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DC’s Next Big Event To Be “Batman Heavy Metal Rock Opera”

1 hour ago

Although Justice League vs. Suicide Squad is well underway, that doesn’t mean it’s too soon for DC to start teasing their next major crossover event. Furthermore, it doesn’t come as any surprise that the publisher realizes who’s their most bankable superhero, just as WB’s motion picture division does: Batman. And it’s likely due to the fact that he’ll find himself at the epicenter of whatever this grand tale may be.

Scott Snyder, who’s recently been devoting a fair amount of his time to All-Star Batman, will be re-teamed with his longtime collaborator in artist Greg Capullo, which will no doubt make many devoted readers raise their arms in jubilation. What makes this event even more noteworthy is the knowledge that Snyder spent considerable time breaking the story with Geoff Johns, chief creative officer at DC Entertainment and the mind behind countless definitive »

- Eric Joseph

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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4, Episode 10 Synopsis: “The Patriot”

1 hour ago

On the heels of an overall synopsis for the second half of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s fourth season and a breakdown of the first episode back, we now have this intriguing tease for the following week’s installment, which is titled “The Patriot.” As many Marvel Comics fans rightfully guessed around the time he debuted on the show, the team’s new director Jeffrey Mace (Irish actor Jason O’Mara) is actually based on a character called the Patriot  – a Golden Age superhero first introduced in the ’40s, who actually served under the mantle of Captain America for a time.

The show recently revealed that Mace was, in fact, an Inhuman, who appears to exhibit immense strength (the comic book incarnation didn’t actually posses any super powers at all), but from the sounds of things, they might also be planning on taking him back to his patriotic roots.

Here »

- Mark Cassidy

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Check Out An Amazing Variant Cover For Iron Fist’s New Comic Book Series

1 hour ago

Iron Fist is set to premiere on Netflix on March 17th, so it makes sense that the character is getting a new comic book series to celebrate that fact during the same month. It won’t be set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though; instead, the comic takes place in the regular Marvel Universe and will further delve into the character’s past. Written by Ed Brisson with art by Mike Perkins, Marvel has today released a new variant cover by the latter which offers up a very cool look at Danny Rand doing his thing.

Set to pick up where Kaare Andrew’s Iron Fist: The Living Weapon left off, this new series will also delve into some of the elements which were added to the mythos by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction and David Aja’s critically acclaimed Immortal Iron Fist series. For more on what to expect, here »

- Josh Wilding

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Budget Concerns May Be Why Ghost Rider Has Been Dropped From Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

2 hours ago

In the midseason finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Ghost Rider was taken off the board when he seemingly sacrificed himself to save the team. A highlight of season 4, fans were understandably disappointed to bid a premature farewell to the Spirit of Vengeance as the spotlight will now be turned to LMDs (Life Model Decoys) when the show returns next year.

So, why exactly did Ghost Rider vanish after seemingly saving a series which many have said was on its last legs before he showed up? Well, in a recent interview, executive producer Jeff Bell revealed that “financial considerations” were an issue. To be fair, that’s understandable, especially when so much of the character is brought to life with CG. After all, he’s previously only appeared in movies with much bigger budgets, so the fact he came to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at all was a genuine surprise.

However, that »

- Josh Wilding

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Gotham Midseason Premiere Synopsis Teases Jerome’s Return

2 hours ago

Ever since the character of Jerome (Shameless actor Cameron Monaghan) was introduced back in season 2 of Gotham, it was foreshadowed that he would one day become Batman’s most iconic nemesis, the Joker. Indeed, the showrunners played this up, and Jerome definitely exhibited some very Joker-like personality traits – but it is a little difficult to achieve Clown Prince of Crime status when you’re six feet under.

Yes, Jerome met his end later that season at the hands of Theo Galavan, and although much of the promotion for the second half of season 3 has hinted at his return, we were in the dark as to how exactly that would be achieved… until now, that is.

Here’s the synopsis for January’s midseason premiere of Gotham, titled “Ghosts.”

