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Email Alerts include the following

  1. 1
    Pilot Pick Up alerts notify users when a network or distributor greenlights, or decides to produce a pilot episode. Emails are sent out in real time as decisions are made at the broadcast and cable networks. Alerts are delivered throughout the year and give subscribers a strong, competitive edge in staffing, production and sales efforts. Staying on top of the latest pilot news is every executive, agent, and producer's best way of building future opportunities in TV.
    Click here to see a sample pilot pick up alert
  2. 2
    Series Pick Up alerts notify users in real time when a network or distributor picks up a pilot to series. The importance of knowing about new programming cannot be overstated. Series television counts for the vast majority of primetime programming and represents important business opportunities for executives, agents, producers and vendors. Time is of the essence when trying to get a client staffed or hired - find out first about new series with series pick up alerts.
    Click here to see a sample pilot pick up alert.
  3. 3
    Movers & Shakers alerts is one of Variety Insight's most popular services that detail all the promotions and new hires across the entertainment business each week. With movers & shakers alerts you'll be able to build meaningful business relationships with your colleagues who are on the fast track in entertainment by being the first to know who's been promoted or newly hired.
    Click here to see a sample series pick up alert.
  4. 4
    Weekly Feature Film Roundup alerts recap the box office grosses for the previous weekend and track the latest development projects from the top-grossing filmmakers. As the business of TV and film becomes more interconnected it's imperative to know what's happening in both arenas. Not only do you get breaking pilot and series information with email alerts, but you also receive the hottest feature film news making sure you're fully informed about opportunities industry wide.
    Click here to see a sample movers & shakers alert.
  5. 5
    Weekly Broadcast Roundup alerts give you the most buzz worthy development and production news at ABC, CBS, the CW, FOX and NBC each week. Don't spend hours reading multiple publications and blogs when you can learn about the hottest projects and programming in a few minutes each week! This weekly email includes a ratings recap of the top twenty series and shows, as well as the hottest broadcast network development and programming news.
    Click here to see a sample weekly feature film round up alert.
  6. 6
    Like its Broadcast Roundup counterpart, the Weekly Cable Roundup alert covers the latest cable ratings and the most buzz worthy development and programming news in cable television. Save time and stay on top of the leading 75 cable networks that produce original programming by reading this email once a week.
    Click here to see a sample weekly broadcast round up alert.
  7. 7
    The Weekly Digital Roundup details the online ratings that content creators are receiving on a week-to-week basis. With the evolution of the entertainment industry and the advent of new digital distribution methods, it is vital to know who the leaders are in this space.
    Click here to see a sample weekly digital round up alert.
  8. 8
    Week in Preview alerts cover a full schedule of feature film releases, as well as TV premieres, finales and specials for the upcoming week. Never miss the next big hit in film or TV by being sure to read this email every Friday morning!
    Click here to see a sample weekly cable round up alert.
  9. 9
    Unscripted TV and Series Renewal Roundup Email Alerts summarize what's happened each week in alternative series pickups, series renewals, additional episode orders and episodic milestones. Get the exact details on when and why series are renewed, and find out what's coming down the pike in the world of reality, game shows, talk, variety, sketch, hybrid, animation, late night and more. The roundup also alerts you when all scripted and alternative series orders are expanded, and spotlights when all shows hit their 100th, 200th, 300th episode and beyond. Subscribe to this alert and you'll never miss a renewal, milestone or pick up in unscripted TV!
    Click here to see a sample week in preview alert.
  10. 10
    Greenlit Film alerts notify subscribers whenever a studio has given the go-ahead for a project to be moved into production. This is valuable information and being the first to know about these decisions can really make an impact on one's business.
    Click here to see a sample greenlit film alert.
  11. 11
    The Vscore Trending actors alert is powered by our proprietary algorithm that gathers data surrounding an actor's social media presence, prior TV and Film performances, awards and nominations, and attachment to upcoming projects to give them a score between 1-100. The actors and actresses who have experienced the greatest increases in their scores over the course of a week will be included in this alert along with the exact change in their score.
    Click here to see a sample vscore trending actors alert.

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  • Variety Insight was the only reliable May Screenings tool Sony Pictures International Television had to prepare its 15 program buyers covering 60+ countries. The information was thorough, accurate and extremely user-friendly. We never entered a screening room without it!
    Marie Jacobson, Executive Vice President, Programming and Production, Networks, Sony Pictures International Television
  • Nobody tracks more television series development than Variety Insight. If you need to know what the networks or studios are developing they're one of the best values out there. I fully recommend Variety Insight to anyone who is truly serious about working in television.
    Danielle Gelber, Principal/ Executive Producer, Danielle Gelber Productions
  • Variety Insight is my one-stop shop for all my television research. I build my phone sheet from their list of executive's phone numbers, prepare for meetings with their credits database and use it for my development tracking. Don't tell my boss!
    Sandra P. Young, Director of Production, Oxygen Media
  • With year round development a service like Variety Insight has become increasingly useful to me at my company. Though nobody can claim to have 100% of the development projects out there, Variety Insight comes pretty close.
    Jane Francis, EVP, Creative Affairs, Fox 21 Television Studio‎s
  • Variety Insight stands at the crossroads of the business, between agents, studios and networks and offers an objective resource that I've used for many years. It's been a great asset because their information is both accurate and timely.
    Chris Selak, EVP, Television Development, Lionsgate Television
  • I find Variety Insight an invaluable resource for my analysis of the television and network businesses. It has rich, unique, and insightful content that is reliable and very accurate.
    Michael Kupinski, Director of Research, Digital Media & Technology, Noble Financial
  • Variety Insight's services are strategically valuable in our search to match advertising clients with engaging, content environments. There is no better value in the marketplace for accurate, objective and timely analysis of television development.
    Stacey Lynn Schulman, Executive Vice President of Strategy, Analytics and Research, Katz Media Group

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