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/Filmcast Ep. 398 – Assassin’s Creed

assassin's creed trailer

DavidDevindra and Jeff discuss a good insane double feature in theaters right now, give a shout out to the new Sense8 Christmas Special, praise Natalie Portman’s performance in Jackie, aren’t too excited about Ben Affleck’s latest, and wonder how David could’ve not loved Hell or High Water.

You can always e-mail us at slashfilmcast(AT)gmail(DOT)com, or call and leave a voicemail at 781-583-1993. Also, like us on Facebook!
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‘Assassin’s Creed’ – What Did You Think?

Assassin's Creed 2

The early buzz for Assassin’s Creed wasn’t exactly inspiring. The video game adaptation was called “convoluted hokum” and “peculiar, arrestingly uninviting nonsense,” which is the consensus among film critics. Over the holiday season, we’ll see how audiences respond to Justin Kurzel‘s film — a mostly distancing experience from start to finish.

Below, let us know what you think of Assassin’s Creed, but beware of spoilers from here on out.

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Assassin's Creed - Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender

Just because Hollywood has arguably never made a good video game adaptation does not mean they will never make one, and Assassin’s Creed certainly has better pedigree than most. It’s got a promising director (Justin KurzelMacbeth) and a prestigious cast more in line with an Oscar-nominated Shakespeare drama than a big-budget blockbuster (including Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard, who starred in Kurzel’s Macbeth). The source material is incredibly popular, and has the kind of look that people describe as “cinematic.” Plus, the early trailers have been full of exciting Spanish Inquisition-era action. So is this it? Is this the movie that finally breaks the video game curse? Well, the first reviews are in, so you can find out what the critics think after the jump.

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Assassin's Creed clip

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story may be sucking up all the attention right now, but it’s not the only game in town this month. A few days later, Michael Fassbender will be launching himself off of a roof in 15th century Spain to land in a theater near you, with his video game adaptation Assassin’s Creed. 20th Century Fox has just shared a new clip from the film, and you can check it out below. Read More »

Assassin's Creed Trailer - Michael Fassbender

While most of the excitement for blockbusters this month is going to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story next week, 20th Century Fox wants to make sure you don’t forget that Assassin’s Creed is coming the week after that, just before Christmas. So to make sure you’re on board, they’ve released a new trailer, and it’s actually the best one yet, providing a much better idea for the story, including an artifact for Michael Fassbender‘s character to track down during the time of the Spanish Inquisition.

Watch the new Assassin’s Creed trailer after the jump. Read More »

assassin's creed clip

The 2016 edition of The Game Awards were held last night (Blizzard’s Overwatch was the big winner, for the record) and 20th Century Fox used this celebration of the best in video games to advertise Assassin’s Creed, their upcoming video game movie adaptation starring Michael Fassbender. This extended clip from the film was preaching to the choir last night, but it’s now arrived online, ready to win the hearts and minds of non-gamers looking for a big movie that will allow them to escape their family for two hours this holiday season.

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Assassin's Creed Featurette

This holiday season, Hollywood will get yet another attempt at proving they can turn a video game into a decent movie. Warcraft wasn’t the hit that Legendary Pictures hoped it would be, even if it was the most successful video game movie of all time, so now 20th Century Fox is hoping Assassin’s Creed can do the trick.

Michael Fassbender stars in the movie about a man who is hooked up to a machine called The Animus that allows a team of scientists to tap into the experiences of his ancestors. A new Assassin’s Creed featurette dives into the science of the machine’s genetic time travel and explains how the concept of the video game is being adapted into a movie. Read More »

assassin's creed clip

We’re less than a month away from the release of Assassin’s Creed and I can’t help but wonder if anyone outside of the faithful are prepared to lay down money to watch Michael Fassbender kind-of sort-of time travel into the distant past so he can stab people in the face. While these video games have a strong following (and a few of them have been genuinely great), I’ve yet to encounter any non-gamers who have greeted the trailers with anything more than a shrug. In a month where it has to battle the likes of Rogue One, Passengers, and Sing, Assassin’s Creed is far from a sure thing, even if it’s a good movie.

The first clip from the film has arrived and it shows off Fassbender and Marion Cotillard looking very intense in order to sell a potentially silly situation. Is this the kind of clip that 20th Century Fox’s marketing team thinks will get butts in seats? I have no idea. I just sit stand at the sidelines and shout at movie news all day.

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ubisoft netflix

Nobody outside of Netflix knows exactly how many people watch anything on everyone’s default streaming service, but the numbers are high enough for everyone involved to keep investing in original shows and movies. They’re also large enough to attract major talents. Netflix is responsible for an upcoming Will Smith movie. A Will Smith movie!

Which brings us to today’s little morsel of news: Ubisoft, the video game publisher responsible for its fair share of popular titles, is looking to get into the Netflix business. With a Ubisoft Netflix tv series possibly in the works, which video game property might they be looking at for a small screen tv show?

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Cool Posts From Around the Web:

assassin's creed stunts

We’re two months away from the release of Assassin’s Creed, the latest film that everyone is hoping will finally break the video game movie adaptation curse. A new featurette for the film has arrived, showcasing the film’s focus on practical effects and live stunts and Michael Fassbender stunt doubles doing parkour across ancient cities.

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