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The Wall Street Journal Tech Talk

CES 2017: What You Need to Know

1/5/2017 12:05AM     

From autonomous cars to Alexa, the Wall Street Journal's Tim Higgins talks the latest happenings from the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vega, Nevada.


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the annual tax of and to close at all tech events is happening right now the Consumer Electronics Show ... were going as bigots ... three ... the Wall Street Journal ... hello and welcome this is the law Street Journal's tech news briefing on Tanya persists NEW YORK ... SEO and appear where this but right now it's the tech world from one of the biggest balls of the year at least ... to consumer Electronics show CES if you're up on the tax lying ... is going on this week as we speak and on the scene in Las Vegas is the Journal's very own ten he is here to talk about the biggest trends emerging market and ... consumers to get into so little time I let's talk about the biggest trends emerging now ... debate when first car is self driving cars and making all the news in that space why is buried in one of the emerging rivals to Tesla ... he spoke for listeners and what exactly happened and immutable ... yesterday was one of the victim ... of the ... Joker yesterday here that the um they repealed their production and ten ... vehicle that they they ... will be ready to to ... to begin a family in two thousand ate it and a two thousand ate into the market ... they had that the victim and in their view of the car that ... they happen to have a drag race on stage so they can go after the death of a model at a Harare into but that ... they can do whatever I would ... be in the car is the ability ... they pay to park it felt ... I'm they brought the car up on stage a surprise visitor within the turn up their bacon faster ... um I'm from China with their he hops out and they'd make a big effort to show that the car can ... then drive off without him ... a bigger push the button and however that part of the moves and ... intense embarrassment ... you know in two ... thousand the crowd day of the country with and they they can try to move on it that that can happen ... to come back later in the evening to try it again he did work that I'm ... the never last ... he notes that short time ... premium Entrecard ... in with a tough ... job on stage or for everybody ... it's I let's shift gears for a second here what I like innocent different ease the internet is how ... he's Web connected gadgets are becoming bigger part of the show apparently hardware makers are focusing more and health ... it is a common wearable device we on now what's going on in that space right now no one in the year has been known for very long time for it ... and it still is on which for all the creepy jacket so the onthe show Moreno the next stop ... on ... the depression and I'll why Fi connectivity or whatever ... yellow pink toad the wet ... any in the working committee trend that is more practical and they can help area to the idea of trying to catch on ... it connects to ... the advancement in technology and he knew that in the health market in particular wearable years he has to have a way that ... to get into that went into research and research firms expect is that a wearable device ... that can throw twenty five percent that year after being down that ... there's seen potential and a lot ... of things like fitness trackers that that that that ... I'm ... pushing potential that it can't be in that state ... um and they are not in touch ... and with all the hacking that line on last year securities on a lot of people's mind and just in the recent announcement in tech that need to read it see yes ... data ... security ... outlined in the ... past few months ... I'm so you know were talking ... I hit up ... the ... overall ... aim of routers that they can do more ... campervan those preachers in the home so ... where expecting ... to beat Canada but that they can block hackers and provide credit the DPP the team ... he thinks that to be on the facts and virtual assistant craze I suspect isn't going anywhere anytime soon can we see more of a Lex and her friends from the companies and devices and well under way in a lot that maybe the belt off ... aam right behind automotive down that year ... indeed I Title Co ticket are our theory about another company and the neglect that there to buy and ... General Electric for Apple is wearing a table and that of the black ... and I think that you can imagine rebuilt from there ... and though we can happily eat dinner out in ... a really calm ... um you know I the years so after the committee Americans the idea of ... to create from the ability to use the ... artificial intelligence and pepper to it that that the health and day-to-day function ... it's really just the beginning ... I'm you know industries now ... we're expecting that this can this continue ... the weather at the heart beat on a sum ... of all connecting in the kind of gadget for a new kind of the the the the mall helped by ... the user interface ... of ... being tapped into that though we are on the scene at the annual C E asked event in Las Vegas you're listening to the law Street Journal's techies prefer ... thanks for listening every one cent and a mention you know it's it's sort of neck to neck between cars and Alexa is there anything else that sort of buzzing in the air over there is there something come and being the most attention but I think the automotive ... Automotive's a part of the year ... it didn't really the emergence of the self driving car it that technology that seems more feasible than at the path for you know why the demonstration ... this year and the ... owner of that that rather than ... a that the company's Opdivo if ... that actually the race and we are going to do it ... I mean we're seeing a lot of auto makers are getting a ... different suppliers giving a demonstration about stuff that they fit the on the road ... in the near future ... I'm a little bit of pain flavor of the year pass but ... a more serious than ... that of the people that didn't talk about what is on the ground ... today it's thanks to my chickens ... thanks thanks again to ten Higgins for joining us live at the scene from CES in Las Vegas Nevada will have more on this as more rolls out its happening on this week ... that wraps up the tech news briefing for now for the law Street Journal on tiny priestess in New York ... thanks for listening the WSJ's podcast listen ambitiously