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Press Room

The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous.

Experts Guide

RAND has more than 300 research professionals available for comment to policymakers, journalists, and public officials. Our expertise spans a wide range of public policy issues that impact people around the world including security, health, education, sustainability, growth, and development.

To request an interview, contact the Office of Media Relations at (703) 414-4795 or by email at media@rand.org.

  • News Release

    Domestic Political Discord Now the Greatest Threat to U.S. Global Leadership

    Faced with traditional threats from opponents such as Russia and emerging threats from non-traditional adversaries such as the Islamic State, the United States needs a comprehensive foreign policy strategy that can provide stability and improve policymakers' ability to manage in today's more complex and turbulent times.

    Jan 18, 2017

  • An electronic billboard displays a marijuana hashtag at Times Square in New York, November 7, 2016


    Trump's Marijuana Options

    The new administration will have at least six options for addressing marijuana — they are not mutually exclusive and each comes with tradeoffs. Importantly, they are all compatible with a federal approach that encourages and supports discussions about marijuana prohibition and its alternatives.

    Jan 17, 2017

  • Announcement

    Mike Januzik Appointed Chief Financial Officer of RAND Corporation

    Mike Januzik, a veteran finance executive, has been appointed chief financial officer and a vice president at the nonprofit RAND Corporation.

    Jan 17, 2017

  • CCTV footage released by the Charleston Police Department of a suspect wanted in connection with the shooting of several people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, June 6, 2015.


    The Wrong Terrorism Narrative

    Solving the problem of homegrown terrorism in the U.S. requires understanding the true nature of the complex problem of violent extremism. With such knowledge, authorities and communities will be better able to develop strategies to prevent the next tragic terrorist killing.

    Jan 15, 2017

  • Retired General John Kelly arrives to testify before a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmation hearing on his nomination to be Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, January 10, 2017


    Kelly as DHS Chief Should Focus on Improving Employee Morale

    Building the morale of the Department of Homeland Security workforce should be a priority of the incoming leadership team. Strong communication with career employees, team building, and demonstrating respect for work that has already been done is needed.

    Jan 13, 2017

  • French soldiers from Operation Barkhane stand outside their armored personnel carrier during a sandstorm in Inat, Mali, May 26, 2016


    Mali's Persistent Jihadist Problem

    The 2013 French intervention in Mali averted an al Qaeda-backed thrust toward the capital of Bamako and reduced the threat from other jihadist groups. To ensure a new threat does not materialize in Mali, France will need staying power and support from its European partners and the U.S.

    Jan 12, 2017

  • U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a news conference in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City, January 11, 2017


    Hey Washington Experts — Don't Roll Your Eyes Over Trump, Roll Up Your Sleeves

    Policy experts do not want to be irrelevant or ignored. The Trump administration does not want to fail, and needs to generate winning policies. By working together, the administration and the policy community could help one another, and, more importantly, the nation.

    Jan 12, 2017

  • Russia's President Vladimir Putin (R) talks with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani as they meet during a summit of Caspian Sea regional leaders in the southern city of Astrakhan September 29, 2014


    Iran Is at Putin's Mercy

    Russia and Iran have forged an unprecedented, but fragile alliance in the Middle East. But there's no guarantee that Putin won't sell Iran out if he manages to forge better U.S. relations under Trump.

    Jan 12, 2017

  • Testimony

    Fifteen Years After 9/11: A Preliminary Balance Sheet: Addendum

    Document submitted on January 11, 2017 as an addendum to testimony presented before the House Armed Services Committee on September 21, 2016.

    Jan 12, 2017

  • In Camp 4 of Camp Delta at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, highly compliant detainees live in a communal setting


    What Should Trump Do About Gitmo?

    The new administration has options to deal with the detention facility established 15 years ago at Guantánamo Bay. It could maintain the status quo, make improvements to speed the trials, close the facility and relocate the remaining inmates, or accept new detainees.

    Jan 11, 2017

  • The federal government forms for applying for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act


    Repeal-and-Delay Would Make Budget Neutrality for ACA Replacement Difficult

    As Congress considers repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act it will need to consider how federal budget scoring can affect the fate of legislation. Depending on the ultimate cost of a replacement, finding enough savings to offset costs while maintaining budget neutrality could make it difficult to pass a replacement.

