/r/EasternSunRising brigades a video of an Asian-American woman's commencement speech because she talked about pollution in China by _Anon_A_Moose in AgainstHateSubreddits

[–]freePatrick91425115 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You are a bigoted cis-gendered Asian man, I am a gay Jewish man who supports human rights and minorities as well as the LGBT community. You are a waste of my clean Besançon Air ;).

/r/EasternSunRising brigades a video of an Asian-American woman's commencement speech because she talked about pollution in China by _Anon_A_Moose in AgainstHateSubreddits

[–]freePatrick91425115 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I'm a gay Jewish man, I believe everyone is attractive. White males, Asian males, black males, Jewish males, Muslim males, and Hindu males. It is abhorrent what you are saying.

Well, that's one of the dumbest comics I've seen this decade by MairusuPawa in AgainstHateSubreddits

[–]freePatrick91425115 84 points85 points  (0 children)

You can see their comments here


It's quite sad to see how the pinnacle of these people are just sitting around blaming Jews for all their woes. It is rare for these alt-right to actually be the ideal type that they are promoting. Most are obese and angry, with nothing to contribute but negativity. The message I got from the comic is that women are suppose to be happy being a baby making machine and should know her place. Ideally, no woman acts like this, and this is what an alt-right male imagination of what they want. Too bad if you try to discipline an alt-right male, he wouldn't last long and would just resort to shitposting on the Internet.