Let's talk: Mark Eitzel and American Music Club! by Pleasant_Jim in LetsTalkMusic

[–]justmikeandshit[M] [score hidden]  (0 children)

You really put a lot effort to this. I don't have enough time to get into it right now but I just wanted to say thank you.

Elephant rifle with ridiculous recoil by shzt in videos

[–]justmikeandshit 12 points13 points  (0 children)

the length of his shorts also allows for greater stability.

Los Angeles daily discussion thread 1/26/17 by barbehque in LosAngeles

[–]justmikeandshit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah it's gonna be low 30s at night but we've got enough stuff to keep warm. I hope.

Los Angeles daily discussion thread 1/26/17 by barbehque in LosAngeles

[–]justmikeandshit 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Going camping this weekend somewhere near Barstow. We leave tomorrow morning and come back Sunday. I've never had to shit in a hole before so this should be interesting.

Ricky Gervais completely freaks out while watching David Blaine perform a mentally insane "trick". by Walopoh in videos

[–]justmikeandshit 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I hate that he constantly repeats "see how it really looks" but that's probably just to help him get through the piercing as well as emphasize that it may or may not be real. Fuckin David Blaine man. Now I'm gonna spend the next few hours watching his videos.

What are you smoking plans for the Super Bowl? by justmikeandshit in smoking

[–]justmikeandshit[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

haha you don't sound too excited. I'm sure you can get something good out of it. I've never smoked a chicken before so I wouldn't know.

Lived here for over 10 years and I am stumped. by djolliebaba in LosAngeles

[–]justmikeandshit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Have a few ideas and then ask him what he wants to do, if anything. Since you describe him as a reserved, loner type that lives on top of a mountain, he might not want to do really anything. I wish I could live on the top of a mountain.

If anything, just drive around, eat some food, check out nice views. 6-8 hours goes by quick when you don't make a plan.

Could this be a reunion / nostalgia act for this year? by avasco89 in FYFFest

[–]justmikeandshit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Maybe but I doubt it. If they did, they definitely would be mid-bill. They played ChainFest in September last year. They closed so they played after Circa Survive and Underoath so by the time Coheed came on, it felt like alot of people had already started to leave.

I'm still hoping for Slowdive.

Los Angeles daily discussion thread 1/24/17 by barbehque in LosAngeles

[–]justmikeandshit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same. Except for me the totem pole is all the way over there and I'm at the bottom of a hole someone just took a shit in and covered up with dirt.

2017 Predictions by no-fe in DesertDaze

[–]justmikeandshit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah I think it could really go anywhere at this point. It's just so early in the year to try to think about. FYF hasn't released their lineup yet either.

J&MC is a possibily for FYF I think too. Same with Spiritualized. Ariel Pink for Desert Daze would be really cool.

Podcast music discussion: Starting a dialogue by HarryTLW in LetsTalkMusic

[–]justmikeandshit[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hi HarryTLW, thanks for submitting to /r/letstalkmusic!

However, your submission, Podcast music discussion: Starting a dialogue, has been removed because you have violated one of our rules, which can be located in the sidebar.

  • Posts that, intentionally or not, invite list-like responses or say "check out this song/band" will be removed. Please try to formulate your post with this in mind. Please check the sidebar and wiki for some suggested subreddits to post this in.

Often times a post will be removed because it is more suitable for the Weekly General Discussion Thread. You can always copy and paste your post in there.

You can see a detailed breakdown of the reasoning behind each rule in our wiki.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message.

Have a nice day!

Which camera is the best? by Semml13_12_2015 in wigglegrams

[–]justmikeandshit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

There's really only 2 cameras to get. The Nimslo 3D or Nishika N8000/N9000 35 mm cameras. I have the N8000. Check ebay or craiglist and you'll definitely find some. I bought a Nishika N8000 camera, flash, vhs tape a few years ago for pretty cheap. Just keep looking and you'll stumble upon a good price.

The film will depend on how much you want to spend and your experience using 35mm. Go for the cheapest at first to get a hang of it then move up. You'd have to pay for developing as well and possibly printing/scanning if you don't have a scanner yourself.

Once they're scanned, then you use photoshop to great the gif.

The outcome will depend on quality of the photo itself as well as the perspective you shot at. It just takes practice.

[For Sale] Arcade games by 405freeway in LAlist

[–]justmikeandshit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can't wait.

If anything the Simpson arcade is worth it.