Cameron Monaghan and Paul Reubens Return

Falcone places a hit on Gordon after learning that he shot Mario. Gordon and Bullock discover »

- Mark Cassidy

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Animated Castlevania TV Show May Finally See The Light Of Day

2 hours ago

Frederator Studios, the animation house behind both Fairly Odd Parents and the über-popular Adventure Time, is reportedly gearing up to engineer an animated TV series based on Castlevania, the horror-tinged video game franchise birthed by Konami all those years ago.

Chronicling the supernatural adventures of the Belmont Family across multiple generations – along with their neverending quest to slay Dracula – an adaptation of Castlevania has been kicking about for close to a decade. But IndieWire brings word today that an animated spin on the iconic horror IP is closer now than ever before, after Adventure Time producer Fred Seibert revealed to Nick Animation that his Frederator studio is making headway on “one of the most world-famous video games of the last 30 years.”

“We have a project now that we’re doing that needs to go unnamed, based one of the most world-famous video games of the last 30 years, that we’ve »

- Michael Briers

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Ryan Reynolds Still Game For Deadpool/Wolverine Reunion, Just Not For Logan

3 hours ago

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If Wolverine really is to reunite with the Merc With a Mouth on the silver screen, it won’t be for Logan.

Just yesterday, the Internet neared a standstill after a report claimed Ryan Reynolds’ irreverent Deadpool would swing by for a cameo role in James Mangold’s R-rated threequel. Despite garnering some traction online, both the director and Reynolds himself quickly doused rumors, confirming that the fast-talking mercenary has no part to play in Wolverine’s upcoming swan song – end-credits scene or otherwise.

And though the twosome originally shared the screen during X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it’s difficult to imagine a scenario where Deadpool fits into the bleak, apocalyptic world of James Mangold’s Logan – breaking the fourth wall and ridiculing movie conventions is all well and good for a stylish solo film, but not if it comes at the expense of hard-hitting drama. »

- Michael Briers

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More Details On Gorilla Grodd’s Return In The Flash Season 3 Revealed

3 hours ago

While it’s been fun seeing Barry Allen square off with villainous speedsters over the past few years in The Flash, fans are beginning to grow bored of the Scarlet Speedster having to prove that he’s the Fastest Man Alive. There’s one villain in particular that many would like to see take center stage right about now, and that’s Gorilla Grodd. He played a small role in the first two seasons of The CW series, and it’s now been confirmed that he’ll be making an appearance during The Flash‘s third season when the show returns early next year.

The confirmation comes courtesy of David Sobolov, the actor who voices the psychic gorilla. He took to Twitter to announce his return, but refused to elaborate on what that will involve until “Warner Brothers unseals my lips.” That’s a frustrating tease, but bear in mind »

- Josh Wilding

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Isaiah Mustafa Lobbys For Role In Luke Cage Season 2

3 hours ago

Isaiah Mustafa, star of Freefrom’s Shadowhunters series and otherwise known as ‘The Old Spice Guy,’ fancies his chances of landing a role in the second season of Marvel’s Luke Cage.

Word comes by way of ComicBook.com, who quizzed Mustafa about the standalone series and, more specifically, whether the actor would consider dipping his toe in the superhero genre. Turns out a foray into Marvel’s small-screen universe is something Mustafa would consider, after the Shadowhunters star admitted that he would “love to be involved in any aspect of any Marvel production.” Such is the draw of costumed heroes in 2016.

Per Comic Book:

“I mean, why not? Definitely, I’d play anything on that. I just love the characters so much that I really just want to be a part of it in some way. Just get an opportunity to just play in that world, but I think »

- Michael Briers

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Star Wars Overtakes James Bond To Become Third Highest-Grossing Movie Franchise

4 hours ago

Pulling together numbers from Rogue One‘s box office cume with the overall total of the saga, it’s been revealed that the Star Wars franchise has amassed a staggering $7.34 billion worldwide since A New Hope lit up theaters all those years ago.

That puts it comfortably ahead of the James Bond franchise ($7.04 billion) to become the third highest-grossing series in Hollywood history, behind only the Harry Potter saga – one which encompasses both Warner Bros.’ core franchise and the burgeoning Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them – and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the latter of which stands at a mighty $10.9 billion after 14 movies.

