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WSJ Off Duty

Claus Meyer Serves Up Nordic Eats to Grand Central

6/24/2016 12:01AM     

Claus Meyer, founder of the Melting Pot Foundation and co-owner of Noma, talks about the "new Nordic" cuisine soon to be available for commuters from all walks of life at the much anticipated opening of the Great Northern Food Hall in Grand Central Terminal.


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next up on the TV the Danish and Asian ... something you enjoy the finer points ... this is on TV from the Wall Street Journal ... hello and welcome to the FTD podcast Mary talk about shooting change and all things ... apropos there at Zein backpack Lanai in on Kevin since a mom ... and joining us today is the chef has had a very big impact on the way ... a lot of people the it's all over the world ... he's a co-founder of no matter the paradigm shifting restaurant company and ... he is needed ... den my music and as a TV personality an entrepreneur behind it by air and restaurants and other fee businesses and a philanthropist ... and now he's in your opening the most ambitious to destination ... in recent memory ... welcome to the podcast klao Zion ... they knew they were during even the number of projects actually lunching in New York this year a techno instead let let's start with the one opening this Monday ... the great Northern to Holland Grand Central terminal on five thousand sq with their feet banality in dealing with all that stays ... well we we don't get to get you there ... yet when it entered or what but you have to be sick of it and then will reveal if they can ... be a reaction to Seoul ... you are going to either will let go of it became ... all that they need to tell the patient Although hole when we pray ... twice a day ... and then they go into the O U haul warm sandwiches ... packed with the ... two roasted lamb breast had mushroom Ellich ... pickled red onion salt ... Cole going with a cracking skin permit that would have a general apples or whatever ... the bridge good one ... the new data from awful ones that ... have clinched all the data ... in the political class families don't change much more extended into the community in the morning ... that in the second to veto probably the front is broken we'll role play is that it all ... up call to Canadian ... coffee tea hot chocolate ... during the night she sure is going to open the door so that we have the feel right ... to veto ... the new temples all ... over the front of a shoe in the game ... you know one of the slideshow ... for too big to write write ... your people topping ... smoked salmon cop car ... the typical potatoes with you my Amish ... crispy chicken skin ... them ... that we have ... to live up to a two run ... yes just ... over eight minutes ... into the bar that we have is a deadbeat Cocked of volatile ... um hello and then that we have a great value to the ... pavilion ... that they should live in ... a row of ... how hard could grow up up in the morning ... she reported huge lunch and dinner ... at the end ... here is popping up for talking with a ... that ... this ... that's often ... it sells amazing in the it sounds like I could spend all all day beer for breakfast too to him giving and giving a nightcap ... um one of the things I'm most excited though the is the open sea sand which ... of them as a concession make I'm not and never been sure how to pronounce the name of it is is this more birds ... but a ... critical time when you don't like being that loud ... the easing thank you thank you ... putting them ... so Heidi Heidi say ... trouble ... so sporadic and so ... um so in my experience um teens are really into this more bread is more bird ... um ... is ... its forward to Denmark where the burger it is to Americans ... this ... very ... moment ... sir moves that iconic gladdened McGee the but it is to write about ... it is something that you know some public option that it was the opener ... the connectivity to the end of Oct because you say ... that when ... the minute the home ... overlooking the field all ... on incomes of the industrial ... I'm ... on the book I that that will bring ... that with impunity the box that goes ... the obeticholic isn't that I'm you can you can share them in the morning in the them last May though without any proper ... mm ... but but but that they are very important on Lunch culture in particular ... for ... then and now it's a great ending to the study said here you're calling them ... I mean it's a little bit easier for American announces say open rank ... it weighs in with them it's ... not only the name but the this and it's Tuesday and tweaked it off any last-minute gifts ... are all Taylor owner American answer these as human sentiment and Denmark ... those were the ones that I mean when I'm up to ... go ... modern ... take on ... that to go to Scandinavia and go awry if it crumbles ... much to him ... we didn't do well the ... album notes ... the ... of course make ... and ... take on something like to them ... Thanksgiving ... the movie ... and that to to to America of it ... but when he played by dissolving the ... ovation right came to channel ... them iconic to the new combinations ... I ... um ... no ... new Nordic is a term we've heard bandied about both allies and for the last decade or so ... um ... you are widely credited as one of the fathers of this movement ... what is that means you now and and has a meaning changed over time ... it won't ... we had a women will lead all the more when they do that that the shares ... set up a simple document deals with issues with the prophets of this ... not that of rice ... in mm ... to respond to be sure to be a role model that ... the call to ... switch it up ... in the farm and a copy of the people so and then go to ... the knowledge we can all go in invited me to the show ... the American public opinion poll in the in the Tyne wear a whole system stock collapsing oil well ... boom boom in ... the equation ... as a student ID all of your doctor ... you very much about ... the the-counter broke off the final quarter than larger ... than the ... home of bishops ... and what he's ... saying that the key by divergent she ... did you break you ... can connect with great haste ... the ATO ... teaming up with all the player can be in sheet form ... alliances ... to change up whether to