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Tuesday, January 17, 2017



In ‘Brexit’ Speech, Theresa May Outlines Clean Break for U.K.

In long-awaited remarks, the British prime minister emphasized regaining control of immigration, even if it means losing E.U. trading advantages.

Suspect in Istanbul Rampage on New Year’s Is Captured, Turkey Says

The semiofficial Anadolu news agency said the man, Abdulgadir Masharipov, had been captured alive along with four others in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul.

As Trump Era Arrives, a Sense of Uncertainty Grips the World

Having made contradictory comments, President-elect Donald J. Trump has many nations wondering about his policies. But there’s also a sense that his words should not be taken too literally.


Justin Trudeau’s Family Vacation on Aga Khan’s Island Leads to Ethics Inquiry

The conflict-of-interest investigation and another involving a political fund-raiser threaten to tarnish Mr. Trudeau’s image.

Venezuela Issues New Bank Notes Because of Hyperinflation

The move, which has been surrounded by chaos for over a month, is meant to lighten the load for Venezuelans who must carry around bags of cash.

Middle East

Egyptian Court Blocks Plan to Transfer Two Islands to Saudi Arabia

The verdict is widely expected to further shake, but not break, the strained ties between Cairo and its main financial backer.

Antiaircraft Weapons Again Open Fire in Tehran

The authorities in Iran said the target was a camera drone, the second such incident in a month.


Nigerian Jet Mistakenly Bombs Refugee Camp, Killing Scores

The bombing struck a government-run camp in Rann, near the Cameroonian and Chadian borders, an area where Boko Haram had recently increased attacks.


Search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Is Called Off After Nearly 3 Years

The decision ends the deep-sea scouring of the southern Indian Ocean, ensuring that one of the great aviation mysteries will remain unsolved for the foreseeable future.

Akhilesh Yadav, Indian Politician, Wins Right to Use Bicycle as Election Symbol

A panel ruled that Mr. Yadav’s father, a fellow Uttar Pradesh politician with whom he was in dispute, could choose from symbols like a toffee, a pressure cooker and ice cream.

What In The World
What in the World

China’s Poplar Trees: A Spring Nuisance That Snows White Fluff

Poplar trees blanket the country with balls of fuzz, which irritate people’s eyes and even disrupt traffic. The government has resorted to drastic measures to stop the fluff.

More News

Challenges Await Antonio Tajani, the European Parliament’s New President

Mr. Tajani was elected president of the European Parliament as the organization confronts tests to its relevance.

Libyan’s Rendition Case Can Move Forward, British Supreme Court Rules

The court’s decision overturned an earlier High Court ruling that said Abdel Hakim Belhaj could not sue the British government or a former foreign secretary.

Trump Can’t Renegotiate Iran Nuclear Deal, Rouhani Says

The president of Iran said the deal could not be modified, in part because it was also signed by Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia.

Veteran Times Reporter Denied Entry to Turkey

The action against Rod Nordland, a longtime foreign correspondent, appeared to be part of a broader crackdown against the domestic and foreign press.

Putin Says Accusations in Trump Dossier Are ‘Clearly Fake’

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia dismissed the allegations in a political memo and said the effort to compile such a document was further evidence of the political decay of the West

European Court Orders Russia to Pay U.S. Families Whose Adoptions It Blocked

Russia said it would appeal the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights within the next three months, but it could ignore the decision outright.

Pendant Found in Nazi Death Camp Ruins May Have Anne Frank Link

The item, which belonged to Karoline Cohn, 14, was discovered recently at the Sobibor camp in Poland and is similar to one owned by Anne Frank.

4 Quotes From Theresa May’s Speech and What They Mean

The prime minister’s remarks on exiting the European Union were her first public outline of how Britain plans to leave the bloc.

Saulx-les-Chartreux Journal

Life on the Farm Draws Some French Tired of Urban Rat Race

In towns like Saulx-les-Chartreux, small-scale farming is driven by a thriving market for organic food.

German Court Rejects Effort to Ban Neo-Nazi Party

Germany’s highest court said that the far-right National Democratic Party did not pose sufficient danger to democracy even though its principles violate the Constitution.

Suspect in Istanbul Nightclub Attack Confesses, Officials Say

Abdulgadir Masharipov, an Uzbek citizen born in 1983, received help in the attack, done “in the name of ISIS,” the governor of the city said at a news conference.


U.S. Ambassadors in Asia Make Final Plea for Dead Trans-Pacific Trade Pact

Max Baucus, the ambassador to China, and five others told Congress in an open letter that the United States should not cede its position in Asia-Pacific trade to China.

