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Skins (TV Series 2007–2013) Poster


Episode List


Season 5

27 Jan. 2011
Loner Franky starts at Roundview and accidentally challenges Mini's position as Queen Bee. Mini plays the long game and Franky finds herself befriended by the girls. When she won't conform to what Mini expects of her she is spat out. Franky meets Matty, who understands and empowers her. Franky stands up to Mini, which inspires Grace to join her. A new gang is formed - Franky, Alo, Rich and Grace. Franky has finally found friends, but in doing so has started a war with Mini.
3 Feb. 2011
Rich uses his taste in extreme music to keep the world, especially girls, at bay. When Alo finds Rich's perfect woman, Rich is forced to into pairing up with Grace to learn how to chat up girls. But first she must learn the ways of metal to impersonate a practise metal chick. Rich continually pushes Grace away, refusing to believe a mainstream girl could understand him. He loses his hearing and learns about compromise. Rich allows Grace into his world, but has his heart broken when she puts Mini and Liv first.
10 Feb. 2011
Mini is under threat. When Grace brings Franky into the Charity Fashion Show, Mini sacks them both, and re-imagines the show in her own image to cement her power. Despite appearances, her relationship is also rocky - Nick can't wait forever for sex. As Mini struggles to maintain control, Liv acts out in the worst way possible - giving Nick what Mini failed to. Mini discovers but pretends it hasn't happened. Mini loses her virginity at the wrong time, with the wrong person and for all the wrong reasons.
17 Feb. 2011
Liv continues to sleep with Nick, unsure why. Mini befriends the gang to isolate Liv. Liv takes off. She meets a boy called Matty, and they take a day out of reality with no consequences or commitments. When they break the law they decide to run away together. Matty has a secret - he is Nick's estranged brother. After rejecting him, Liv acknowledges her need for a real relationship and takes a chance on a boy who no-one believes in. Liv admits her Nick affair to Mini, but Mini isn't ready to forgive. Matty and Nick are reunited, but Mini and Liv's friendship has ...
24 Feb. 2011
Nick is star of the school - he's hot, he's the son of a proud father, he's a rugby hero and he's got the perfect arm candy in Mini. But Matty's reappearance has unsettled Nick. As he watches his brother slip effortlessly into new friendships, old wounds are re-opened and Nick's game begins to suffer. Nick realises that everything he thought he wanted - rugby success, the approval of his father - is crushing him. He leaves all this behind, and puts his faith in Matty.
3 Mar. 2011
Alo has always lived on Creevey Farm, but lately the sins of the city call to him. Alo's out partying, getting fucked, in his continuous attempts to get laid. But his parents are fed up with having a useless son. They take Alo out of college and get him to buckle down on the farm. Alo rebels and has a party that ruins the farm, hoping this will show his parents that they can't keep him trapped there. When his dad is hospitalised, the most irresponsible boy on earth realises it's time to finally grow up.
10 Mar. 2011
Grace has always believed in fairytales and happy endings, but is forced to face reality. When Rich accidentally learns that David F-ing Blood is her father Grace has some explaining to do. Blood disapproves of Rich, and threatens to send her back to Mayberry's College for Young Ladies if her grades drop. Grace has to pass her drama exam, but with her relationship in turmoil and the whole gang at odds in her production of Twelfth Night, it's not looking likely. Grace manages to pull it off, but Blood goes back on his word, sending her to Mayberry's anyway. Rich ...
17 Mar. 2011
It's the day of Rich and Grace's wedding and the fractured gang try and make it a happy day but they're at each other's throats. When the van breaks down on the way to the church the gang split up. Everyone has to go through their own test to make it to the church on time. Grace and Rich question if marriage is really for them. Alo picks up the pieces when Nick wonders how he became such a stoned loser. Liv and Mini both lose the people they have put their trust in, when Matty and Franky choose each other. And Franky finally gives into her desires for Matty, but the ...

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