On the eve of becoming the 45th President of the United States/most powerful person on the planet, Donald Trump kept complaining about the press, and reliving Election Night.

“I made a speech tonight at the Lincoln Memorial, in front of all of those people, and all of those live television cameras – I can’t stand them,” Trump said tonight at an inaugural dinner with campaign donors.

“But, actually a couple of them are starting to get honest,” he said. “I thought it was a very good speech. And so, instead of saying it was a good speech, they’re saying: ‘It doesn’t matter tonight. How will he do tomorrow?’ They never give you credit!

“But tomorrow, we have a speech, probably around 12 o’clock. It may rain; it may not rain. I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. The truth is, if it really pours, that’s OK because people will realize it’s my real hair and that’s OK.”

Seeing campaign manager Kellyanne Conway at one of the dinner tables, Trump enthused, “There is no den she will not go into. When my men are petrified to go on a certain network, I say ‘Kellyanne, will you do it?’ … Then she gets on and she just destroys them.”