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Good Monster Movie Fun
25 January 2015
I would like to start by saying that I understand the critical reviews of this movie, I really do. There are many flaws in this movie and some of the performances, with the exception of the superb Charles Dance as the master vampire, are lacking.

However, in spite of it's flaws "Dracula Untold" is a entertaining movie from start to finish. This is the sort of film that critics try to take too seriously and focus too strongly on it's flaws and historical inaccuracies. For instance Mehmet never personally led an attack against his brother even though they were foes for many years. Here's my retort to that, WHO CARES! this is a story about Dracula, not the actual Vlad Tepes. Ironically my favorite depiction of Vlad comes from the "DaVinci's Demons" episode "The Devil".

The story of Dracula is an old one, but this film does credit to it's predecessors by introducing a plausible back story along with some bloody good battles and impalement's.

If your looking for a good monster story with some pretty sweet effects "Dracula Untold" is a solid choice.
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Homeland (2011– )
Thought Provoking Television
8 August 2013
If you want to watch some inane shoot em up show about terrorism where America can do no wrong and always kills the enemy, there are plenty of those available. However if you want a more in depth look at the causalities of terrorist attacks and the people that devote their lives to preventing them, then Homeland is a show for you.

One thing that has bothered me for years in shows like 24 is the stereotypical views that they promote about the non-traditional Americans such as Muslims. Every single Islamic member that is shown in shows like 24 ends up having some ties to terrorism and is inherently evil. It doesn't stop there though, any deviation of what is thought to be the ideal American lifestyle leads to trouble in such single minded simplistic shows, but I digress.

This is a review about Homeland which is a surprisingly good entertainment. It starts with Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes in an astonishing performance) learning that an American POW has been turned and is now working for a terrorist organization. Later when an American POW, Gunnery Sergeant Nicolas Brody (Damian Lewis), is rescued she starts to think that he may have been the one she was warned about.

WIthout any proof or any real probable cause, she opens an investigation and begins tracking his movements to see if anything raises suspicions. Another bothersome thing about many other shows is the way the lead characters of those shows someone has the audacity and ability to flout both federal and state laws without any repercussions. Homeland does not let any of it's characters get off so easy. If any character is in the wrong in any way they are appropriately chastised for it. In addition to Claire Danes and Damian Lewis awards worthy performances, Mandy Patinkin's performance as upper level CIA officer and Carrie Mathison's mentor is phenomenal.

Not wanting to give away to much of this amazing plot I will end this review here. However I will say that even though the first few episodes of season one are a little slow, it is to be expected since automatically leading into the action is a good way to turn an astute brilliantly crafted show into another asinine action filled debacle.
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Game of Thrones (2011– )
Great Books = Great Television Series
26 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not since J.R.R. Tolkien's works has someone created such a masterful and complete fictional world as George R.R. Martin. His extensive world with its numerous characters inhabiting it, is a joy to read about in the books and to view on this brilliantly adapted Television show.

The numerous main plot points and side stories which are all inhabited by various characters that pop in and out of each others individual journeys make these books much more fitted for a television series rather than adapting it into a series of films that would most undoubtedly end up leaving out a number of characters and plot points that would leave the ignorant viewer confused and would not do justice to the books.

Of the numerous POV characters that appear throughout the books and Television series, some of the most prominent ones include Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage), Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), Arya Stark (Maisie Williams), Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Delane), Bran Stark (Isaac Wright), Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau) and you know what? There are just to many to mention. The way that the above characters intertwine with all the other characters inhabiting their world is masterful.

The world that these characters inhabit is plagued with civil strife and rebellion after the death of the King with many believing they have a right to sit on the Iron Throne and command the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. With in-fighting and treachery abundant in each of the regions the path to the throne is not as easy as it would seem. Along with the battle for the throne, the regions of Westeros are starting to become increasingly aware of a threat from beyond the their borders in the north and from the uncharted regions of the continent of Essos. Magic seems to become part of world again and disciples of The Lord of Light challenge the practiced faith of The Faith of the Seven of Westeros.

One of the attributes of this series that makes it so enjoyable is the fact that no one is safe from the dangers of the world, no character is "invincible" as becomes apparent after the first book.

Not wanting to reveal to many plot points I will this review here, but one last thing I will say is this: Pay attention to the details of the earlier episodes series and chapters of the book, and don't get to attached to any of the characters because they might not last as long as you think they will.
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Dexter (2006–2013)
Superb Television
23 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In recent years the caliber of television programs being produced has been superb. Showtime and HBO have been leading the charge, releasing one ground breaking program after another.

Dexter is a great example of what a great television show should be. With it's well written characters to it's riveting plot lines. The problem with most television shows these days is the comfortability that the writers have with sticking to the same old tired formulaic plot lines that vary only ever so slightly from episode to episode and season to season. The writers and producers of Dexter have so many diverse side plot and sub plots on top of the main focus of the show that every time you view a season or even a singular episode for a second or third time you pick up on these that you may have missed before. It's amazing how different each season of Dexter is and yet it still is able to keep a cohesive story line and flows throughout the whole series.

