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IMDb > Britt Reid (Character)
Britt Reid
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Britt Reid (Character)
from "The Green Hornet" (1966)

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Britt Reid is the handsome and dashingly wealthy young... See more »
Alternate Names:
Brit Reid / Young Britt


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  1. The Green Hornet (2011) Played by Seth Rogen / Joshua Erenberg (as Young Britt)
    ... aka "Green Hornet" - Japan (English title) (imdb display title)

  2. The Green Hornet (2006) Played by Emmanuel Lanzi / Eddie Crew

  3. "The Green Hornet"
    ... aka "The Kato Show" - Hong Kong (English title) (informal title)
        - The Hornet and the Firefly (1967) TV episode, Played by Van Williams
        - Invasion from Outer Space: Part 2 (1967) TV episode, Played by Van Williams
        - Invasion from Outer Space: Part 1 (1967) TV episode, Played by Van Williams
        - Hornet, Save Thyself (1967) TV episode, Played by Van Williams
        - Alias the Scarf (1967) TV episode, Played by Van Williams
          (21 more)

  4. The Green Hornet Strikes Again! (1940) Played by Warren Hull
  5. The Green Hornet (1940) Played by Gordon Jones
Archive Footage:
  1. "Pioneers of Television"
        - Breaking Barriers (2014) TV episode, Played by Van Williams (as Brit Reid)
  2. I Am Bruce Lee (2012) (TV) Played by Van Williams
  3. The Green Hornet Movie Edition (2011) (V) Played by Gordon Jones
  4. Bruce Lee: The Legend Lives On (1999) (TV) Played by Van Williams
  5. The Green Hornet (1990) (V) Played by Gordon Jones (as Brit Reid)
  6. Fury of the Dragon (1976) Played by Van Williams
  7. The Green Hornet (1974) Played by Van Williams

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Fun Stuff

From The Green Hornet (2011)
Britt Reid: What did you think of my father?
Kato: He was fine.
Britt Reid: Come on. Just tell me.
Kato: He was my boss. Nobody loves their boss.
Britt Reid: Don't sugarcoat this, Kato. You're not gonna offend me. Just tell me, man to man.
Kato: He was a bit of a dick.
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