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Perhaps what’s most impressive about Star Wars bypassing Bond, though, is that Disney’s rejuvenated juggernaut has done so after only eight movies, with Rogue One being the film to tip »

- Michael Briers

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Fandango Crowns Star Wars: Episode VIII 2017’s Most Anticipated Movie

4 hours ago

As part of its annual survey, one that also named Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman as the Most Anticipated Comic Book Character of 2017, Fandango has crowned Star Wars: Episode VIII with its biggest accolade: Most Anticipated Movie.

Rian Johnson’s blockbuster sequel saw off the likes of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast to land the top spot. As one would expect, the list is largely dominated by superhero event movies, but there’s still room in there for Fifty Shades Darker, The Fate of the Furious and Universal and Illumination Entertainment’s animated sequel, Despicable Me 3.

When it comes to most anticipated actor and actress, Chris Pratt and Beauty and the Beast star Emma Watson were the respective champions, and Fandango’s Erik Davis fully expects the latter to enjoy a big splash come March, thanks in large part to the »

- Michael Briers

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Castlevania: Dracula X Now Available On New Nintendo 3Ds

5 hours ago

While there haven’t been too many releases on the Nintendo 3Ds as of late (save for Pokémon Sun And Moon), Nintendo has prepared one last game to close out the end of the year. If you happen to own a New Nintendo 3Ds or New Nintendo 3Ds Xl, you can pick up the Snes version of Castlevania: Dracula X today on the Nintendo eShop.

This Virtual Console version of the game follows the plot of the cult classic Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, but significantly alters the game’s art style, level designs, and gameplay elements. While most hardcore Castlevania fans aren’t too fond of the changes made during the game’s localization, it’s still worth taking a look at if you are a fan of the series, especially since there hasn’t been a proper Castlevania game on the Nintendo 3Ds in quite some time.

As detailed on Nintendo’s website, »

- Shaan Joshi

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Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman Is Fandango’s Most Anticipated Comic Book Character Of 2017, New Pic Storms Online

5 hours ago

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If there was ever any doubt that Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman has struck a chord with the moviegoing masses following her all-too-brief appearance in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Fandango’s 2017 round-up is here to silence the naysayers.

As part of its annual tradition, the ticket site conducts a survey of the biggest upcoming movies – not to mention their respective leading stars – to gauge the popularity of each project long in advance. In this instance, Gal Gadot clinched the top spot for Rising Female Movie Star in anticipation of her roles across both Wonder Woman and Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The actress fended off strong competition to land #1, too, including Zendaya (Spider-Man: Homecoming) and Elizabeth Debicki (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2).

Perhaps most impressive of all is that Gadot’s warrior princess was also crowned »

- Michael Briers

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Carrie Fisher Had A Secret Role In The Original Dishonored

5 hours ago

While 2016 has been filled with numerous celebrity deaths, the recent and tragic passing of actress Carrie Fisher has hit the world particularly hard. Best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, her death was felt around the world, with an outpouring of grief coming from her many fans and colleagues.

Though Fisher was (without a doubt) a particularly important figure in the world of film and television, her work in video games is far less noteworthy. For the most part, she chose not to lend her voice to any projects, with one of the sole exceptions being the newly recorded lines of dialogue for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

However, it turns out that Fisher recorded a handful of lines for the first Dishonored game as well, which was released back in 2012. As reported by Glixel, her voice can be heard depending on »

- Shaan Joshi

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Neil Armstrong Biopic First Man Blasts Off With Ryan Gosling And Damien Chazelle

5 hours ago

Damien Chazelle is a director in demand. Having caught the industry’s attention with the ferocious Whiplash two years ago, Chazelle’s follow-up, La La Land, has muscled its way to the front of this year’s Oscars race – and with scores of other awards nominations already to its name, other contenders will struggle to knock La La Land off its perch.

But Damien Chazelle is already thinking further afield. According to Variety, the writer-director has mapped out plans to reunite with Ryan Gosling for First Man, a biopic centering on the life and times of Neil Armstrong. Universal Pictures had already attracted Gosling to the gestating project some months ago, and news that Chazelle has now officially climbed aboard ensures that it won’t be too long before the wheels are in motion.