Unlike other long running shows, the actions that occurred in the first season are never forgotten and certain often brought back up and occasionally consequences still linger from past transgressions. No one, not even the main character Dexter, is exempt from answering for his actions.

Another shining quality of this show is the dialogue. All shows have required dialogue that is needed to push the plot from beginning to finish, but its the way in which that dialogue is written and delivered that can make the difference between a good show and a bad show. The way the dialogue is written for each character individually and not just slapped together to get it done.

Michael C. Hall has created a cult icon with his portrayal of Dexter Morgan. However the supporting cast is just as crucial to the success of this show. Most of the recurring cast has created memorable characters from their portrayal. Along with the regular cast, Dexter has had a number guest stars such as John Lithgow, Mos, Colin Hanks, Ray Stevenson and Johnny Lee Miller.

I've started to cut down on what shows I watch, a lot of shows have fallen off that list in recent years. I started watching Dexter after season one came out and haven't stopped since. If your looking for a great show to watch, this is it.
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House of Cards (2013– )
Kevin Spacey steals the show.
25 February 2013
Of all the charms that this show offers to the viewer, the best is the performance of Kevin Spacey, this show reminds us how great of an actor he really is.

I have started to be very selective of the shows I watch and have started eliminating some of the shows I used to watch. A lot of TV shows these days have started to become mundane and repetitive relying on cheap jokes or big explosions and gun fights as their primary source of entertainment they have to offer their audience. There's only so many buildings and car that I can watch blow up without cause before I get bored with it (shooting the gas can of a car under most circumstances will not cause the car to explode). Also there's only so many ignorant stereotypical jokes that I can listen to before I just feel sorry for the actors that have to say those lines.

House of Cards is a miracle among the rubbish, a show that relies on dialogue and enthralling plot lines to capture its audience. On these lines I would compare it to such great shows as Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire. It shows how under the right direction and script a TV show can be just as good as a big budget movie.

Kevin Spacey who is in front of the acting part of this show gives one of the best performances of his career, which is a very prominent career. Other actors might have taken this role and taken it over the top, Spacey on the other hand plays this character as a smart ruthless congressman who is pulling the strings of the government without anyone catching on. Kate Mara, the reporter, has given some strong performances before some of which has been on other rather impressive TV programs such as Nip/Tuck and American Horror Story. However in this show she plays a young reporter for the Washington Herald who is trying to make a name for herself in the journalist business. Other strong characters from this show include Robin Wright as the congressman's wife.

The stance that this show takes on politics in Washington is scary and shows how somebody who knows how to work the system can get their agenda across. To try and describe the plot line would take too long and would take away from the pleasure of watching this show.

I hope Netflix has more original programming like this.
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Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
Better Age of Television
21 August 2012
In recent years there has been a tremendous outbreak of better shows being broadcasted. Some of these include Game of Thrones, Boss, The Borgias and obviously this one. I cannot remember the last time I was so impressed with every aspect of a cast of a show. From the regulars who are fantastic and the guest appearances where every actor makes each role their own. Steve Buscemi who I have admired since I first saw him in "Fargo" leads this powerful cast with a logical, smart and when necessary ruthless crime boss who has political influence in many different offices up to the white house and rules Atlantic City as a true emperor.

The production of this show could be discussed and analyzed at length. The look of the show gives that great nostalgic look, that looks like the 20's, with everything from the sets to the dress that the cast wears along with the mannerisms that the cast portrays.

The way that this show connects a cohesive storyline that follows it's characters across the country is phenomenal. It intertwines fictional characters and fictional situations along side with real historical character, such as Al Capone, with such ease and smoothness that it makes the plot even more intriguing. One thing I appreciate in a show like this is when it takes time away from the inevitable plot to focus on and flourish individual character development that improves the story line. It also allows for it's characters the ability to grow.

If recent years have been any indication of where television programs are going then I am impressed. Watching Boardwalk Empire is like watching a movie at the theatre in your own home. It's pertinent, soulful, sad, hopeful and one hell of an entertaining show.
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True Documentation
21 August 2012
The art of making a real documentary has become lost in recent years with filmmakers consistently using stylistic editing and asking questions only to prove the point there trying to make. One thing that struck me with "Into The Abyss" by Werner Herzog was how brilliantly he stayed on task of what he was trying to say. He clearly states once that he does not believe in the death penalty.

