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The Magnificent Seven
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Index 225 reviews in total 

17 out of 27 people found the following review useful:

Good remake, lots of action, entertaining Western!

Author: Whingewood from United Kingdom
29 September 2016

Yet another remake…but the trailers for this one were at least encouraging, especially with Denzel Washington playing the lead.

I have vague memories of seeing the original The Magnificent Seven, (which is in itself a re-imagining of Seven Samurai), and I seem to remember liking it. I think 56 years is long enough of a gap to justify a remake, so I'll give them a pass on this one (although you could argue that 1980's Battle Beyond the Stars was another Seven Samurai remake). So what was it like?

Each character was steadily added to the team, they had a bonding/preparing the town montage, the bad guys showed up, they shot each other a lot, characters were killed, the film ended. Pretty much what I was expecting, and that's fine.

Personally, I love Westerns (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is one of my favourite films ever), so for me this formula really worked. Is it going to win any awards? Probably not, but the performances were good (although it might be hard to argue that Chris Pratt was acting anything other than himself, which again, is fine), it looked good, and most importantly, I was entertained.

(From my blog site: whingewood.wordpress.com)

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26 out of 45 people found the following review useful:

If you look for holes; you'll find them. But its really entertaining!

Author: ChetlovesMer from United States
28 September 2016

First off, I've seen both the original "Seven Samurai" and the Yule Brenner, Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen version about a hundred times; I love both of those movies. I thought this version was great. Is it the greatest movie of all time? Of course not. Is it a reflection of how movies are done today? Of course it is?

There are unquestionably some holes in the story. People point to the Gatling Gun scene as totally over the top. And, Yes. It is over the top. The Gatling Gun, however, was a huge leap forward in firearm technology and if the movie makers were prone to a little exaggeration, I'm okay with that. My guess is any late 1800's cowboy who came up against a Gatling Gun and survived would probably also heavily exaggerate the story when telling it.

The other issue I keep hearing is that some of the seven join up for almost no reason. They just "join up". Okay, again, true. But I challenge you to watch the 1960's version again. If you are truly honest with that film at least 3 members of that seven join up because they have "nothing better to do". I actually think the idea of a bounty hunter rounding up guys who have a bounty on them kinda makes sense. Both the town and the team are way more culturally diverse than ever would have happened in the late 1800's. But did you really think Hollywood could make a movie in which all the bad guys are Mexicans and all the heroes are white guys like in the 1960's version? (Okay Charles Bronson's character was HALF-Mexican.)

This version is very entertaining. It's a fun escape. It's an action movie which isn't another damned superhero movie. The female lead is phenomenal. Denzel is Denzel-ishly great. Chris Pratt is both entertaining and a solid second-in-command. The other characters fill in the blanks nicely. The strangely culturally diverse town participates in their own salvation. The action scenes are well done, if not completely realistic. It's a re-imagined version that pays tribute in many places to both the original and the 1960's remake.

Go see the movie and have fun like I did. And if you are one of those people that needs complete realism. Then sit at home and think about how boring complete realism would be.

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23 out of 40 people found the following review useful:

An energetic and highly entertaining Western.

