were in the basement level of this motel complex we were staying at in Toronto. So we were down there just exploring. And it was really strange. The elevators would go up and down and stop at the basement and open, but no-one was inside. And the lights were like constantly flicking it was just unsettling.

So that was creepy enough, but then we noticed this door that I now know was an probably just an exit onto the street. Probably some back alley . Anyway this hand from outside randomly starts knocking in the door which freaked us out. The way the window was designed it was like one of those asylum doors you see on tv, with a slim window so really all you could see was the hand knocking on the window. I wanted to open it but I was a kid so my folks were like "noooooo!!!" cause it could of been some crazy person obviously lol Now I figure it was probably a drug addict or something trying to just get in or maybe a homeless person looking for shelter O_O But it could have been a ghost too :P

But the elevators were creepy enough and I def felt like something was off down there.

Soooo anyone else have any strange stories they feel like sharing?


Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?

Creepy ... thanks for sharing. I don't have any scary true stories, but hopefully your post will cause others to share theirs :)

Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?



I for one would never ridicule a sincere report of a true experience. So, along with the OP, I would welcome true stories about ghosts, poltergeists, sinister presences, ufo sightings, the uncanny, cryptid sightings, etc. I hope people will contribute their experiences.

Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?

I don't know if this would be considered creepy or not but it is true. Here goes: One summer evening i was spending some time at my Aunt and Uncles in Lagro Indiana many years ago when i was about 11 or 12. They lived in the country on a slight bluff with a highway down below them, with steps leading down from the back yard. At night it could get very dark and quiet. One night my Aunt and i were watching an old TV movie called Cleopatra with Joan Collins as Cleo. We had turned off all the lights, they lived in a big old farmhouse and that night the moon was out. As we sat watching, i was on the sofa facing toward the TV and the back door and my Aunt was laying on the other couch. I glanced away from the movie for a second and plainly saw the upper shadow of a man's form staring in watching us through the screen window on the small back porch area. The door was sort of a half screened in upper area and the lower part was wooden. But sure enough there he was staring in at us...for how long? I don't know but i reacted immediately and jumped up and told my Aunt that a man was there on the back porch! She knew it was something because i was never a child of fancies or fantasy or prone to be afraid of much. My reaction and excitement cause her to wake up my Good ole staid & solid Uncle Dick who was strong as an ox and a big man! Well, he searched the area but found no sign of the stranger. There were no close neighbors but he may have came up from the highway! Ohter times they claimed to have heard footsteps in their attic area and comming down the steps, no one would be there!

Well behaved women Rarely make History

Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?

^ Wow thats deff creeeepy! But I like that they actually took you seriously, instead of just assuming you were being a kid and joking around


Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?

ginger, thanks for this story - sorry somehow I missed it earlier.

Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?

I'll share a couple. They were creepy to me, but may not be spooky to others.

When I was a kid it was my task to wake my mother up before we left for school. I would put a pot of water on the stove for her coffee (this was before microwaves and Keurigs were invented ;-) and shake her one more time before leaving the house. One day I did this, as usual, and left. That afternoon we came home to find some relatives there and our mother hysterical. We were just told that she needed "to rest" but not what happened.

Over the next several months I heard snippets of what happened that day. Apparently, my mother went back to sleep after I shook her that last time and the water evaporated out of the pot, causing it to catch on fire. There was smoke everywhere and my mother was in a deep sleep. According to her story, she felt someone sit on the side of the bed and elbow her. This is one of her pet peeves and she told the person to "go away." The visitor wouldn't go away and she didn't want to wake up until he called her by a childhood nickname. She sat straight up in bed to see her cousin sitting there. Just as quickly, she noticed the smoke and ran to the kitchen to extinguish the fire. She ran back to her room to find it empty and not only were all the doors locked, that particular cousin had been deceased a number of years before this happened.


I was driving to work one day and in that kind of daze we get in when driving the same route all the time. I was happily listening to music and paying attention to the road when I felt my car jerk forward. I was wearing my seat belt but I felt somebody grab my shoulders from behind essentially pinning me to the seat. It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to look in the rearview mirror. The next thing I remember was paramedics cutting the car open to get me out. I could hear them talking saying that I probably wouldn't make it but I was not consciously aware of them trying to talk to me (or me to them). My car was totaled and I walked away without a scratch on me. I have no idea who it was that held me securely to my seat that day, but I'm convinced "they" saved my life.


"Get busy living, or get busy dying." Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)

Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?

mjd, thanks for sharing - nice, true, spooky stories!

Re: Weird or creepy stories you have?

Agreed very cool! Makes you wonder if we don't have people looking out for us sometimes.

Now theres a temporary solution

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