Berlinale: Italy's True Colours Takes Sales
Courtesy True Colours

One year after making it’s EFM debut, Italian sales company True Colours is venturing into non-Italian movies by taking global sales on Brazilian helmer Fabio Meira’s “Two Irenes,” which world premieres in the Berlin Film Festival’s Generation program.

True Colours was launched last year by prominent companies Indigo Film and Lucky Red to boost the Italian film and TV industries and put the country back on the global content market map. It’s now dipping its toes in international waters with this first feature set during a sweltering Brazilian summer during which a 13-year-old named Irene discovers that her father has another family, and even another daughter with the same name.

Other True Colours EFM market premieres include Italian hit comedy “It’s The Law!,” by popular Sicilian duo Ficarra & Picone, that currently tops Italy’s box office chart, having grossed more than $9 million in four weeks; and social drama “Lucky” by Italian actor/director Sergio Castellitto, starring Jasmine Trinca (“Miele”) as a single mom struggling in Rome’s working class outskirts to open a hairdressing salon.

They will also be selling “Invisible Boy 2,” the second installment in the Italian superhero franchise directed by Gabriele Salvatores, among other titles.

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