Author: Troy_Campbell from Sydney, Australia
29 September 2016

The Western has long become a rarity on the big screen, replaced over the last few decades as the dominant action genre first by bulging muscles and explosions, then by spandex and superpowers. So this big-budget remake of the 1960 classic comes as a welcome breath of tobacco-filled air, even if it doesn't quite live up to its predecessor. But as a piece of popcorn entertainment, it fires on all cylinders. Not surprisingly with Antoine Fuqua (Training Day, The Equalizer, Shooter) calling the shots, subtlety is pushed aside for frenetic set pieces and belief-defying heroics, especially in the wild climactic showdown that demonstrates minimal CGI does not equal minimal fun. Amongst all the balletic gunplay and macho posturing there's a relatively simple story: town is overrun by a dastardly villain (Peter Sarsgaard oozing creepiness), town employs cowboys-for-hire (guess how many) for protection, town fights with said cowboys leading the way. That the plot requires little more explanation then that highlights the focus of the movie, for better and for worse, however the fact it never feels shallow or superficial can be attributed to the exhilarating action and the ultra-cool cast. And what a fantastic cast it is. Denzel Washington is reliably charismatic as the contemplative leader, Chris Pratt is magnetic as the group's joker, Ethan Hawke is intense as the tormented sniper, Byung-hun Lee is enigmatic as the blade-wielding assassin, Vincent D'Onofrio is intriguing as the philosophical killer and Haley Bennett is fierce as the townswoman who stands her ground. Best of all, the eclectic characters – also including Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as the rowdy Mexican and Martin Sensmeier as the Indian warrior – share a wonderful chemistry that makes them utterly watchable from start to finish. An energetic remake with style to spare, The Magnificent Seven is a rip-roaring adventure that'll please long-neglected Western fans to no end.

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11 out of 17 people found the following review useful:

"so far so good"

Author: Paul Wycherley from paisley
3 October 2016

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Antoine fuqua is a director that others in Hollywood need to pay attention to, 2014 he gave us the brilliant remake of The Equaliser and now in 2016 he took on his biggest and bravest role with the classic western "the magnificent seven"

Antoine has yet again been a success with a truly amazing remake with Oscar award winning performances from Denzil Washington and Hayley Bennett. The story of 7 mismatched gun slingers who band together to help save a town from the coruption that is bleeding it dry, With superb supporting acting from Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke, Vincent D'Onofrio and Byung-hun Lee the magnificent severn is a masterpiece and its that good the 1960s original magnificent seven take their hat's of this remake.

With the perfect bad guy in Peter Sarsgaard this is one of the best film releases of 2016.

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19 out of 33 people found the following review useful:

A great piece of work

Author: Nori Childress from USA
28 September 2016

This is a must go and see. Definitely a collection keeper. The western is back. Denzel was fabulous at his craft as always, along with the rest of the cast, they fulfilled exactly the mood needed to have an old western feel again in the cinema. The story is strong as well as the action scenes. No spoiler here just go and enjoy this to the fullest. I never expected to be this well entertained. Do not wait to buy the not yet available video, this is a definite popcorn and soda night. Well defined roles in the movie show the talent of the writers, director and creator of this art form, the cinematographers were dead on the mark of capturing the action. every element of life is represented here and the ending is is as good as the beginning! There are western movies and then there are western movies that you don't forget, this one of them. So my conclusion to this piece of work is 10/10, and gets no better than that for me!!

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22 out of 39 people found the following review useful:

Magnificent 7 – Ride again

Author: brankovranjkovic from stevenage
25 September 2016

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

It's a risky move to remake a film that's already been told twice, the last time (in the 60's), a very well reputed western and the version before that (in the 50's) being a truly excellent Japanese samurai epic.

So what do we have here – a film based on a familiar plot, with familiar characters and familiar well-known outcome? Looks like a recipe for disaster – WRONG! If you're becoming bored with Marvel superhero films then this offers an alternative anti-hero style film.

The cast here are more diverse than in previous versions but I feel they were perfectly chosen for the current time, you gradually get to know and care about each of the characters. The film also has a great mixture of comedy, bright one-liners are thrown into some scenes, sometimes lessening the tension.

Looking at the trailer I had great expectations. The film revolves around an assembly of goodhearted criminals and eccentrics, who soon unite over a common cause, specifically the take down of a particularly threatening villain with land grabbing intentions, if he wanted something then he'd just take it! So the film begins. Initially the group's motivation was all about financial reward but ended with being all about pride and honour. It was fascinating to watch the seven anti-heroes slowly banter and bicker their way to becoming a formidable force.

The second act takes us through planning and training the townsfolk to help fight the villain, who returns with an army of 100's and also a Gatling gun.

The third act provides the most action and atmosphere, while the epic battle finale is a spine tingling climax. How it managed to gain a cert 12A is totally beyond me, you could easily mistake this for a cert 15.

