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At RAND, We Believe that People Make Better Decisions When Armed with Facts.

Our mission to help improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis is truly unique among nonprofit organizations. Your gift helps RAND deliver fact-based, actionable solutions grounded in rigorous analysis and is a great way to demonstrate your belief in our mission.

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RAND is a nonprofit that relies on philanthropic support to reach beyond the scope of client-sponsored work and tackle the questions that may be too big, too complex, or too new for our clients to address. We offer a variety of ways you can get involved and make a difference.

Your gift to RAND supports objective analysis that improves lives.

Donor Profile

Charles Zwick

Charles Zwick

Charles Zwick was a researcher at RAND from 1956 to 1965 and director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget under President Lyndon B. Johnson. Later, he served as a RAND trustee; today, he remains an advisory trustee. His generous $1 million donation to RAND enabled RAND president Michael D. Rich to create the Zwick Impact Fund, which helps researchers extend the impact of their findings.

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2015 RAND Annual Report

RAND's 2015 Annual Report describes the many ways in which RAND develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make people around the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. Read the Report »

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Naveena Ponnusamy
Executive Director of Development
(800) 757-4618
Sheila Bair at a Politics Aside event

Politics Aside is an invitation-only, postelection event that engages policymakers, opinion leaders, philanthropists, and RAND's leading thinkers in a nonpartisan examination of pressing policy challenges. Learn More »

Alumni association members at an event

The RAND Alumni Association offers social and intellectual engagement opportunities to all current and former members of the RAND community. Learn More »

Policy Circle members at a RAND event

The RAND Policy Circle is a community of philanthropic individuals committed to supporting nonpartisan, objective research and analysis that lead to smarter decisions and better outcomes. Members enjoy exclusive opportunities to interact with RAND's leading experts and connect with RAND affiliates. Learn More »

RANDNext event attendees socializing

RANDNext is a network of early- to mid-career professionals interested in the policy issues that are shaping our world. Members enjoy exclusive opportunities to interact with RAND experts, key policy influencers, and like-minded peers through thought-provoking events on a diverse range of topics. Learn More »