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The Wall Street Journal Tech Talk

Inside Hulu's Deal to Live-Stream CBS Programming

1/5/2017 3:58PM     

Hulu's attempt at a lower-cost alternative to cable bundles will now include CBS when its streaming television service rolls out later this year. The Wall Street Journal's Shalini Ramachandran has the latest.


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in which a guru and CBS Partnership rocks the digital streaming ... three ... the Wall Street Journal ... well um this is the law Street Journal's tech news pre thing um Tonya priestess in your ... Julio is teaming up with CB as to add three of the network's channels to its upcoming live streaming service apparently the service will cost under forty dollars a month this is according to who CEO Mike Hopkins however he was not more specific and that all this will include whose library of on demand videos as well let's get the very latest on this joining us now is the law Street Journal's Shawnee Ramachandran who broke the story welcome Shawnee ... it so it's ... interesting scenario because you Ardi has deals with the Revit diners Disney ABC Fox and Time Warner and its negotiating with Comcast Alaska and DC ... that CBS had always been in question so ... it's really clinches everything here seems a coup really has a serious and Ch ... the real work like that me because ... the mail yesterday and now they're trying ... it can be less than forty dollars and include ... their subscription video on demand library to all of that ... you know the pulback has a buy and ... hold and help Americans ... older than that they've been collecting and a tighter I don't have to click ... on and and and and people are expecting that they were concluded that it had the Allied treating him table doctor ... did I really had it would cut them apart from ... the entertaining characters out there like ETP Cherokee The now work ... to do it when PP ... I had to get into peace differentiator ... so much cricket down a little bit more because for under forty dollars you really getting a lot because it incorporates a lot of other CTS option scheme ... talk about some of what this rolling tail ... think about it before it made you feel and who now have ... it could be me and ... I did to me I am Time Warner the ... bag into unit in which he and he and on the anti BNP indicating the end he carefully final four ... to get the live broadcast over to most of the year and sell it to cover tacky it we had the hand that didn't eat ... the main thing better alive ... right now on the the the the the the the other networks like in the frontier with half of you who caught the walking dead ... on and that he has not a lot of other stuff that people are really passionate about ... and then there's all kind of like an hour to break into the Economic Sentiment clarity and and ... and to let go of the aisle and cute but I think what part of the challenging part of a whole ... new bunch and we can hone in on ... the key network ... that I'm that that that hymn people like and it's hard to do that because the media company picked Molly tried to get beaten cubic to carry everything that they are ... I think it is to bring the needle that have happened but it seems to me that none with ... getting PBF out believed to have all the major broadcasters in the house where at ... the QB of for now is not available on ... DirecTV now or we keep the ... checks ... he and business angle of it for a little bit with Toulouse experience selling and Stewie has that ... edge over its competitors but what it is also mean for the digital and came as a whole is this an opportunity to you transform advertising ... our ... intuitive and paying added that it can be able to ... really transform into a linear TV advertising works out because it ... I think even the pack who had the that that type experiment with the added that he he ... and one point they it had the that that that they had to operate here without that that they had to eleven ninety nine year low that had ... been given ... a link I do think like you like this that you now like that that would you rather watch the can work ... well version ... yet and ... maybe they'll try to ... enact any activity York are on an interim improving that may be more relevant to you check ... out ... the compound Canary word that many of these online teachers ... are touting the idea that you know it yet we can have a much more targeted advertising and thinking deep and can get work ... every day over two years now and that's it it's hard to make it happen because there's a lot of moving pieces ... to get that into a REIT bucket the right time to ... make sure that everything worth it and ... know it it yet but I think that who think they have ... we can ... head start on trying until the content that I think ... to law Street Journal's Shawnee Ramachandran ear listening to law Street Journal's techies prefer ... thanks for listening everyone ... so sunny it can Lew is ultimately in the best place to do this if you think you're the average users to thirty three E they had subscription experienced and diesel at experience it's almost not surprising that they were the ones ... that kind of team three with its ... and then divvy your head that encounter yet amid the wheel during a ... lunch date it will be in a few months it did on that ... and I think for now you know ... that the new and that they're a bit they're trying to do things like that but it found that it does seem like even killer UK ... so it's sunny thanks as always for the time thinking thanks again to Shawnee Ramachandran for joining us ... that wraps up this edition of the law Street Journal's ... news briefing for the law Street Journal and Tanya priestess in your ... thanks for listening ... for more podcast check this out at WSJ dot com slashed by CAS become a subscriber and I ITINs stitcher spa to find and now look for us on the Google Play Music and an injury devices