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The most awkward on-air radio clash happened last night. Here's how it went down.

Mamamia logo Mamamia 1 day ago Katy Hall
'No, it's our show. Well, look, if it's your show how about you do it without me.' © Facebook / The Bolt Report 'No, it's our show. Well, look, if it's your show how about you do it without me.'

There are few things more awkward in life than listening to a bickering couple, but such was the experience for listeners tuning into Monday’s edition of Nights on radio’s 2GB who endured over half an hour of bickering between conservative co-hosts Miranda Devine and Andrew Bolt.

“For Christ’s sake Miranda, if you give me a question I’ll answer it and if you keep interrupting me I’m afraid I’m going to hang up,” Bolt said at one of the more heated points in their 45-minute-long show.

'Well don't dictate to me what we do.' © Facebook / Miranda Devine 'Well don't dictate to me what we do.' Discussing South Australian senator Cory Bernardi’s break with the Liberal Party and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s prospects at winning the next election, things got hairy between the two relatively quickly.

The first crack began when Bolt sniped at Devine, "Can I just finish a point before you tell me I'm wrong? How about I make my point and then tell me I'm wrong instead of telling me I'm wrong before I've actually made it. That might be helpful."

Minutes later, things had hardly improved, with Bolt accusing Devine of subscribing him to "a view that I don't hold," and telling the Daily Telegraph columnist, "You are misinterpreting what I'm trying to tell you."

After several minutes of speaking over one another, Bolt finally said, "For Christ's sake Miranda, if you give me a question I'll answer it and if you keep interrupting me I'm afraid I'm going to hang up."

Devine, who is hosting the show with Bolt while regular host Steve Price is taking part in Channel 10's I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, replied, "oh Andrew, don't do this. We've got five weeks; we have to get on," a prospect Bolt swiftly described as a "living hell".

"It has to work like this," Bolt then ordered.  "You ask me a question, I give an answer, you can agree with me or you can't agree with me but please don't interrupt half way while I'm doing it."

It was around this time that the awkward factor really went up a degree, and like all public arguments, it was time to decide if this was a fight you were in or out for.

Those who opted to remain in were then treated to a truly uncomfortable back-and-forth.

Devine: Well, Andrew this is my show, so you don't dictate to me what I do.

Bolt: No, it's our show. Well, look, if it's your show how about you do it without me.

Devine: Is that what you want to do?

Bolt: I think it is if you're going to go on like this.

Divine: Well don't dictate to me what we do.

Despite the drawn-out feud, both Devine and Bolt remained on-air for the remainder of the show and are set to return to the airwaves on Tuesday.

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