I [29F] found out my boyfriend [28M] of 1.5 years (on and off), cheated on me with a 19/F while we were long distance and now she's pregnant. by alyssa_kate in relationships

[–]LittleMissP [score hidden]  (0 children)

He was physically sick and super sorry after you caught him and he couldn't deny it any more. He's genuinely sorry you found out.

Advice please by getuptheyard in dementia

[–]LittleMissP 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Can you have him sit in the back and put the child safety locks on the doors? It'll at least prevent him jumping out.

Trolls, this is how we should refer to Donald Trump from now on by marzipen in TrollXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I saw a sign from the protests that said "Get fucked Wotsit Hitler". So he's wotsit hitler now.

How would you describe Reddit to a friend who has never heard of it? by Amg137 in AskReddit

[–]LittleMissP -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Much like Patton Oswalt described the USA after Trump was elected. More sexist than racist, and pretty fucking racist.

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Abortion should be freely available, easy to obtain and above all, rare. When the conversation is about limiting abortions, it should start with "how do we prevent the pregnancy occurring?" not "how do we force women to continue the pregnancy?" It is a very strange world where the leader of the free world wants to prevent women obtaining contraceptives, prevent safe abortions, and prevent children receiving healthcare. It's like the fucking Middle Ages.

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 8 points9 points  (0 children)

We get it. Women are the worst. This hasn't happened, but you want to believe women are basically evil and need punishing. I should have known better than to engage with you.

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 7 points8 points  (0 children)

In response to your edit, both CVS and amniocentesis are both dangerous to the pregnancy and generally not covered by insurance meaning that they're likely to be prohibitively expensive and you are more likely to miscarry a healthy baby due to the invasive tests than you are to have a positive response. Both of these facts you would be aware of, as a physician.

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I know right? I was sleeping like 16 hours a day, and throwing up every 30 min or so for the few hours I managed to stay conscious.

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Your nephew was born at 30 weeks and is now healthy because he was a healthy foetus. Had he had severe congenital abnormalities, to the point where the his mother had wanted to abort, he wouldn't have been able to survive. That's why someone aborts at 30 weeks, not because it's a Tuesday and there's nothing on tv.

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Are you suggesting there are women out there getting pregnant so they can abort at 23 weeks? You know that's insane don't you?

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 12 points13 points  (0 children)

An abortion at 39 weeks is called birth. I myself had an abortion at 36 weeks due to preeclampsia, she's currently teething and is a massive pain in my arse.

It is unreasonable for you to pass judgement on women seeking a late termination when you should be fully aware that abortions past 24 weeks are not because someone couldn't be bothered to use contraceptives, or get one earlier. The majority of abortions are carried out prior to 12 weeks, but with the restrictions currently being put in place to make it more difficult to obtain an abortion, along with the defunding of planned parenthood and repealing of the affordable care act and its birth control coverage, it's not surprising that women will need to have them later and later.

If you dislike abortions but think they should be legal and we should do things to prevent them, admit that you're pro-choice already. by hate_factories in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 24 points25 points  (0 children)

As a physician you will already be aware that no one decides to have a post 24 week abortion for shits and giggles. Abortion post 24 weeks is to save the mothers life, or because the foetus has abnormalities making it incompatible with life (still birth, short and painful life, or long and painful life). It's not "hmmm, still not decided if I want a baby or not" and characterising it that way makes you not very good at your job.

A Man Trying To Ban Abortions Is Asked A Question He Never Considered by [deleted] in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 56 points57 points  (0 children)

Adoption doesn't make you un-pregnant. Abortion is the alternative to being pregnant.

The #marchfortheunborn hashtag on FB has me like... by LurkingReligion in TrollXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 93 points94 points  (0 children)

Totally. I've also had guys on here telling me the same thing, and when I check their post history, it includes dead bedrooms. So we should have sex with them, but not if we don't want to get pregnant, nor should we expect to use birth control. The gaping holes in their logic, I could drive a bus through them and I lack spacial awareness.

The #marchfortheunborn hashtag on FB has me like... by LurkingReligion in TrollXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP 110 points111 points  (0 children)

I had someone telling me that I shouldn't have sex with my SO of 8 years because another pregnancy could kill me. Apparently I should keep my fanny to myself. Nothing like having your monogamous sex life dictated by a random guy on Facebook.

My [28M] gf [27F] of 1 yr refuses to repay her share of vacation costs: demands backpayment for rent by nvrmind88 in relationships

[–]LittleMissP 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It's bizarre to me that she has these restrictions on him at all. Why doesn't she allow certain people over? Has he pushed back on this at all? There's a lot of questions that need answers.

My [28M] gf [27F] of 1 yr refuses to repay her share of vacation costs: demands backpayment for rent by nvrmind88 in relationships

[–]LittleMissP 27 points28 points  (0 children)

It sounds like you're getting a good deal here, you're paying less for these vacations than you would have been paying in rent, am I reading that right? If you want to settle it all up, that's fine, she pays half the vacations, and you pay 6 months of back rent.

Me [49 M] with my wife [47 F]. Ex wife just died, not sure how to morn or why I feel the need to by Throwawayforthefunif in relationships

[–]LittleMissP 0 points1 point  (0 children)

She was still an important person in your life, even if she was an addict and an all around crappy person. It's ok to be sad for the loss of the person she was and the person she was before the drugs and that you'd hoped she could be again. It's ok to feel that way.

My (26F) boyfriend (35M) was in a bad mood and was much rougher than our usual vanilla during sex, leaving bruises and welts. Is this a red flag? by Redflagthrowaway8 in relationships

[–]LittleMissP 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I never once thought about hitting on her or anything like that.

He did hit her. He also choked her and didn't apologise when she told him that he'd left visible bruises where he'd hit her.

My (26F) boyfriend (35M) was in a bad mood and was much rougher than our usual vanilla during sex, leaving bruises and welts. Is this a red flag? by Redflagthrowaway8 in relationships

[–]LittleMissP 4 points5 points  (0 children)

A great partner 90% of the time is still shit to you at least half a day a week. That's a lot.

If my partner told me that I'd made them uncomfortable during sex and that I was too rough in a non consensual manner, I wouldn't reply "sorry, not sorry", I'd be devastated that I'd betrayed his trust and intimacy. You need to have a very serious and direct conversation. It's not ok for him to do this to you.

Fuck you always. by LittleMissP in TwoXChromosomes

[–]LittleMissP[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Maybe. I'll see if I can find one that I can take them to. I feel bad for giving them stealth scented sanitary items though.

Fucking bitch by hoodlumprincess in breakingmom

[–]LittleMissP 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I would need to be pulled off her. I had a similar birth story, and both of us nearly died. Anyone who said that to me would be taking her teeth home in a bag.