The thing that impressed me the most was how he was never on screen and only asked honest and pertinent questions to all his interviewees without leading them to the answers he wanted. He probed but always let the person say exactly what they wanted to say. He never tries to excuse or romanticize the crime led the one person he interviewed to death row but is firm in his belief that capital punishment is just as much a sin as the crimes perpetrated by the death row inmates

As I understand it, The United States is one of the last few developed countries that still imposes the death penalty and Texas has the highest rate of death row inmates and the lowest rate of appeals for death row inmates in the nation. While pondering that question you have to ask yourself, "why is that?" is crime being any more deterred by this, I would say no since they still have the highest rate of death row inmates even to this day.

The commentary by the different people that Herzog talks too is extraordinary. The two that I found to be the best were the father Jason Burkett who is also in prison and the man who was once captain of the guard where Perry was to be executed. This mans conclusion on why the death penalty should not be used is perhaps the best and most profound.

Herzog poses no enlightening statement at the end and even provides no commentary minus the questions he asks the people he interviews and this is perhaps the best way he could have approached this subject. He let's the viewer determine for themselves what they want to take away from the evidence he provides.

This is a hard film to review but is a film that should be seen, and the two questions stuck with me even after the film was over, Who has the right to take another life? and, Is there a point where the taking of a life is not a sin?
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21 July 2012
After viewing this film last night the thing that surprised me the most was how much it resonated with me after I left the theatre. Christopher Nolan has done the impossible and created a legend out a superhero movie. The depths that this film goes into resolving around evil in the darkest definition of the word and the will of a few to oppose such men is astounding.

Throughout this epic of a film new characters have been introduced, these characters range from a young policeman to a well trained thief to a new female interest for Wayne. All of the additions in their own way add to the film flawlessly without distracting away from the main plot.

Now for the main new addition of Bane. After the introduction of Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight I had little hope that any actor could pick up the mantle and be the primary villain in the final chapter of these films but low and behold Tom Hardy does a fantastic job. The atrocities that he enacts with a cruel and logical sense are a little more then disturbing.

Christian Bale who from Batman Begins in 2005 to the conclusion of this film has possibly had the best portrayal of Batman. It's more then just what he does, it's also what he doesn't do that shows the nature of Batman. Just notice during the beginning of the film where you can tell that the choices and decisions of the last film look like they are literally weighing on his shoulders. Also Michael Caine has a tougher role in this one then in the two previous films and he does it beautifully.

This is possibly the best aspect of this movie. There is absolutely no easy answers to anything that happens, and nothing is done for effect. Their is obviously chase scenes and other such common action movie scenes, but the difference here is that during this film these scenes don't seem unnecessary and don't drag on and on.

Christopher Nolan has created his masterpiece which is The Dark Knight saga, the screenplay along with his direction has turned a superhero movie into a classical tragedy with philosophical undertones that can discuss the human condition and the lengths people are willing to go to protect what they cherish. There is so much more that I would like to write but I refuse to give away any spoilers and ruin the movie for anyone.
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New Cult Classic.
4 July 2012
Every once in a while a movie catches your eye and instantly becomes a cult classic, this has happened with other films such as Donnie Darko, Evil Dead and Reservoir Dogs. Seeing the previews for this film I went in expecting an entertaining horror movie and nothing more. And briefly that's what I thought was be presented before me in the theatre then the real story started to come to light and I couldn't have been more thrilled.

Since I refuse to give anything away that would ruin the excellent experience of viewing this movie, I will just briefly describe the plot. If you have ever seen any classic horror films like Evil Dead then you already know the setup to the movie. A few college kids go to a deserted cabin in the woods that they inexplicably were able to get for a weekend or so. Explaining any further about the beginning would just be unnecessary repetition of what you should already know. Needless to say after brief enjoyment some evil is unearthed and one by one the kids start to be killed as would happen in any horror movie of this sort. Up to this point I considered this to be the highlight of the movie which would have been been what I expected but what I didn't expect is that this was barely the beginning of what was coming.

Joss Whedon who I have respected for years from his amazing television shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and more recently Dollhouse. He also was pitch perfect for directing the Avengers movie that was also released this year. Him along with his long time collaborator Drew Goddard have made a masterpiece of a horror film, if this film even belongs to a specific genre. The young cast is amazing but perhaps the standout of the group would be Fran Kranz who plays "Marty", who beyond being the funny stoner of the movie actually does have a really good role and it would seem hard to imagine the movie without him.

Unfortunately it's hard to recommend this movie without giving away important plot points, so I'll just end with this, Try and find a way to watch this movie it is spectacular and will become a cult classic that will discussed for a long time.
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Heat (1995)
More than a crime drama
31 January 2012
There are rare occurrences that elevate a director, into a great director. This can be seen in "Taxi Driver" by Martin Scorsese, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" by Steven Spielberg and "Magnolia" by Paul Thomas Anderson. These are movies in which people begin to realize the true talent that these directors have in making their films.

Watching "Heat" for the first time years ago it was obvious that this film had more then what you would expect from a crime drama, but it's only after a couple viewing that you can begin to really appreciate what this movie has to offer. Which is the experience of watching the world that cops and robbers live in.