Road to Recovery After Concussion Leads to Australian Open

Casey Dellacqua, who fell and hit her head during the 2015 China Open, missed nine months of competition while living in a “constant world of drowsiness.”

Northern Ireland, Forced by Sinn Fein, Sets Early Election in Shadow of ‘Brexit’

Sinn Fein, the Catholic party that forced the early vote, appears to hope that worries over leaving the European Union will weaken its unionist rivals.

For Trump, Three Decades of Chasing Deals in Russia

Donald J. Trump, and eventually his children, repeatedly sought business in Russia as far back as 1987, in a variety of ventures. But none got off the ground.

As Inauguration Nears, Trump Keeps World Leaders on Edge

The president-elect drew global responses after an interview with The Wall Street Journal and with two European newspapers, Bild and The Times of London.

5 Killed at BPM Festival in Mexico

An attacker was sought after opening fire during an international electronic music festival in Playa Del Carmen, and tourists were among the dead, officials said.

Cold War Jitters Resurface as U.S. Marines Arrive in Norway

Despite being generally welcomed, the presence of the Marines — shown on Norwegian television dragging their suitcases through the snow — also provoked concerns.

Global Health

How the Response to Zika Failed Millions

One year after the W.H.O. declared a public health emergency, experts reflect on the response to the virus and find many aspects wanting.

Burnley Journal

U.K. Police Look to Young Recruits to Help Shed an Image as ‘Male, Pale and Stale’

A program, similar to Teach for America, places university graduates for two years in some of the country’s most troubled areas, with a focus on diversifying the police corps.

World’s 8 Richest Have as Much Wealth as Bottom Half, Oxfam Says

The eight, all men, hold as much combined wealth as the 3.6 billion people in the bottom half, the charity said in a report that highlighted inequality.

President Rodrigo Duterte of Philippines Criticized Over Martial Law Warning

One rights activist said that Mr. Duterte was harboring “fascist dreams” after he said that he could impose martial law to curb drug abuse.

Turkish Cargo Plane Crashes Into Village in Kyrgyzstan, Killing Dozens

The plane was approaching the airport in Bishkek, the capital, when it struck a cluster of houses.

Samsung Heir Faces Arrest on Charges of Bribing South Korea’s President

Jay Y. Lee, the de facto head of Samsung, is accused of ordering large payments to the family of President Park Geun-hye’s confidante and two foundations.

Kitsch vs. Antiques: Tourist Trade Threatens Portobello Market

Hordes of visitors descend on the famous stalls in the Notting Hill area of London, but many come for the cheap souvenirs rather than the valuable vintage goods.

From Opinion

French Fraternity and Migrants

A handful of citizens moved by basic humanity are risking arrest for offering aid.

Op-Ed Contributor

Trump Threatens a Good Neighbor

Mexico must be prepared to shed its historically conciliatory stance.

Op-Ed Columnist

Israel as the Lights Go Out

In America, there is always a domestic political reason for not doing the right thing on Israel-Palestine.

15 of the Best Journals by Our Reporters Around the World

The conversational and visual on-the-ground reports offered a glimpse of captivating people and places, from a “sleep mafia” in Delhi to a monastery seeking salvation in beer.

Refugees Welcome

Moral choices. Awkward interactions. Family transformations. A year inside Canadians’ quests to adopt Syrian refugees.

‘I Didn’t Want to Lose My Identity’: 16,000 Readers Reflect on Their Surnames

The Times asked women around the world why they had kept or changed their surnames when they married. For many, the decision carried significant weight.

Heat, Hunger and War Force Africans Onto a ‘Road on Fire’

The men and boys on the migrant trail out of countries like Niger and Mali say fickle rains and hotter days leave them no option but to risk their lives to gain a livelihood.

David Friedman, Trump's Ambassador to Israel, on the Issues

David M. Friedman, the nominee to become the ambassador to Israel, has contributed to a right-leaning Israeli news site.

How the World Closed Its Eyes to Syria’s Horror

The faces of the besieged stare into the camera, at us and at death, pleading for help, describing the atrocities outside their bedrooms or just on the other side of the door. They are baffled by our indifference to the slaughter.

European Populism in the Age of Donald Trump

How leaders of European populist movements have reacted to the election of Donald J. Trump.

The Interpreter
How Trump’s Calls to World Leaders Are Upsetting Decades of Diplomacy

President-elect Donald J. Trump has broken with decades of diplomatic practice in freewheeling calls with foreign leaders.

The Human Toll of Terror

A look at the lives of 247 men, women and children who were cut down in mass killings in six countries.

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