Why I Marched

Rabbi Elyse Frishman Senior Rabbi of Barnert Temple and Board Member with AJWS
Jeff Zorabedian

I Am No Better Than Dylann Roof

Jonathan Walton Jonathan is a professional husband, Baba and InterVarsity's Ne...

A Muslim's Advice To American Christians

Kerry Walters Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Gettysburg College; Catholic...

A Man Felt Threatened By My Book Written In Arabic

Hajer Sharief Co-founder of Together we build it organisation, member of the...

The Little-Known Story Of The Islamic Christmas Tree

Mariam Sheikh Hakim Media & communications consultant; writer on faith, gender and...
Mariam Hakim 2016

Resistance As An Act Of Love

Paul Brandeis Raushenbush Former Executive Editor Of Global Spirituality and Religion, T...
Getty Images

What It's Like To Wake Up Muslim In Trump's America

Ziad Ahmed Teen Activist, Founder of Redefy, CVO of JÜV Consulting, TEDx ...

"Cafeteria Catholics" Are in Good Company

Celia Wexler Catholic feminist, journalist, former public interest lobbyist
Southern Stock

Why Donald Trump Is Winning Over Many American Hindus

The Conversation Global The Conversation is a collaboration between editors and academ...
AFP/Getty Images

Authentic Worship -- Glimpsing The Truth Of God

Paul Anderson Professor of Biblical and Quaker Studies, George Fox University
Paul N. Anderson

The Progressive Gap

Christina Forrester Founder and Director of Christian Democrats of America and Chr...
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