When this was first released it was promoted strongly on the fact that it was going to be the first movie where Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro were going to share screen time (I'm aware they were in Godfather Part II together but they didn't have any scenes together in that). After all the promotion of this some people were disappointed to have to wait for more then have the movie for them to have a scene together, but honestly I preferred it the way it is. There are far to many movies that have cops and robbers sharing numerous scenes together and after so many it's just hard to believe that it's real. In this they share a couple scenes and only one real conversation which is perhaps the best scene of the movie.

The plot of the movie is something that you've heard before, where the movie flourishes and excels beyond the commonality of these sorts of movies is in the dialogue and emotional input that is put into each scene. There is really no scene that seems "scripted" or "fake". There are certain points in the movie where DeNiro pauses for a moment as if he's trying to think of what to say in that situation instead of just regurgitating what the screenplay tells him to say. This is one of those extremely rare films where you can literally see no one else in any of the roles that are cast, it's easy to tell that they went into real casting calls and picked the best person for each and every role.

Even with all the beautiful dialogue and conversations that go on throughout the film, I have always been and will always be a fan of the silent parts where we all know what's going on and the director has enough faith in the audience not to insult our intelligence by dumbing down any of these parts at all. There is one particular scene between Chris Shiherlis (Val Kilmer) and his wife Charlene Shiherlis (Ashley Judd) that is perhaps of the best examples of this. Instead of words there is music in the back round of this scene that gives away the emotional feelings that are occurring during this scene. There is another scene involving Lt. Vincent Hanna's (Al Pacino) stepdaughter (Natalie Portman) that is along the same lines and is another one of those unforgettable scenes that lesser movies would not even bother to incorporate.

There is everything right about this movie, there have been movies which after a couple viewings they begin to lose their enjoyment. This is not one of those, this is one of the rare movies that will end up being a classic crime drama along the same lines as "The Maltese Falcon" and "Key Largo".

It's hard these days to find anything with the same kind of impact as the older crime dramas but that just might have to do with the less and less attention that writers are giving to the characters in these sorts of movies since their target audience it seems doesn't want to be intrigued by complex plot points, they just want to see stuff blow up and cars chasing each other around the block for half an hour. However when a movie like this comes along it's hard not to appreciate it's courage in taking a kind of movie like this and elevating it to greatness.

"Heat" is Michael Mann's masterpiece.
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Immortals (2011)
Worth a view
20 November 2011
Here's the thing, I didn't exactly have high hopes for this movie I was aware going in that it would be a lot of action scenes interrupted only for brief conversations about what was happening. Oddly enough there was actually less action then you would think.

The director, who before this, did the exhilarating "The Fall" is able to almost redeem this movie from all of its faults. The acting is mediocre for the most part with the exceptions of Zeus and Athena (there scenes together are perhaps the best of the film).

The set designs that were used in some cases as in Olympus were brilliant but I've grown tired of CG sets, the look of Greece seemed just to fake. About half way through the film I remembered a very under-rated film "The Eagle" starring Channing Tatum that was shot almost completely on location. I remember wanting that look for this film.

Now as I said the action scenes were not that pervasive in the film but were damn bloody when they do show up. One complaint I would share is the over usage of the slow motion during the battle sequences. The one scene involving the Gods in battle is amazing and contains a views beautiful images.

Would I consider this film to be a great epic? Perhaps not but it definitely is worth a view, its a good enjoyable movie.

One side note, if at all possible try to see this is 2D, this has been probably about the thirteenth film I've seen in 3D and every time I regret it. It's a strain on your eyes and I believe actually dulls the colors of the film.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Good Fun Movie.
22 October 2011
Well to begin I was hesitant about seeing this movie after seeing a couple previews over the last couple months. With the amount of remakes growing greater and the quality of the remakes growing worse, it was unclear if this film would be any good.

After the first 20 minutes or so I was shocked by what I found, a good entertaining movie. Which is something that is is becoming rare lately. It seems that some producers and directors are forgetting the most basic reason that we go to the movies and that is to be entertained.

Now does this movie have flaws? Oh yes it does, there are a few things that never get explained and reasons that never seem clear, but all these are forgiven by the entertainment that is produced in the process.

If you have seen the original John Carpenter film, then you're aware of the basic plot line of the film but the film makers made a great decision by making this a prequel to the original and not a straight remake.

The acting throughout the film is standard for what is to be expected in this type of film, Mary Elizabeth Winstead does a surprisingly good job with the material she's given. Since one thing that is usually taken for granted in these sorts of films is the acting and usually is consists of many people giving quick one-liners or running for hours without losing their breath.

The approach they have with bringing the alien into the action is actually quite brilliant and the way it ends at the expect moment the earlier one begins is always a nice touch. Now to those who have a problem with excessive gore be warned that this film can be quite bloody at times but those scenes aren't that frequent and don't last that long.

