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IMDb > Mack 'Dirt Diver' Gerhardt (Character)
Mack 'Dirt Diver' Gerhardt
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Mack 'Dirt Diver' Gerhardt (Character)
from "The Unit" (2006)

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The Unit -- In the season finale, the fallout from Amaro's assault threatens to end his career - and triggers the return of Sergeant Munch.
The Unit -- A proactive approach to targeting sexual offenders lands the squad in murky moral and legal territory. Joshua Malina, B.D. Wong and Nia Vardalos guest star.
The Unit -- A child is caught in the middle of a famous couple's nasty divorce. Bradley Whitford, Geraldo Rivera and Ann Curry guest star.
The Unit -- Internal Affairs targets Benson when evidence in the Lewis suicide points to murder.
The Unit -- William Lewis escapes from prison to terrorize Benson in a thrilling final showdown between the psychopath and his favorite victim. Pablo Schreiber guest stars.

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Mack's radio call sign of "Dirt Diver" is probably the most accurate of all the Alpha Team members... See more »
Alternate Names:
Mack Gerhardt


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  1. "The Unit"
        - Unknown Soldier (2009) TV episode, Played by Max Martini (as Mack Gerhardt)
        - Endgame (2009) TV episode, Played by Max Martini (as Mack Gerhardt)
        - Chaos Theory (2009) TV episode, Played by Max Martini (as Mack Gerhardt)
        - Whiplash (2009) TV episode, Played by Max Martini (as Mack Gerhardt)
        - Best Laid Plans (2009) TV episode, Played by Max Martini (as Mack Gerhardt)
          (64 more)

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Fun Stuff

From "The Unit: Misled and Misguided (#4.10)" (2008)
Mack Gerhardt: [Speaking of Metz] Who the Hell gave him any power?
Bob Brown: You heard him: he held a weapon in Desert Shield.
Charles Grey: [laughing] Is that what he was holding?
Jonas Blane: You know, a month's salary says he never made it out of his hotel room in Kuwait.
Mack Gerhardt: If that guy has seen more than an hour of combat, I'm gonna have to restructure my entire vision of the world.
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