Silence an accomplice to migrant crime on women in Sweden by Infinity_Engine in uncensorednews

[–]Infinity_Engine[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Well, the globalists have hijacked the movement and corrupted it into something that fits their agenda, and feminists seem pretty happy about it.

Cultural marxism brainwashes weak minds into believing the most sick and crasy shit, like islam and sharia is okay.

When you see a muslim as the leader of a women's march and advocate for sharia, you know feminists have jumped the shark.

Conspiracy of silence and self-censorship by militant feminists to bury the truth about crimes against women in Sweden by muslim migrants. by Infinity_Engine in POLITIC

[–]Infinity_Engine[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, keep being blind and ignorant, reality will eat you up sooner or later. I do not care about naive idiots like you. You will defend evil, just to virtue signal. You are disgusting.