Now is this movie worth seeing? I would say yes, if you are into these types of movies. It's just a good entertaining movie. I enjoy watching a movie like this every once in a while, it's just something that you can sit back enjoy.
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Red State (2011)
20 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing reviews for this film a long time ago it seems now and then realizing it wasn't coming to anyone theatre nearby, I got a little frustrated since it seemed this was going to be at least a entertaining film to watch.

After finally viewing it for the first time, I have to admit the only reason I get watching was in hope that it would get better and when the credits finally started to roll the only question I had was "what the **** was the point of that?" After the hype that came about early it seems clear that once the studios saw the movie they didn't think it'd do well in the theatre.

The cast is actually rather impressive and the actors are admirable for putting up with this screenplay. John Goodman is perhaps the best part of this film and has a good scene towards the end that reminds me of what a good actor he actually is.

In the beginning of the film 3 teenage boys head to this place in search of sex, which for anyone whose ever been a teenage boy, is a very believable thing to do and to be fair the movie started off in the right way and seemed to have a point but somewhere it lost it and was unable to retrieve it. The use of the teenagers is reprehensible, now having said that I went into this film thinking it was going to be a horror film so I was prepared for the violence. However the use of it towards the kids and other individuals was wrong and a little disturbing.

Being a fan of Kevin Smith films I was a little excited about this but it seems clear he should stick to his comedy films.

The last half of this film is one scene after another that makes you feel dirty and even though I'm used to dark tones in films this one seemed wanting nothing more then to have the audience turn away in disgust.

Now like I said, the film starts off strong by showing the lunacy of some of these religious groups that feel the need to shove their beliefs in our face. However these people don't realize that this type of approach does nothing more then turn people away and gives the main religion a bad name. Why can't people remember what they were taught as kids and that is to try and get along with everyone.
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Bully (2001)
Haunting Film.
14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There are only certain films as disturbing as this one that warrant it's content with a real subject matter that explores a situation in as full depth as this particular film does. There is no film that could compare to the way Larry Clark approaches this material and the way he presents it. There are far too many films these days that almost seem to glorify the violence that it shows.

Larry Clark whose fascination with teenage culture was apparent with his debut film "Kids". Now that film was more or less just shocking without any reason for the audience to be subjected to the horrors given on screen. Now I did enjoy that film and appreciated it for what it was. But nothing in that film prepared me for this film.

"Bully" is not exactly what you would expect, most directors with this material would have focused on Bobby Kent being completely evil (which the film does) but would have made the other kids out to be heroes. The other kids in this film are true examples of what happens when true apathy sets in on the youth and they live only for the moment.

During this film Marty Puccio has a best friend Bobby Kent who has been terrorizing him for years. One day Marty and Bobby meet Ali and Lisa. From this meeting Marty and Lisa begin a relationship in which Lisa takes very seriously very fast. So she begins to think that if Bobby was out of the picture, Marty would be better and therefore she would be better since he could then focus all his time with her. From this Marty and Lisa are joined by Ali, Heather and Donny to come up with a plan to kill Bobby. This plan ends up involving Lisa's cousin and a want-to-be hit-man.

The conversation about killing Bobby is perhaps the best written scene of the movie. This type dialogue is extremely difficult to write. To make it seem real, since in other movies it's easy to tell the actors are just reading the lines.

The acting in this film by this fine young cast is beyond perfect, it seems as if they were made for there roles. For some reason Kelli Garner the actress who portrays Heather Swallers always stands out to me especially when the scene involving the back history of her family comes up.

This is perhaps one of greatest examples of what people are capable of together that apart none of them would even consider. The mob mentality can be a dangerous thing.

In 2001 when this film was released I was 14 and did not even know this film existed at the time. Remembering some of films that I watched at that time that were major blockbusters at the time and looking back this film would have been much better to watch. Some so called PG-13 family friendly films are almost more damaging to teenagers then something that truly shows human emotions and what violence against others is really like. Where some films show murder as entertainment, this film shows it for what it truly is; ugly, messy, and damages far more people then people like the kids in this film think. I would recommend this film to any thoughtful teenage or adult. However one disclaimer would be to be prepared for a real film.
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Different Kind of Horror
14 October 2011
These days when the genre of horror is brought up most people think of the latest slasher bloodfest like "A Nightmare on Elm Street" or the latest attempt at trying to scare us with some lame movie like "The Ring". It might be a problem with the time constraints of a 90 minute or 2 hour movie, it's hard to completely capture the audience and slowly twist the perceptions.

Another thing forgotten in recent horror movies is the fact of NOT explaining everything within 5 minutes of it happening, it's more entertaining and spooky to speculate why someone sees something or what actually happened in a particular scene. People forget that in some of the best horror pictures like "Psycho" the real horror came from the suspense and the wondering of what was going to happen and that the violence was secondary.

