Curriculum Development for the “International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law” (IIJ)

Together with the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation (CGCC) and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), ICCT has been supporting the development of an International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law, which related to the work by the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF). The Institute is intended to serve as an international centre for excellence, resource and training, which is dedicated to strengthening law and justice institutions, interstate legal cooperation, and practitioner networks in the field of counter-terrorism.

Project Goals & Activities

ICCT’s work pertains to the development of a curriculum for the Institute, which will provisionally be established in Malta. To that effect, CGCC, ISS and ICCT conducted a six-month stakeholder consultation process. This process centred around two expert meetings: A first workshop was organised in Spring 2013 to explore innovative and practical approaches for the development of a curriculum. In summer, the three organisations convened a second expert meeting to follow up on the recommendations that arose from the first event, and to discuss opportunities, challenges, and next steps in supporting the Institute going forward.


As a result, CGCC, ISS and ICCT, together with the T.M.C. Asser Institute, wrote a report containing three guidance papers for the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law:

  • Leadership in Strengthening the Rule of Law: Guidance on the Role of Policymakers and Senior Officials in Justice and Security Development
  • Process of Curriculum and Training Development for Capacity Building in the Justice Sector: Methodology for Success
  • Immersive Training Scenario for Specialised Rule of Law Training

Read the Report.