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Maize PC

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Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 7 Ratings

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  • Summary: Maize is a first-person adventure game about what happens when two scientists misinterpret a memo from the U.S. Government and create sentient corn. And that last sentence is pretty much the least ridiculous thing about the game.


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Dec 19, 2016
    A comedic and utterly bizarre adventure game backed with passion and love for the genre and the craft, with some important options missing letting down a near perfect game.
  2. Dec 1, 2016
    It shows that we can still have a game with cross-generational appeal without simply pandering. I can’t think of many (if any) games that do that as well as Maize. Most importantly, though, it reminds us that “fun” and “rewarding” can still coexist, even in a game that I would share with my young nephew.
  3. Dec 1, 2016
    Even though the game basically pulls you from one remarkable situation to the next, that is kind of the point, and I really enjoyed my time with Maize. It has that self-aware LucasArts ridiculousness that is wonderfully endearing, and seeing as we’re currently lacking in adventure games, Maize is a welcome breath of fresh air.
  4. Dec 7, 2016
    Maize is a first person adventure, full of humor and nonsense, with talking corn and Russian Teddy Bear. However, the puzzles are very easy to solve and the journey is short and linear.
  5. Dec 7, 2016
    Though the quality of Maize’s humor is a subjective matter, we have to admit that we enjoyed this crazy descent to the top-secret facility. However, its gameplay is so simplistic and devoid of challenge that exists only to transfer us from one gag to the other, impacting the overall three hour experience.
  6. Dec 3, 2016
    Maize, despite its problems, is certainly one of the most unique games I’ve played over the past year. I completed it in just under three hours, though players who want to find all the collectibles, each with their own humorous description, will certainly spend longer time on it. The jokes don’t land as often as they should and the gameplay is very straightforward, but for those looking for something weird, Maize is certainly a game worth your attention.
  7. Dec 1, 2016
    There's not much going on in Maize. As a video game it fails on both the technical and interactive fronts. The gameplay is so simplistic that it may as well not even exist. Breaking the fourth-wall is cute, but never really amounts to anything other than a cheap laugh. The story is a decent experience thanks to its humor, but everything surrounding it drags it down.

See all 10 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 2
  2. Negative: 1 out of 2
  1. Dec 10, 2016
    It's for sure not an ordinary adventure game. It's humor is very strange and kind of unique. Graphics and sounds are moderate to say theIt's for sure not an ordinary adventure game. It's humor is very strange and kind of unique. Graphics and sounds are moderate to say the least, but it's not really a problem in this game, as it looks like the developers realized it nad made sure that despite poor graphic and sound quality, it won't be the thing that matters for players. The game is really short, finished it in 5 hours. There are no puzzles in this game (You pick an item and the game tells you what you should use it for, then you look for silhouette of the item suggesting where to place it).

    The strongest advantages of this game are it's characters which behavior is exaggerated (Teddy Bear named Vladdy forever in my heart) and it's humor.
  2. Dec 15, 2016
    Not more than 4/10. Mystifying and intriguing in the beginning and completely uninteresting after 40-50 minutes of gameplay.
    NOT FUNNY at
    Not more than 4/10. Mystifying and intriguing in the beginning and completely uninteresting after 40-50 minutes of gameplay.
    NOT FUNNY at all! Extremely bad optimisation, very poor sounds, pathetic story. Devs, do you think, that permanent insults from teddy bear with russian accent and idiotic stickers will make this game funny?! Just running simulator with "move that object" puzzles. Not even close to good games, like Stanley Parable, Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Dear Esther.