The dialogue between characters is actually impressive especially in a couple scenes that you will be able to easily pick out. Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk who also created Nip/Tuck and Glee (odd combo) seem to be able to excel in almost any genre and especially now in horror. It's rare to writers like this who aren't afraid to jump around from genre to genre fearlessly.

It's hard to describe many aspects of this show without giving away to much so I must refrain from describing the plot as it appears so far.

The day after I viewed the pilot episode I was shocked to see all the negative feelings towards the content of the show. So let's be VERY clear this show is classified MA which stands for "Mature Audiences" which should be taken the same as and "R" rating for films, so if you don't want you or your kids to see it that's fine but don't get all pissy about a show you decided to watch that was marketed as a "psycho-sexual horror". Yes there is scenes of semi explicit sexual acts and scenes of disturbing violence but it's a horror story so images like that are to be expected.

It's refreshing to find a show that is different and does not follow traditional formula's TV horror shows. I plan to watch every week and enjoy the series fully, since it is honestly very rare to see a show do better in it's genre then most recent films.

American Horror Story arrived a couple weeks ago on the great FX network that also houses two of my favorite shows: "Sons of Anarchy" and "Justified".
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The Sunset Limited (2011 TV Movie)
First movie in a while that actually got to me.
30 September 2011
This film is perhaps the greatest example of dialogue in a film that has been released in recent years. Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L Jackson, show what great actors they are in this 90 minute conversation between the two.

It's much harder then it looks to keep an audience intrigued for that long with just two men talking in a single room for the whole time. The film is based off the Cormac McCarthy play and with the exception of perhaps David Mamet, no one has ever written better dialogue then McCarthy.

This film focuses on the problems with Black and White versions of both cultural worldly living and spiritual living. I don't think there was a single time during this film where I felt bored by what was happening.

It raises perhaps some of the best questions regarding living in this world. The movie is smart enough to not take either side and give both men great arguments to support their side.

In the times of films that focus on nothing more then grand explosions and car chases, its a nice change of pace to see this sort of film that's actually about something.

I will admit that I actually teared up during this movie that's how good the dialogue really was. I really didn't want this movie to end and wished it would have lasted at least another hour. This is the kind of film that should be shown in Philosophy classes.
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Evolution gone awry.
13 August 2011
Going into "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" I wasn't sure really what was going to happen which in this day and age of movies is rare. To be clear I knew how it was going to start and finish but the way it got to the conclusion I was surprised how it got there. I enjoyed watching the plot unfold in front of me and was glad to see the makers of this film didn't really take any short cuts involving the growth of Caesar the ape that the movie revolves around.

It starts with Will Rodman (James Franco) testing his cure to Alzheimer's Disease. He has been testing on chimpanzees to see the effects it has on the brain and if any unknown side effects occur. Here is where I started to see that this film wasn't going to take any short cuts since it took the time to give a brief explanation of what was going on with the apes when they were given the drug.

Then something happens that I will not reveal even though the explanation behind it is excellent. After all this Will takes home Caesar and raises him to find out what the drug that he's been testing is really capable of. The evolution of Caesar if terrific and actually takes the time needed for it to be believable that he is actually capable of the things he can do.

However there were moments where it seemed the film makers were trying to do to much. Also it failed to give any sort of reason for why humans reacted so differently to treatment.

Beyond that "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is a good entertainment and worth a view.
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"And you're first thought was to come to a school?"
12 August 2011
For what it is "30 Minutes or Less" is a good comedy with some more then amusing parts in it. Seeing that this is by the same director as "Zombieland" makes sense, however this one is not nearly as good.

One thing I wanted was for the character's to be a little more defined especially Jesse Eisenberg's and Aziz Ansuri's characters. It seemed they just seemed to be going through the motions of what the movie required.

But I digress this is not the type of that requires much analyzation since it's plot starts with the two most dim witted criminals you have every seen and they devise a scheme so convoluted that they should have just gotten drunk and forgot the whole thing.

The charm of this movie resides in the comedic moments that come about during the execution of the scheme. The way that Eisenberg and Ansuri prepare for the robbery is perhaps the best part of the movie (with exception to the final confrontation). The little comments and jokes exchanged during the film we're a hit and miss with some of them be extraordinarily funny.

I saw this movie with a couple buddies of mine which is probably the only way to completely enjoy it. So I would suggest this movie for what it is, a good fun movie that will make you laugh.
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Supernatural (2005– )
6 Seasons down, hopefully there's 6 more in the future.
25 July 2011
In recent years I've cut down how much TV for a couple reasons; 1.) I don't want to waste my day in front of a screen and 2.) There's not much on these days worth watching. There's only a couple shows I watch on a constant basis and usually I just DVR them so I can watch them later.