continue on my ... I'm not just win with this team ... that would come to the core of the plate ... the new agreement ... was and is about ... that very much by typing in the enterprise who The him the place where you are trying to transmit ... the value of the flavors ... that contagion from ... that can be made ... who who who ... and and lighting conditions will get when you come to we all ... have a ... and then people expected him to prove that it would mean ... a lot of that ... book what it has been something that you will call with that ... with a bolt on ineptly no it isn't something ... that you make your and and and and the way we steep it's about ... connecting with the follicle over to ... robots ... I've been grateful ... that whether they would remind ... the reader of will become from ... it's that's really interesting NAND is also the restaurant and Sunday school and believe me and where you're applying many of these principles ... and sourcing are the ingredients very very vocally than using different ingredients to his that is what's available an appropriate and ... I'm in a very ... different Klein in an environment from Denmark's would you ... call this and then Nordic Green United go or ... what you call it when you meet ... them only Dearie me your ... impression to a one year ... we we we actually want to get all the equation ... also because ... there isn't that what we're trying to do that through the melting pot prohibition that I fell in two thousand and ten ... the ... that was ... you can put them into a store due to what extent you can combat poverty ... and with the deliciousness ... of the whole idea is to try to get away ... it thinking we learned ... during the process of building ... the new Audi machine woven and mobile ... so you voted yet they try to engage ... a loved member of the different people in the process of releasing ... two potential of the beleaguered coach them ... and then we upgrade to grow still ... sold the product and fine dining restaurant ... at the symbol ... of firm ... up the ... whole pumpkin cake and ... during the ... summer echelon perspective ... and and and game ... so to me we are to be ghosts you know to naught excelled at ... least a wee one a ... good thing to compete in the ... rich orchestration ... we are here to help ... we wanted him to sign ... the initiative in time to get a lot of small debut week ... we usually don't forget to take a nap yet ... I ... um ... this is that it's the great Northern food hall ... it ... sounds very Dean it's not just modern finisher New Nordic ... of the year also serving as a traditional Danish dishes right ... the overwrought oh ... is is pretty pretty traditional that we don't make it a night to ... give it a trading halt ... the battle between individuals is also ... the week ended with a bit of it ... firm ... footing to trade to tell the real deal right ... Durham tweeted all you know we're all the remaking of the most ... beautiful ... in just the way they should be made with that with a bottom so when they talk to the patient ... still time to the end of it is also ... very ... traditional English only make it themselves so that you know ... the only door that read a patient about the ... painting more than you did they don't really go to become ... we didn't get to the old ways ... to color and and and and the Orwell bakery ... more than double that when you do that ... in two thousand and eleven to be a phone ... call and I'm not ... Q we are condemned ... to make your take on this kind of car ... and we will show them fail ... I love all ... of Roku items also ... a couple of warm ... I conclude who will be you know we're the good news or decreasing ... a man of many had to go at all ... it's ... also been a full service restaurant and and Grand Central Terminal Aiden plants and executive chef than in Jesus and who is from this land ... and I'm curious to hear ... about ... your working relationship with and in terms is ... how similar or different you've found your posture of conceptions about the TD as a demon in a sudden tear you know where their overlaps and when you find yourselves ... and speaking a different language about food ... who ... I ... think what I'm going to love about it don't you lucidity I ... don't agree with them about creating one ... you a whole new way of thinking that you couldn't find and stop Coleman Australand ... drive to the can ... the aim ... to know Chiquita Merkel a committee was always ... school was to find a way of expressing ... the ... local ... daughter ... the ... did you ... but that the common features of the deity of trading ... right now ... and like the flavor profile than what you would typically find in French or American coup ... and also in time to get into the wild ... and then didn't remove name ... visible ... but who are going to be growing up in the paste will not touch the teacher reachable so ... you smell them and I'm that that would be spending so ... the ... doctor and the ... Aki top ... being here ... it resumed for ... the month by it by the ... the M ... merchant of the ocean ... and the top of that ... and also by the austerity of room ... to store the time that you you ... you know men ... in Korean I including the bubble up ... through now ... its I it's a wonderful privilege and tumbling into the match ... went about ... in the euro and potatoes and pockets ... will tell some of the ... fuel that humans will correct it ... can reach ... total maturity ... in the Icelandic a try ... where we into the black on the we have a debate that ... we all are ... made to ration books and watch the movie the nature around the oh so we have a ... side more generous ... I'm ... choice all ... I ... the dollar to become ... I am so excited to eat and I and and six but the whole greater than two ha will be able to do that as an investment in its ... integrated into the hall opens in Grand Central Terminal ... is clearly a very busy week for you clowns were so grateful you are able to join us today thank you for talking to us ... I ... and that wraps it up for another off to the podcast you can find more podcast at Sony is to dot com slashed podcast ... falls on Twitter at least a podcast and subscribe on iTunes stitcher spa to find ... and now look for us on the Google Play Music app on Android devices ... and as always if you like with your ... friends ...