2nd Update with cold open video. 1st Update Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer? Check out the evidence below. Previous Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump shared Saturday Night Live‘s cold open with a Death-garbed Steve Bannon – Mikey Day beneath the skeleton mask, maybe? – in a sort of round-robin argument with world leaders. “Steve,” Baldwin’s Trump said, “maybe I should stop?” (Watch it above).

“Or maybe you should call Germany,” Bannon shot back.

Tonight, Baldwin was joined by SNL cast members taking on the roles of various world leaders – Kate McKinnon as Germany’s Angela Merkel, Alex Moffat as Mexico’s Enrique Pena Nieto, Kenan Thompson as a leader of Zimbabwe
and Beck Bennett ditching his usual Putin for Australia’s Malcolm Turnbull.

Sample dialogue: “Everyone loves it,” said Trump to Turnbull about his travel ban. “I had to do it because of that huge massacre at Bowling Green.” Oh, and the (not really) massacred are lucky to not have to “see how bad Celebrity Apprentice is.”

Or to Merkel: “Last week was Holocaust Remembrance Day and as you know six million people…were at my inauguration.”

SNL even managed to work in a reference to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s supposed practice of not working on weekends in keeping with Orthodox Jewish strictures. Said Baldwin’s Trump to the Dr. Death Bannon: “When the Jews are away, the goys will play.”

Tonight’s episode is hosted by Kristen Stewart, who scored a little controversy of her own.

Here’s a bit of the cold open:

And now, from New York, it’s Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer: