Acct (protocol)

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The acct URI scheme is a proposed internet standard published by the Internet Engineers Task Force, defined by RFC 7565. The purpose of the scheme is to identify, rather than interact, with user accounts hosted by a service provider.[1] This scheme differs from the DNS name which specifies the service provider.[2]

The acct URI was intended to be the single URI scheme that would return information about a person (or possibly a thing) that holds an account at a given domain.[3]


  1. ^ "Making the Case for a New 'acct' URI Scheme". Retrieved 12 October 2014. 
  2. ^ Saint-Andre, Peter (May 2015). The 'acct' URI Scheme. Acknowledgements to WebFinger and RFC 7033 authors et al. in section "Acknowledgements", page 8. IETF. doi:10.17487/RFC7565. RFC 7565. Retrieved 2016-10-23. 
  3. ^ "May 2012 W3 List Archive". Retrieved 12 October 2014. 

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