However Supernatural is possibly the one exception, Ever since I started watching around season 3 I have not been able to wait until the next episode. After every season finale I'm usually a little annoyed because they have a tendency of having a cliff hanger.

The cast is great, not just Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles but the entire supporting cast even ones that are only in a episode or two (such as Death) it seems they take there time with every episode to ensure a great episode. One thing that I enjoy that seems more thanks to Jared and Jenson is that the characters seem very realistic, which can be attributed to the humor that is present throughout the series.

Every season is different and the same in the sense that it progresses the show without losing it's roots. Also if you re-watch earlier episodes you can see little hints of what is coming in the near or even far future of the show.

Of the supporting cast my two favorites are Bobby and Castiel. Bobby seems like the guy you would meet at a bar and he would be the one to sit in a corner muttering "dumb*ss" at every one while drinking his beer. Castiel is the friend you have that didn't discover alcohol until he was 25 and went on a bender when he found out what he was missing.

I fully enjoy this show and I enjoy when they through in episodes that really have nothing to do with the plot of the season but are just fun to watch like "Monster Movie" that are just fun to watch.

If you have not started this series I'd recommend trying to catch up before the seventh season starts up this fall. And yet again I'm curious to find out what is going to happen after the finale last season.
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Just a good fun movie.
25 July 2011
Here's the thing, you don't go into a movie like this expecting to see "The Kings Speech" because you will be horribly disappointed if you set that kind of standard for a summer blockbuster movie. It recent years I have stop reading a lot of critics because it seems they have forgotten sometimes you just need to not analyze so much and just sit back and enjoy the show.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the third movie installment in this franchise and surprisingly, almost as good as the first one. After "Revenge of the Fallen" it seemed this franchise was doomed, and I didn't want to see this one at first but a few buddies informed me it was actually good, so I decided to give it a chance.

A half hour in or so it seemed this movie wasn't going anywhere and the plot seemed as thin as before but then it all starts up. To say this is an action movie is almost an understatement, since during the last hour or so it's hard to find a scene where something is not blowing up or crashing or being shot at. However contrary to what other critics have said it wasn't an insult to the ears.

The plot that can be a little hard to follow at times with all the mindless violence, but it doesn't really matter it's not that complicated. Even though I will say this time the plot is far more fun to watch and easier to understand then the convoluted "Revenge of the Fallen".

I would like to talk about the acting in this movie but there really isn't any. It's hard to act while literally everything is blowing up around you and people just keep yelling things. There are some nice one-liners though.

As a director Michael Bay is known for mindless action movies and sometimes he fails and sometimes as with this one he succeeds. Some of the statements above may seem to be denouncing this film but there really not, since like I said at the beginning you just have to sit back and enjoy the show.

Side note: I've seen 3 movies in the last couple weeks which is more movies that I've seen in theaters in months. 2 of which I saw in 3D (Captain America and the last Harry Potter movie). I didn't feel like spending the extra money to see this in 3D and I think I made the wise choice. The Colors seemed brighter and even thought this is the lesser of the 3 movies I would almost want to say I had a better experience in this one.
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Full bodied comic book movie.
22 July 2011
Captain America joins the list of great comic book movies. It has been fascinating to watch Marvel bring these characters to the screen from Iron Man and now to Captain America. I'm going to admit when I first heard that Chris Evans was going to be portraying Steve Rogers I was a little worried and even after the first couple previews I didn't know what to expect. I was 100% wrong, he was a great choice for this role.

Hugo Weaving as Red Skull was an obvious choice and worked out perfectly, Weaving has a knack for giving off a sinister demeanor. Tommy Lee Jones is one of my favorite actors and has his role as an Army Colonel is amazing. In most movies I've seen with him he has a personality of commanding authority so to choose him as a Colonel seems like a right choice.

Now to the plot of the movie. Steve Rogers is a skinny weakling who really wants to join the Army and go to Europe to serve his country. Unfortunately he keeps getting denied enlistment. Until his fifth try, Dr. Erskine (Stanley Tucci) gives him a chance in a new unit that is trying to find a subject for an experimental procedure.

After this he's a public figure for a while until he can no longer sit on the side lines and does what he was meant to do.

Since I do not want to spoil this wonderful movie experience for you I am going to stop there. However I will say this, I was very pleased that, like with Iron Man, these movies are taking there time to give a good back round for these characters instead of just plunging right into the action incoherently.

This is a great movie, I have no doubt about it. I would recommend this to anyone, even if you are not a comic book fan. This is one of the rare ones where you don't have to be, you can just sit back and enjoy this movie.
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Rango (2011)
What an animated feature should be.
17 July 2011
I grew up watching old cartoons like Rocky and Bullwinkle, and one thing I've noticed with animated features in recent years is that they seem to think children are stupid and can't handle real plot lines. So to see something like this is like watching a miracle. This is a movie that both parents and children can enjoy thoroughly. It gives the children a great animated feature to enjoy that the adults can enjoy as well, however also it has many references to old westerns and other movies like "Wizard of Oz".

