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The Opinion Pages

An enrollment agent speaks with a family about plans under Covered California in San Francisco.
Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Op-Ed Contributor

The G.O.P.’s Health Care Death Spiral

A repeal-and-delay of Obamacare would be a “total disaster” for the individual insurance market. comment icon Comments


Theresa May Puts the Exit in Brexit

The prime minister made clear that Britain intends to quit the single European market.


The Lord of Misrule

We’re living with exactly the kinds of injustices that lead to carnival culture, and we’ve crowned a fool king. comment icon Comments


Israel as the Lights Go Out

In America, there is always a domestic political reason for not doing the right thing on Israel-Palestine. comment icon Comments

The Conversation

Marching to the Beat of Trump

So much for the postelection lull. comment icon Comments


The Most Successful Democrat Since F.D.R.

Barack Obama ranks with Reagan as an impactful president, and Republicans won’t be able to reverse the changes easily. comment icon Comments


Death Row Doctor

Lauren Knapp

Dr. Carlo Musso took an oath to do no harm. So why does he take part in executions? comment icon Comments

This Week in Hate

Why We Need a Project to Document Hate Crimes

Did hate crimes increase nationwide after Donald Trump’s election? A new project aims to find out.

Vietnam ’67

As the Earth Shook, They Stood Firm

Adaptability and tenacity helped poorly equipped Vietcong forces resist the onslaught of Operation Cedar Falls, despite horrific losses. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

The Lady and the Rohingya

Excessive criticism of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is obscuring why Myanmar’s Muslims are persecuted and how to change that.


Mr. Obama, Pick Up Your Pardon Pen

The president’s terrible record on clemency has gotten better, but pardon grants remain abysmally low. comment icon Comments


Scientists to Government: Make It Easier to Study Marijuana

The federal government continues to obstruct scientists from studying whether the drug is good or bad for health.


House Arms Itself for Witch Hunts

New rules passed by House Republicans will make it easier for them to intimidate critics.

Op-Ed Contributor

What Thomas Merton and Muhammad Ali Had in Common

The Catholic writer and the boxer never met, but they shared an abiding belief that all religions contain vital truths. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

2 Years, 31 Dead Construction Workers. New York Can Do Better.

Poor immigrant workers are falling off our buildings and being crushed to death in our streets.


Meanwhile, at Davos

Hatching the trends for 2017.


French Fraternity and Migrants

A handful of citizens moved by basic humanity are risking arrest for offering aid.


The Rise and Fall of European Meritocracy

Today’s populists don’t want to nationalize industry. They want to nationalize the elite.

Op-Ed Contributor

Trump Threatens a Good Neighbor

Mexico must be prepared to shed its historically conciliatory stance.


Family Planning in China

A reader writes that family planning involves stories about threats to human well-being.


How to Treat Opioid Drug Users

Doctors and others respond to an article advocating safe injection rooms in hospitals.


Listening to Thoreau

A reader writes that the great naturalist “offered truths we ignore at our peril.”


Rights of the Homeless

A reader says the “right to rest” is impeding efforts to address the problem.


Texting While Driving Law

A Harvard dean writes that California’s new law banning the use of hand-held devices while driving is only a baby step.

Representative John Lewis on Capitol Hill last week.

John Lewis and the Question of Donald Trump’s Legitimacy

Readers both praise and criticize the civil rights icon.

The Literate President

A reader is reminded of “the vast distinctions” between President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump.


On College Campuses, Tests of Free Speech

Readers discusses repression of speech.


Jobs for Mexicans

A Yale professor writes that Mexican wages have stagnated because of an imbalance between workers and jobs.


Cellphone-Ready Subways

A reader bids a fond farewell to his “peaceful havens.”

President-elect Donald J. Trump, left, and President Obama. Bottom, witnesses were sworn in on Wednesday for the confirmation hearing of Jeff Sessions, Mr. Trump’s nominee for attorney general.
Insider Podcasts

Good, Bad and Mad: Andrew Rosenthal on the News

An opinion columnist, Mr. Rosenthal gives his take on the Trump presidency, cabinet confirmation process and Barack Obama’s “transformational presidency.” comment icon Comments

Room for Debate

Was BuzzFeed Right to Publish the Accusations Against Trump?

Other news outlets had the material, but the contents, which contained inflammatory accusations against the president-elect, are unverified.

Op-Ed Contributor

North Africa’s Next War

If the United Nations doesn’t step up, the long-simmering conflict in Western Sahara could soon boil over.


Obama-Era Political Losses, the Real Story

A party that controls the White House for two terms typically loses political power elsewhere.

Editorial Observer

The Sun Finally Sets on Sugar Cane in Hawaii

An industry that helped the islands become a place of rich diversity has faded, but it has left a lasting mark.


Young Victims of the Opioid Epidemic

As opioid abuse rises, so does the number of children in foster care. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Which Martin Luther King Are We Celebrating Today?

Since his death, the civil rights leader has been appropriated for all sorts of causes. comment icon Comments

The Stone

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

In our echo chambers, we embody the ‘right’ values, but our real lives are more complicated.

On Campus

Finding Myself Through My College Major

As someone born in Montana to Malaysian-Chinese parents, I’ve always dreaded the “Where are you from” question.


The Assault on Health and Safety Begins

In their efforts to weaken or end many regulations, Republicans would take away protections that Americans have relied on for years.


With All Due Disrespect

The patriotic case for frankness about a tainted election.

Op-Ed Contributor

Ask Alexa? No, Hear This Alexa

Amazon’s voice-controlled Echo device is “always getting smarter” — but making us dumber.


For Immigrants, the Threat of Indefinite Detention

Darren Emerson

It shouldn’t happen in this country. But it often does. comment icon Comments

American Dreamers

Clockwise from top left: Luis Roberto Ursua Briceno; Gloria S. Rinconi; Anayancy Ramos; Nayelli Valdemar

Stories from young people who, under the Obama administration, were spared deportation and permitted to work. Now, their status is in jeopardy.

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