James Hansen’s novel, First Man: A Life of Neil A. Armstrong, will serve as the jumping-off point, »

- Michael Briers

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10 Hidden Gaming Gems From 2016 That You Must Play

5 hours ago

Gaming is currently suffering its worst crisis in years: there are too many great titles to play. Every gamer worth their salt has to get their hands on blockbusting, tech-showcasing ‘must plays’ like Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Dishonored 2 and Doom. Aside from all that, you’ve also got to make time for the endlessly entertaining multiplayer games like Overwatch, The Division and Destiny that hoover up hundreds of hours of free time.

After grinding through all that gaming loveliness, though, how much free time can anyone possibly have left? Something’s got to give, and too often it’s the less marketed, more experimental and less well-known games that get overlooked. It’s a shame, but it’s the nature of the industry and each and every year, numerous games fly under the radar when often, they’re far better than what’s currently sitting in your console. »

- David James

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Rain Man Teams Up With Fiyah Fiyah On New Single “King Kong”

5 hours ago

Since his split with Krewella, Rain Man has steadily been establishing himself as a solid solo act. Songs like “Bring Back The Summer” and “Habit” saw the producer moving past his dubstep and electro roots to embrace a more pop-friendly sound. Now, in what might be an attempt to capitalize on the hype surround the upcoming film Kong: Skull Island, Rain Man is back with a new single this week titled “King Kong.” His latest release arrives as a pummeling dubstep tune featuring Fiyah Fiyah and Cinélu.

King Kong” kicks off with an ominous introduction, driven by punchy beats and hype vocals courtesy of Cinélu. After an intense buildup, Rain Man takes us into the drop with spastic, stuttering bass rhythms and powerful half time drum patterns. Taking influence from heavy metal, “King Kong” moves into a pseudo-guitar solo after the first drop before concluding with an electrifying four on the floor section. »

- Connor Jones

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Rezz And k?d Have A Collaboration Coming Out In 2017

6 hours ago

Of all the producers who rose to prominence in 2016, Rezz is one of the more noteworthy. Having earned the support of deadmau5 with her unique style and meticulously crafted productions, she managed to strike a chord with listeners while holding down numerous festival appearances throughout the year. As 2017 inches closer, Rezz has now confirmed that she has a collaboration set to arrive next year with another rising star, k?d.

Taking to Twitter, k?d announced that he has a song on the way with the Something Wrong Here producer. Rezz later re-Tweeted the announcement, stating that she’s excited for the tune to be released.

K?d had a notable run in 2016 as well. The mysterious eighteen-year-old producer impressed us earlier in 2016 with his Rkcb collaboration on “Discover,” a dreamy outing with a self-animated music video from k?d himself. His remix of Porter Robinson‘s “Sad Machine” stunned »

- Connor Jones

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New Dragon Quest XI Footage Showcases Dragon Riding

7 hours ago

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the long-running Dragon Quest series, Japanese broadcasting corporation Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Nhk) developed a special program dedicated to the franchise. While you’d be hard-pressed to find this footage online, a new video has now surfaced which shows off new gameplay and behind-the-scenes development for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.

As reported by Polygon, the two-minute long clip (which you can check out above) shows off a brief glimpse of gameplay. Along with a few instances of running around the open world and engaging in combat, the footage showcases the ability to ride a dragon as a means of transportation, a mechanic that was popularized in a handful of RPGs (specifically, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes to mind). For a series that has traditionally focused on engaging dragons in combat, it’s interesting to see this shift in direction. »

- Shaan Joshi

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Carrie Fisher Will Appear In Two Future Episodes Of Family Guy

7 hours ago

The late, great Carrie Fisher will appear in two future episodes of Family Guy, Entertainment Tonight has confirmed.

Fisher, who tragically passed away two days ago after suffering a heart attack on December 23, had completed performances for two installments of Fox’s hit animated comedy just prior to her passing. Details of when each episode will premiere are yet to be revealed, but we’ll be keeping you right up-to-date nonetheless.

This is by no means the first time that Carrie Fisher has featured on Family Guy, after voicing the character of Angela, Peter Griffin’s supervisor at the brewery, back in 2005. In those intervening years, the Star Wars icon has played the part an additional 20 times, most recently on January’s episodes of Seth MacFarlane’s biting sitcom. In commemorating the life and legacy of Carrie Fisher, the show’s creator – who also lends his voice to scores of »

- Michael Briers

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