The plot is that a lizard finds his way to a village in the desert called "Dirt", which is probably called that because that's all they seem to have. The main problem is that they are running short on water and for some reason the town well has completely dried up. The lizard who calls himself Rango after he gets into town is given the job of sheriff rather quickly after an incident in the local saloon. From there I will not give away any more of the plot because it should be enjoyed.

The actors who voice these characters are great from the lead role voiced by Johnny Depp to the little girl voiced by Abigail Breslin. Stephen Root who voices a couple characters is one of my favorites. Then there's The Spirit of the West (if you've seen a couple westerns you'll know who this character is suppose to represent) voiced by Timothy Olyphant.

Gore Verbinski who is known for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies and here he seems to know his westerns through and through.

The movie joins other films like "Nightmare Before Christmas" and more recently "Fantastic Mr. Fox" as a film that is great for kids and can be even more entertaining for adults.
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Justified (2010–2015)
Great New Show.
7 July 2011
Lately most new shows have been the same recycled junk and after a while it just gets tiresome. But FX has come out swinging in the last couple years, first with Sons of Anarchy and now with Justified.

Justified pilot episode drew me into wanting to continue watching this show and it has yet to disappoint, every episode is a mix of violence and a certain kind of dialogue that only Elmore Leanord is known for. Knowing that this was based off a short story I was worried that the plot would fizzle out after the first season. However to my surprise the second season was just as good if not better then the first.

Timothy Olyphant plays Raylan Givens, a US Marshal who was sent to a station near his hometown in Kentucky due to an incident in Florida. One thing that strikes me about this show is the way the characters interact with each other. It's not like most shows where the character's don't appear to know each other and actors are just reading lines. In this show you can tell the characters have a history with each other and it comes out over time.

All the actors and actresses play their roles perfectly but Timothy Olyphant in particular seems almost made for his role. I have been a fan of his since I first saw the movie "Go". Another role that deserves mentioning is Boyd Crowder played by Walton Goggins, this character, alongside Raylan's, is probably the most complex in the show and the interactions between Raylan and Boyd are some of the best scenes in the show.

Nowadays, every station is trying to pump out new show after new show hoping one will get some good ratings, so it's nice to see FX taking some time and making a quality show.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
I don't understand the hatred of this movie
29 June 2011
When I go to see a movie I usually avoid reading any reviews beforehand. So after I left the theater I couldn't believe how low this movie was scoring on some of these "well respected" critics sites. As a fan of most films I've come to understand that critics tend to either love a movie like this or hate it but it seems that it was mostly hatred that I was seeing. To me this film was a great original idea that you have to see more then once to completely enjoy this great piece or work that Zach Snyder has made.

When a movie can stick everything from samurai's, nazi zombies, dragons and more into a plot then it has already accomplished something. However beyond the CGI that is mostly back round to the plot. The plot is a little complicated but that's a good thing since it makes you think.

One of the great things about this movie is that it keeps you guessing and doesn't give up until the credits start rolling. The performances from this young cast is spectacular, Emily Browning's role in particular is more difficult then it seems but she accomplishes it in a great way.

I don't understand why this movie was so denounced by critics and I don't really care to tell you the truth because it's viewers like you and me that know what we like to watch and what kind movies are entertaining. This movie will end up like other movies in the past like Donnie Darko and others that became cult classics.
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Tries and Fails
30 April 2011
I really wonder these days when a movie like this which seems to have something going for it, end so badly. It's rare to find a movie with no dialogue these days, and by that I mean every single word that is spoken in this movie does nothing more then move the plot painfully along. Why all this topic most of the phrases given are old cliché's that apparently never get old, I could almost recite what the actors were going to say before they said it half the time.

Now to be fair the premise for this is actually rather pleasant, it takes the Red Riding Hood story and kind of twists it around a bit. In this version the town Red Riding Hood (Valerie) lives in a village that has been cursed with a werewolf for two or three generations. For the last few years the town has been able to appease the beast by offering it livestock during the full moon. Then a young women is killed and then the town goes on the hunt.

Reading that paragraph it sounds that this should be a good entertaining movie, but it falls horribly short of that. Besides what I already said about the dialogue it actually gets worse then that, the acting by itself ranks up there. Let's put it this way when you're out acted by a computer generated wolf there is something wrong.

Catherine Hardwicke started strong with her great teenage drama "Thirteen" and then steadily declined after that ending with her directing the first of the inane "Twilight" movies. I really wish when directors got bigger budgets they'd spend it on more then CGI or fancier sets.

If this is the type of movie that Hollywood thinks we should be subjected too, then they really have to take a few steps back and rethink who their target audience is and try to give us a movie that can either entertain, educate, or any other number of things. Sadly this movie does none of that and should be skipped.
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