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Science Journal

NASA Missions to Explore Asteroids

NASA officials set their sights on asteroids, announcing plans to launch two $500 million interplanetary probes targeted at these relics from the creation of the solar system. One of the asteroids, known as 16 Psyche, could be the core of an early planet.

Science Video

Face Recognition Areas of Brain Increase With Age


NASA Announces Two Discovery Missions


The Top Ten Science Stories of 2016


Don’t Thank Big Government for Medical Breakthroughs

New cures come from private research, not cash dumped into the National Institutes of Health.

R and D

Moving Robots With Just a Thought

In an experiment, participants steered a robot arm using nothing more than their thoughts, using a cap with sensors, not brain implants requiring surgery. Dan Akst on the results.

When Awe-Struck, We Feel Both Smaller and Larger

Research on the feeling of awe shows that while we feel less egotistical, we have a greater sense of well-being, Alison Gopnik says.


The Surprising Ways a Baby’s Brain Develops

New research offers insight into neural developments in the first few months of life—and highlights the peculiar evolutionary strategy that allows us to have such big brains.

Deep Brain Stimulation Fails to Improve Memory in New Study

The findings highlight how nuanced and complicated modulating cognition can be, according to the researchers.