Why won't Reddit let me submit a new post? by pickypops in help

[–]jaxspider 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In your case, you're clearly not posting enough. You really need to participate daily. Just try again in a few seconds / a minute. If you still are having issues, contact a mod from the subreddit you are posting in to see if its something else.

Abstract Pistons [1920x1080][OC] by TheYank17 in wallpapers

[–]jaxspider 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Normally I don't comment as much as I used to, but seeing how for some reason NO ONE commented. Thats a shame really.

I just wanted to mention how fantastic this turned out. From the color selection, to the weirdly shaped pistons. Its all works flawlessly. I'm using it as my wallpaper right now. Please continue making sexy wallpapers like this. Going to browse your history to see if I can find more quality stuff like this.

After going through your history, I liked a few of your older stuff. Cubes, yo!, No title #8, Eroded Moon & Playing with geometry have a great vibe to them. Would love to see you revisit them and maybe revamp them for static wallpaper purposes.

One of the moderators.. by ahappymistake in Naruto

[–]jaxspider 2 points3 points  (0 children)

/r/Rule34 is the only nsfw sub I mod, and even that one, I have found 2 talented mods to take care of it.

One of the moderators.. by ahappymistake in Naruto

[–]jaxspider 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Before reddit I was originally on DeviantArt. And I can tell you from experience I know talent when I see it. And you've got it. If you practice daily I guarantee you, you'll become amazing in no time.

Why have so many people deleted accounts over this case? by unsomnambulist in Sherri_Papini

[–]jaxspider -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Why was I summoned? I modded a lot of subreddit because I...

  1. Had free time.
  2. Got bored simply browsing reddit.
  3. Wanted to give back to the communities I enjoyed visiting.

Please keep me out of your juvenile conspiracy theories. I'm not interested in this kind of nonsense.

One of the moderators.. by ahappymistake in Naruto

[–]jaxspider 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Full disclaimer, I'm not the creator, Just the guy who was left with the keys to the Lamborghini.

Reboot Itachi. Let me know what you think! by Link2Time in Naruto

[–]jaxspider 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I like how you slimmed him down. Although the design is too similar to the original style. Maybe he is wearing different clothes underneath?

Really wish you did something different with the shoes/feet.

Uzumaki Naruto from my reboot fan manga in color. Let me know what you think! by Link2Time in Naruto

[–]jaxspider 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Man this is great. I really hope you are also posting this to deviantart. Trust me you should post these over there as well. You have great potential. And that place will only make you better... and a furry. But better none the less hahahaha.

Team 7 from my manga reboot, reNARUTO. Let me know what you think! by Link2Time in Naruto

[–]jaxspider 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I just saw your comment in the other thread so I'm going through your history now...

This is fantastic. I love the 3 little ninjas. Kakashi's new haircut is much welcomed. I need more of this style!

One of the moderators.. by ahappymistake in Naruto

[–]jaxspider[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

As Hokage of this subreddit, I watch everything unfold from the shadows. Protecting this subreddit from the unseen evils of /r/dankruto.

In all seriousness, I have a full time job that takes 12 hours of my life (9 hours job + 3 hour commute). Recently my mother broke her arm so I am taking care of her as well. So there goes 95% of my day. Reddit is on the backburner until things calm down.

If you ever need to contact me personally you can always summon me like /u/9thHokageHimawari & /u/Link2Time just did in this thread. And I will try my best to reply / help you accordingly.

My Grandma when she was 19 (1960s) by Death_Machine_ in OldSchoolCool

[–]jaxspider 0 points1 point  (0 children)

As long as its someone's grandma, its A-Okay to whore out.

[Discussion Thread] Take a look at the revised SFWPorn Network menu on EarthPorn. Let's talk about whether this works for everyone. by soupyhands in PornOverlords

[–]jaxspider 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I bet you if we asked an admin (who knew the answer) they'd tell you above 70% of mobile users don't even know there IS a desktop version let alone use it as their main preference.

/u/sodypop /u/redtaboo Is there some way you can confirm or deny this statement? :D

[Discussion Thread] Take a look at the revised SFWPorn Network menu on EarthPorn. Let's talk about whether this works for everyone. by soupyhands in PornOverlords

[–]jaxspider 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Anything you're doing regarding CSS only effects users with desktops/laptops or mobile users who specifically browse the "desktop" version of the subreddit. Mobile users don't see any of our CSS layout. They see a basic background banner and the snoo we set in /about/edit. Everything thing else uses reddit's own "mobile" CSS that we can't edit.

This is what mobile users see m.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn

So whatever you think you're doing for mobile users... is futile.

I'll take a look at your see subreddits when I get home since my work computer is complete shit.

[Discussion Thread] Take a look at the revised SFWPorn Network menu on EarthPorn. Let's talk about whether this works for everyone. by soupyhands in PornOverlords

[–]jaxspider -1 points0 points  (0 children)

With 3 lines of code you could also add it into the sidebar. And it wouldn't look cluttered at all.

I do like it as it is now.

What is your thought on a complete CSS overhaul? We haven't done it since the beginning, Its been a long time coming.

Congratulations, /r/MagicTCG! You are Subreddit of the Day! by SROTDroid in magicTCG

[–]jaxspider 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You only have your predecessors to blame. This is why we can't have nice things / karma.