#ReadMyResearch Politics & International Relations

Keep up to date with the latest trending topics in Politics, International Relations and Strategic Studies.

With the use of Altmetrics, the alternative to traditional citation impact metrics, we have gathered the top scoring articles* from our Politics, IR and Strategic Studies journals. These have been collated into one useful collection of articles that highlight the most popular topics within the field, as shared by you on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other websites. Keep the discussion of these salient topics flowing by reading the articles below and letting us know your thoughts on Twitter at @Rout_PoliticsIR and @RStrategic.

Read the following articles for free until the end of 2016 and bookmark this page to see 2016's top scoring articles as they are collated.

*Top article data based on papers published between December 2014 and October 2015.

Top 10


International Relations

Strategic Studies