KGB chief linked to Trump file found dead by wurstfinga in politics

[–]Jacob_wallace [score hidden]  (0 children)

Conspiracy theories were way more fun with Bush. I think Obama simply attracted a wave of racist white supremacist theorists. Now that the racists finally got exactly what they want, they'll lose interest and the next wave will come back. And it'll be like old times.

KGB chief linked to Trump file found dead by wurstfinga in politics

[–]Jacob_wallace [score hidden]  (0 children)

It's funny. I actually had to unsubscribe from a lot of conspiracy groups because they all turned into Trump ass kissers.

I think it's because Hillary was the political insider and the perception was that she was the predetermined winner while Trump was the underdog getting beaten by the system. Nobody actually expected him to win. Now that he has, I guess they see him as their savior. Instead of reevaluating, they've adopted that Trump is still the good guy and swallow his racist and hateful rhetoric without question.

I think it's also the first time a conspiracy theory has been proven 100% wrong and they just don't know what to do. Every other conspiracy theory, there's a sliver or you can manipulate evidence. But not this time. Trump was supposed to lose and then he didn't.

Ironic that people who believe anything spoken by Alex Jones have the nerve to call others sheep.

I'm depressed and confused after lots of research, please help by Skylunker in exchristian

[–]Jacob_wallace 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I went through something similar. I'm no longer Christian, but I still believe in the supernatural. In short, just because ghosts and such are real doesn't make the Bible true.

I think the power may be in each of us. That's why all religions experience miracles. It's hard to explain if you're not already familiar with the concept. Basically, God is infinite and inside each of us and everybody experiences God in a different way.

I don't understand Christians that have sex by Jacob_wallace in exchristian

[–]Jacob_wallace[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Oral can still be used for foreplay. My wife would always suck me a little right before I pounded her pussy. I'd beat her ass till she turned red and had trouble sitting the next day. I'd push her against the wall and fuck her standing up. We did everything normal married couple would do.

Except anal, but that was more her not liking it than religion. And she thought it was weird I wanted her to get a strap-on. Still haven't done the strap on. But I stuck it in her ass this Christmas. It was glorious. Can't wait till she agrees to let me do it again.

Wow, Judas, you must've been really sorry if you killed yourself twice by Jumped_theLeftShark in exchristian

[–]Jacob_wallace 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I remember getting into a conversion with a Christian who insisted that the century or so of oral tradition of the Bible kept it even more accurate than the written version. I forget what fucked up logic he used to explain this, but regardless, such a claim is proven false. We have four books detailing the same events. If the oral tradition was as impervious as he made it sound, there wouldn't be such blatant contradictions.

First World Problems in Skyrim. by gomardi in gaming

[–]Jacob_wallace 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, money is useless after you've exhausted all the trainers. But then, it just feels wrong to leave all that juicy loot behind.

well that's embarrassing by mrbitterguy in AdviceAnimals

[–]Jacob_wallace 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Her? checks profile damn no gonewild posts.

Death Valley National Park Joins Resistance And Starts Tweeting About Japanese Internment Camps by AmericanDerp in politics

[–]Jacob_wallace -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's definitely a douchebag move. But if he went to court, I could definitely see him getting off because he didn't do anything overtly illegal.

The school administration experienced this. by Raven1585 in AdviceAnimals

[–]Jacob_wallace 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I knew it was a joke. I was trying to get a Reddit joke chain going.

You were supposed to say the family business was casting couch or something.

One or a few scientists at NASA appear to have started a rogue Twitter account! by aooot in space

[–]Jacob_wallace 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Unlikely. People are so brainwashed to follow this guy, I honestly can't even think of what he would do that would be so bad they'd impeach him for it.

Death Valley National Park Joins Resistance And Starts Tweeting About Japanese Internment Camps by AmericanDerp in politics

[–]Jacob_wallace -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

That's debatable actually. He never forced her to do anything. She consented to the act. Sure, he deceived her about his identity, but then you'd have to say any man who uses deception to get sex is a rapist.

One or a few scientists at NASA appear to have started a rogue Twitter account! by aooot in space

[–]Jacob_wallace 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Except they're blocking facts about climate change. If that hurts your politic view, then your views are wrong plain and simple.

What are your thoughts on Trump’s presidency? by OfficiallyRelevant in exchristian

[–]Jacob_wallace 14 points15 points  (0 children)

When he got elected, I told myself I'd reserve judgement and give him a chance. I gave him a chance, it's been five days and he's every bit the piece of trash I thought he'd be before my optimism. It's been five days and already he's a fucking nightmare by cutting good programs. He put a gag order on scientists, which is outright tyrannical. That's probably the outright worst part. Then there's the circus he has for his cabinet. And his VP says he can't wait to put God back in the White House.

Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck anybody who supports him. I've never seen a politician so overtly bad and it's only been five days. It's not even about politics conservative vs liberal anymore. He's a tyrant.