Very highly recommended.

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17 out of 30 people found the following review useful:

Not a great movie

Author: phd_travel from United States
26 September 2016

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

There is a huge gun battle so those who are watching for that will be satisfied. Sadly this movie could have been better written. The dialog isn't clever in fact it sounds dumb most of the time. The humor falls flat too. There are some silly plot elements and a draggy middle section.

It was fun to see them fortify and how their traps worked out. The filming is beautiful and the scenery is more colorful than the usual Westerns.

The big battle delivers a huge climax. The machine gun thing was out of place. Sometimes it was hard to make out who was shooting who and who was getting shot.

The ending was weak. Why Bogue would just walk in there and have a one on one with Denzel is just illogical. As a modern twist the brown red and black heroes are the ones left standing.

The cast is generally likable. Ethan Hawke looks haggard for someone in his mid 40s. Denzel looks trimmer than of late. Chris Pratt could still lose about 20 pounds. Byung Hun Lee is okay. The standout is Vincent D'Onofrio who really acts different in different roles. See him in Daredevil? Cam Gigandet looks like a classic Western bad guy. Haley Bennett is quite believable - not too pretty to be unrealistic.

One major casting mistake: Peter Sarsgaard doesn't have the malevolence required to be a villain. His sing song way of talking sounds slimy not nasty.

Not a must watch.

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51 out of 98 people found the following review useful:

The OK 7

Author: drjgardner from California
23 September 2016

Come on now. If you're going to re-make "The Magnificent 7" let's do it magnificently. Where was that great music? Where is the superlative cast that include Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, James Coburn, and Vladimir Sokoloff? You might argue that Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt are on a level with Brynner and McQueen, but I wouldn't. Pratt certainly has potential, but he doesn't yet have McQueen's star power. The rest are pale imitations, except perhaps for an unbelievably fat Vincent D'Onofrio who is certainly entertaining.

This is a modern re-telling. You might call it the Diversity 7. The producers threw in just about every minority you can think of – Mexican, Asian, Black, Woman. The only thing missing was a "little" person .

Personally I liked the idea of the woman, played very well by Haley Bennett who has been with Washington before ("The Equalizer").

An action film like this works only when the villain is villainous. Eli Wallach was terrific. Peter Sarsgaard wouldn't scare a fly.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed it. It's OK, but it's not magnificent.

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3 out of 3 people found the following review useful:

Enjoyed the movie, couldn't get past the costumes

Author: DixieQuilter from United States
5 November 2016

Many others have varying opinions of this movie. I enjoy a good western and this was a sufficient presentation. However, I laughed right out loud numerous times....at the women's costumes. Did they raid every 1950s B-western warehouse to dress these poor women? Supposedly set in 1879, sadly you would have no idea what the average woman wore anywhere near that time by watching this movie. It is inconceivable that Haley Bennet's portrayal of a farmer's wife would be walking around exposing her décolletage. And don't get me started about the saloon girls! As a living historian in a remote Arizona town founded in the 1860s, I am routinely appalled at the "shady ladies" prancing around with their corsets exposed. A little (and I do mean little) research proves these styles incorrect. In this day and age, I find it appalling to watch a movie with so little effort made in women's clothing.

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4 out of 5 people found the following review useful:

The Politically Correct Seven

Author: (blufrog49) from United States
1 December 2016

OK, first you need to know that the only thing I remember from the original is the music--and your reward for sitting through this is that you get that music during the end credits.

I am ALL for diversity and want to see more actors of color in roles that could be played by any ethnicity, but this movie bends over backwards to be SO inclusive, that the viewer is distracted by that. You've got a black man, a Hispanic, a Native American, an Irishman, an Asian, a fat guy, an old guy, a god-fearing guy (OK, the last 3 are all rolled into one) and a woman! And at least one of these people is probably gay--not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's mostly shoot 'em up, and ....... Oh wait, it's ALL shoot 'em up.

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