    Jan 11, 2017

  • News Release

    Rise of Technology in Criminal Proceedings Poses Risk to Protecting Individuals' Rights

    Personal devices like fitness trackers and smartphones are likely to be used increasingly in criminal investigations. Such technology offers new tools to law enforcement, but raises unique issues regarding constitutional rights such as self-incrimination.

    Jan 10, 2017

  • Hospital staff discussing a patient's chart


    Improving MACRA's Chances of Success

    Starting in 2019, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act will integrate and potentially simplify performance measurement by combining a number of measures and programs. Research on performance measurement provides a good deal of insight on how to avoid several pitfalls in MACRA's rollout.

    Jan 9, 2017

  • A college campus with a bicycle rack


    Focusing on Tallying the Number of Campus Sexual Assaults Can Make the Problem Worse

    Accurate reporting of sexual violence is important, but the counting and reporting of assaults should not be confused with polices that focus on making sure universities have the necessary resources and support systems they need to help victims of sexual violence.

    Jan 6, 2017

  • At a public event at the LBJ Presidential Library, the CIA released over 2,500 previously classified President's Daily Briefs from the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, September 16, 2015


    Adapting the President's Daily Brief to Trump

    President-elect Trump is receiving President Obama's version of the daily briefing; it has yet to be tailored to his preferences, to which every president is entitled. The intelligence community should seek to adapt the briefing to maximize its interest and relevance to the president-elect.

    Jan 6, 2017

  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gives a New Year address in Pyongyang on January 1, 2017


    Trump Should Confront Kim Over ICBM Tests

    Whether successful or not, an ICBM test by North Korea would be very much against U.S. interests and President-elect Trump should act to counter it as early as possible. A turn to the basics of deterrence would be the path most likely to succeed.

    Jan 6, 2017

  • A man rides a boat near the Ssese Islands in Uganda


    Improving HIV and Mental Health Care in Uganda

    A small team of RAND researchers has spent years working with local clinics in Uganda to help people not just survive HIV, but learn to live with it, and even thrive.

    Jan 5, 2017

  • President Barack Obama talks about cyber hacking during the U.S. presidential election as he holds his final news conference of the year at the White House in Washington, December 16, 2016


    How to Deter Foreign Cyberattacks on U.S. Elections

    Deterring future cyber-meddling in U.S. elections will require convincing adversaries — Russia and others — that any future such meddling will either be ineffective and/or too costly to be worthwhile.

    Jan 5, 2017

  • Patient filling out forms in a doctor's office


    Can a Continuous Coverage Requirement Produce a Healthy Insurance Market?

    A continuous coverage requirement aims to discourage individuals from waiting until they become sick to buy insurance. This works well in theory. But there is little evidence on how it might work in practice.

    Jan 4, 2017

  • Russia's President Vladimir Putin (C), Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (L), and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu attend a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia December 29, 2016


    No Quick Fix with Russia

    A series of small steps is more likely to improve Western and Russian security than an attempt at a total reset. At the same time, sanctions against Russia over its actions in Ukraine, and NATO actions to reassure and protect allies, must continue.

    Jan 3, 2017

    Upcoming Events

  • The Asia Pivot?

    Jan 24, 2017

    Just days after the inauguration, Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III and RAND's Rafiq Dossani will discuss issues on the Asia-Pacific agenda for the new administration, including climate change and strategic U.S. economic and security interests in the region. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • Past Events

  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence

    Dec 14, 2016

    Policy Circle and RANDNext members are invited to a special briefing on the role artificial intelligence is playing in society, including its incredible promise and pressing concerns. [Santa Monica, CA]

  • Beyond the Headlines: The Russian Firehose of Falsehood

    Dec 7, 2016

    A Beyond the Headlines look at why the Russian propaganda model is difficult to counter with traditional counterpropaganda methods. RAND senior social scientist Christopher Paul will offer alternative solutions based on the same psychology behind the surprising success of Russia's firehose of falsehood. [Pittsburgh, PA]