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IMDb > Becky Fuller (Character)
Becky Fuller
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Becky Fuller (Character)
from Morning Glory (2010)

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Photos (See all 16 | slideshow) Related Videos (see all 10)
Morning Glory -- A clip from the movie Morning Glory.
Morning Glory -- A clip from the movie Morning Glory.
Morning Glory -- A look at the making of the movie Morning Glory
Morning Glory -- TV Spot: Triumph
Morning Glory -- An upstart television producer (McAdams) is set the challenge of reviving a struggling morning show program, despite the constant feuding of its high-profile anchors (Keaton and Ford).

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  1. Morning Glory (2010) Played by Rachel McAdams (as Becky)

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Fun Stuff

From Morning Glory (2010)
[last lines]
Becky Fuller: [reading a newspaper article] "His gravity leavens the silliness of morning TV, making for an incongruous but somehow perfect match. Turns out that after forty years in the business, the real Mike Pomeroy has arrived." Not bad.
Mike Pomeroy: By the way, I'm getting my prostate checked next week. I thought I'd take a crew with me.
Becky Fuller: [gasps] That's a great idea! We...
Mike Pomeroy: [cutting her off] Jesus, I'm kidding.
Becky Fuller: No, seriously, they have these little teeny, tiny cameras that go right up your...
Mike Pomeroy: No, no, no.
Becky Fuller: What if we got you a body double?
[Mike laughs]
Becky Fuller: Huh?
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