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Dems Hold Little Power to Stop Trump Cabinet Picks

1/5/2017 6:00AM     

With a minority in the Senate, Democrats hold little power to stop Donald Trump's cabinet nominees from confirmation. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib explains what Democrats can do to have sway in the nomination process. Photo: AP


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... prisoner like Donald Trump as picked most of the members of his new cabinet preparing for his inauguration and generate twentieth ... of the dollar rise next week when confirmation hearings in the Senate start for those nominees ... and Democrats the Senate and have some interesting choices three choices really about how to handle the confirmation of Trump nominees for his cabinet ... the first option for Democrats is to try to block some of them maybe Rex Tillerson at the State Department's top roared at the EPA where Jeff sessions at Justice the more controversial of the Trump selections that this can be difficult for Democrats because ... they don't have a majority in the Senate obviously it only takes fifty votes to confirm an appointee on the floor face ironically the rules of Democrats pushed through an area controlled Senate ... Republicans have fifty two seats ... so they couldn't block a trough nominee unless they get some help from Republicans ... and by the way why look a little hypocritical after Democrats complain Republican Senate what's the forthcoming enough and giving present Obama his choices when he was making its nominations than sending them to the Senate ... so that's the first race the second would be to just all the confirmation stretch out the confirmation hearings ... to make a point about their unhappiness with some of the top nominees it's not clear how that would go down ... with the public would skywalks Washington work better and faster ... the third choice may be the most interesting may be less productive one would simply be to use the confirmation hearings to try to extract policy positions from some of these nominees ... that Democrats want to hear that the force them to commit themselves to positions on say Sobel rights where some environmental positions that Democrats would like to hear and then using those commitments that to try to get them to stick to it later so ... these are difficult times for Democrats I think Film use the confirmation process to score some points ... not clear they can actually stop the top nominees from getting through ...