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Parents Put Children's Sports First

12/15/2016 9:00AM     

Some families rent, buy and build homes—across state lines and even in other countries—so their children can train, play, and compete in elite level sports. Photo: Mark Peterman for The Wall Street Journal


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... clean about all the soccer tournaments or basketball practices you have to drive your child to ... meet the parents of these forty kids ... the brands it bought and built houses and move across state lines to their children can compete in the level sports ... in Scottsdale Arizona chowing on and buy more and shut his son Brian on is the hockey defenceman ... the more shocking sold the Beaverton Oregon dream home in two thousand and thirteen to move to Scottsdale for trying and doing that here one year as an iPod ... the following year they bought the seven hundred and seventy two thousand dollar house in the San Jose area so Brian could play for team there ... mother and son moved back to Scottsdale so Brian could play again for the Bobcats ... today the family rents a house in Scottsdale for twenty one hundred dollars a month plus an apartment for Mr Maude Shockey and Hillsboro Oregon for three hundred and sixty five dollars a month ... in Barcelona Spain Charles and caffeine Doherty belive it so they too got this Alison Kelly can train at the Barcelona International Water Pollo Academy ... today majority of the girls Lena it and apart from the rental for about fifteen hundred dollars a month from Mr Doherty who is in a shared house in New York and visit the family every few months ... ingredient in Florida and Jackie and Peter Hunt said their sense the Fed and Conrad to IEMG Academy where they get serious soccer training ... in October the couple bought a three hundred and ten thousand dollar house which they are spending approximately three hundred thousand dollars to benefit ... today the family is renting and ninety thousand dollar a month for fiction apartment on the IEMG campus until the house is pretty ... its in Telluride Colorado Center fracking is training that the Telluride ski and snowboard club ... his parents AbbVie and Dana and his twin sister Katie moved from Halliwell mean last year ... today the family and it's in a forty one hundred square foot house the field for about two point two million dollars ... these families are doing what ever it takes to their kids can compete at the highest level for their age groups ...