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IMDb > Debbie Edwards (Character)
Debbie Edwards
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Debbie Edwards (Character)
from The Searchers (1956)

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The Searchers -- As a Civil War veteran spends years searching for a young niece captured by Indians, his motivation becomes increasingly questionable.
The Searchers -- As a Civil War veteran spends years searching for a young niece captured by Indians, his motivation becomes increasingly questionable.

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Debbie provides the damsel in distress for 'The Searchers'... See more »
Alternate Names:
Younger Debbie Edwards


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  1. The Searchers (1956) Played by Natalie Wood / Lana Wood (as Younger Debbie Edwards)
Archive Footage:
  1. Images of Indians: How Hollywood Stereotyped the Native American (2003) (TV) Played by Natalie Wood
  2. A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (1995) (TV) Played by Natalie Wood
  3. Hollywood Mavericks (1990) Played by Natalie Wood

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From The Searchers (1956)
Martin: [speaking to Debbie for the first time in five years] Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, don't you remember? I'm Martin, I'm Martin, your brother, remember? Debbie, remember back.
Martin: [pause] Do you remember how I used to let you ride my horse? And tell you stories? Oh, don't you remember me, Debbie?
Debbie Edwards: I remember, from always. At first I prayed to you: "Come and get me, take me home." You didn't come.
Martin: But I've come now, Debbie.
Debbie Edwards: These are my people. Go. Go, Martin, please!
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