Dr. Edward T. Vieira, Jr. Author of Evaluating Organization Development

Dr. Edward T. Vieira, Jr.

Professor of Marketing & Statistics, School of Business
Simmons University

Dr. Vieira is professor of marketing and statistics at the School of Business, Simmons University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He serves on the Simmons’ Institutional Review Board, the Promotion and Tenure Committee, and a number of ad hoc committees. He also is on seven peer-review journal editorial boards focusing on study design and quantitative methodologies. Dr. Vieira has 35 peer-review publications and 40 conference papers.


Dr. Edward T. Vieira, Jr. earned his M.B.A. from Bryant University and his Ph.D. in Marketing Communication with an emphasis on quantitative methods from the University of Connecticut. Currently, he is a professor at the School of Business at Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He serves on the Simmons’ Institutional Review Board, the Promotion and Tenure Committee, and a number of ad hoc committees.

Professor Vieira teaches various undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics, quantitative research design and methods, public relations, integrated marketing communication, and consumer psychology and online behavior. He has also lectured at Boston University, Suffolk University, the University of New Hampshire, the University of Hartford, and other educational institutions.

His teaching methods for his quantitative analysis course are innovative involving less manual calculation of the numbers, but an emphasis on 1) accurate identification of the analysis goal, 2) optimal sampling techniques, 3) selection of appropriate statistical tools, 3) interpretation of results, and 4) results reporting in two formats, one for the technical audience and the other for the lay-person audience. When asked about his pedagogical approach, he points point that one does not need to hold electrical and mechanical engineering degrees in order to derive the benefits from automobile ownership and driving. The same holds true for producers and consumers of most quantitative research.

He is on seven peer-review journal editorial boards focusing on study design and quantitative methodologies. Dr. Vieira has 35 peer-review publications, 40 conference papers, and numerous consulting project publications. His research interests involve corporate social responsibility and the innovative deployment of statistical methodologies.

Areas of Research / Professional Expertise

    Currently, Dr. Vieira is developing an approach for conducting text content analysis using text network analysis (TNA). Through the usage of communication network principles, TNA measures combine the message and receiver perspectives by examining not only word co-occurrences, but co-occurrences in sentence and paragraph structures so that larger linked clusters of meaning or themes can be discovered and the connections and strength of these themes can be studied to determine overall motifs. Once TNA is conducted, the results can be interpreted and analyzed using a plethora of statistical procedures including regression analysis and structural equation modeling. The applications can be used to pretest messages, analyze various organizational reports, analyze transcripts, and so forth as well as be integrated with big data techniques in order to assess large amounts of online content.

Personal Interests

    In his spare time, Ed writes children’s stories inspired by the surroundings near his home in Maine, USA.



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 Featured Title - Public Relations Planning: Vieira - 1st Edition book cover


Ed Vieira Appointed to York Hospital Board of Trustees

By: Dr. Edward T. Vieira, Jr.
Subjects: Health and Social Care, Other

I accepted a board member position at York Hospital in Maine because the organization provides exceptional care to patients and their families. The Hospital's healthcare providers are thoughtful, kind, and compassionate. Moreover, the Hospital serves many community stakeholders in various capacities because these are the groups who will judge of how well the Hospital listens, responds, and cares for people.

Professor Vieira Inducted into Two Honor Societies

By: Dr. Edward T. Vieira, Jr.
Subjects: Business, Management and Accounting

On May 6, 2019, Dr. Vieira was inducted into the International Business Honor Society's Beta Gamma Sigma for his contribution to business education and scholarship. He was also inducted into the American Marketing Association's Alpha Mu Alpha Honor Society for his teaching and marketing research excellence.

My First Children's Picture Book

By: Dr. Edward T. Vieira, Jr.
Subjects: Literature

In What’s Your Favorite Season? two friends, Windy Wind and Nimbus Cloud, go on an adventure to find out what’s the best season by asking many “residents” of the forest in Maine. What they find is more than they can handle. In the end however, they meet the challenge and learn that all seasons offer something for everyone. Kaitlyn Ripaldi created outstanding illustrations that capture the essence of the characters adding to the enjoyment of reading this tale.

 “I’ve been thinking about this story for over 25 years and excited about its publication. What’s Your Favorite Season? addresses some of life’s challenging issues in subtle and not so subtle ways, thus exposing the reader to the various topics and allowing the reader to draw her/his own conclusions. Having studied children’s reading comprehension and engagement for many years, the illustrations with the text help facilitate reading engagement by providing context and creative possibilities in a child’s mind,” said Vieira.

Ed Vieira earned his Ph.D. in Marketing and Quantitative Methods from the University of Connecticut. His dissertation was on children’s emotional and cognitive reading comprehension and involvement.

The digital version of the book is interactive providing additional information and engaging young readers through questions and additional related content that inspire further exploration about the book topics.

The book is available on Kindle and in hardcopy through Amazon and other bookstore retailers and distributors.

Ed resides with his family in South Berwick, Maine.


Public Relations Planning A Strategic Approach

Published: Sep 29, 2018

Recommended by the International Public Relations Association, Public Relations Planning: A Strategic Approach is a comprehensive resource for teaching and learning public relations.

Introduction to Real-World Statistics Using SPSS

Published: Sep 29, 2018

Introduction to Real World Statistics is a new user-friendly guide to understanding statistics. My goal was to build a foundation of understanding so that the reader doesn’t become lost in statistical formulas and jargon and lose interest in the subject. I spent three years writing this book so that I can give readers an opportunity to learn and use statistical tools to address real world challenges.

What's Your Favorite Season?

Published: Sep 29, 2018

I wrote the children's tale, What’s Your Favorite Season?, illustrated by my former Simmons University graphic design student, Kaitlyn Ripaldi.

Public Relations Roles in the USA

Published: Jan 29, 2017

Accompanies: Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2014). Defining Public Relations Roles in the U.S.A. Using Cluster Analysis. Public Relations Review, 40, 60-68.

The Aggressive Personality

Published: Jan 29, 2017

Accompanies: Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2013). Aggressive Personality. In M. E. Eastin, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Media Violence. Thousand Oaks, C.A.: Sage Publications.

Girls and Prosocial Video Gaming

Published: Jan 29, 2017

Accompanies: Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2014). The Relationships Among Girls' Prosocial Video Gaming, Perspective-taking, Sympathy, and Thoughts About Violence. Communication Research, 41(7), 892-912. First published online before print as DOI: 10.1177/0093650211463049.