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Robert Barone
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Robert Barone (Character)
from "Everybody Loves Raymond" (1996)

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Everybody Loves Raymond: Season 9: Episode 16 -- Ray is admitted to the hospital for minor surgery, but unexpectedly falls into a coma. The family experiences a number of heart-warming flashbacks.

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Robert Barone is the older brother of Ray Barone and the son of Frank and Marie Barone... See more »
Alternate Names:
Robert Charles Barone / Sgt. Robert Barone / Young Robert


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  1. "Everybody Loves Raymond"
    ... aka "Raymond" - USA (promotional abbreviation)
        - The Finale (2005) TV episode, Played by Brad Garrett
        - Pat's Secret (2005) TV episode, Played by Brad Garrett
        - The Power of No (2005) TV episode, Played by Brad Garrett
        - Sister-In-Law (2005) TV episode, Played by Brad Garrett
        - Tasteless Frank (2005) TV episode, Played by Brad Garrett
          (205 more)

  2. "The King of Queens"
        - Road Rayge (1998) TV episode, Played by Brad Garrett

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Fun Stuff

From "Everybody Loves Raymond: Dancing with Debra (#3.24)" (1999)
Ray Barone: Uh, you're lookin' pretty spiffy there, You got a hot date?
Robert Barone: Uh, nah. I was over at the Holiday Inn. They have swing dancin' on Thursdays.
Debra Barone: Oh, that sounds like fun.
Robert Barone: Oh, it could have been, but before you dance, you gotta get up the nerve to approach a strange woman. Before you do that, you gotta stop throwing up in the men's room.
Ray Barone: What are you so nervous about? You've been datin'.
Robert Barone: Yeah, but that's datin'. This is... dancin'.
Ray Barone: So?
Debra Barone: Oh, yeah. I know what he means. Dancing is different. You're very vulnerable.
Robert Barone: Yeah, it's a big risk asking someone if you can hold onto them for ten minutes.
Ray Barone: All I want is five, and I get, "Get off me, I'm sleepin'."
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