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Deadpool 2 finds its Director

2 hours ago

Our Chimichanga loving Merc with a Mouth has found himself a new director! And I don't know about you, but I am super hyped!

No more then a month ago it was reported that Tim Miller, the director of the long awaited, financially and critically successful Deadpool film had exited the much anticipated sequel. Rumors swirled about why the director and the project split ways, with the official word being creative differences. Whether it was the casting of Cable, or story, we had to move forward without Miller. We didn't fear too much knowing that this project is Ryan Reynolds' baby and it would still be in good hands. And it seems those hands have surfaced.

According to THR, the man taking over the directors duties of the sequel will be the rumored John Wick Co-Director David Leitch. Word is that Leitch beat out such prospects as Rupert Sanders »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (B.C.)

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The Green Lantern Corps May Appear in Justice League

12 hours ago

 Will we see a Green Lantern in the upcoming Justice League movie? According to The Wrap, we will. It may not be Hal Jordan, but if their inside information is true, expect to see a green-garbed, Power Ring-wearing corps member pop up during a “key sequence”.

 The information we had up until this point indicated that Hal Jordan, Aka the Green Lantern, would not have any part in the 2017 DC/Warner Bros release Justice League. He will not be joining Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman and the soon-to-be-resurrected Superman as a founding member of the iconic team. Many people were disappointed to hear that the emerald-clad hero would be Awol.

However,there is some good news. The Wrap reports that it has unearthed some information saying, “A member of the Green Lantern Corps will be seen in Justice League in a key sequence”.

 This is rather vague, and it »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Rob Young)

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Game of Thrones actress joins Han Solo

12 hours ago

Popular Game of Thrones actress is heading to a galaxy far far away to join a certain scoundrel in his adventures.

StarWars.com is reporting that the Daenerys Targaryen, has joined the young Han Solo spinoff film. Emilia Clarke last seen on the big screen in Me Before You and as Sarah Connor in Terminator Genisys is best known as the Mother of Dragons on Game of Thrones will now look to ride the falcon along side Han and Chewie in 2018.

Clarke joins Alden Ehrenreich who plays our titular hero, and recently cast Donald Glover who will play the suave Lando Calrissian. The film is set prior to the events in Star Wars Episode IV, and will give us adventures of the young smuggler we all came to love.

Phil Lord and Chris Miller will the direct the, as of now untitled, spinoff film in the Star Wars universe. It »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (B.C.)

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Movie Theaters May Start Charging Higher Prices for Popular Films

13 hours ago

 The AMC Theater chain is talking about instituting a variable pricing model for films, which would see the big blockbusters cost more for admission than other releases. The theater chain feels that it’s standard business practice in most industries to charge more for in-demand products, so they are considering bringing that practice to movie theaters.

 Get ready for the possibility of dishing out more of your money when you go to the movies. According to the Hollywood Reporter, it could be happening soon. They report that AMC Entertainment CFO Craig Ramsey was speaking at the Mkm Partners Entertainment, Leisure and Technology Conference, when he announced that AMC is seriously considering this idea.

 AMC was inspired by two European theater companies they recently acquired--Odeon and Uci--to initiate a model of variable pricing. Ramsey said, “They are further advanced in variable pricing, where tentpole movies are priced-up upon release. That’s »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Rob Young)

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5 GameCube Games Deserving of an HD Remaster

15 hours ago

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the GameCube's North American launch and while many gamers still feel the tiny console marked the beginning of the end for Nintendo's dominancy, it did give us some great titles worthy of remastered versions for the new generation. 

It's hard to believe that it's been 15 years since Nintendo brought out the GameCube to compete with the PS2 and Microsoft's new-fangled machine, the Xbox.  Despite it's size, the house of Mario managed to pack in quite a bit of power in the machine, giving us some great games along the way, though the quantity of them seemed to be lacking...

These days, HD remasters from previous generation titles are not uncommon.  Hell, Kingdom Hearts has been remastered for Two generations at this point, and fans are gobbling them up.  Nintendo has been slower in this area, however, giving us updated versions of some Zelda titles, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Third Version of Pokemon Sun and Moon Coming to the Nintendo Switch?

18 hours ago

Today sees the launch of Pokemon Sun & Moon games on the 3Ds, but also brings about an intriguing rumor for Pokemon fans that, if true, would finally bring the beloved franchise (in it's traditional RPG form) to the home console.  Come inside to learn more! 

Since the very first Pokemon games, the developers have always launched multiple versions of the game, two at a time to start (Red and Blue, Gold and Silver, Ruby and Sapphire, etc).  On top of that, they've almost always launched a Third game a year later within the same generation that would be something of a "Director's Cut" a year later, which would add new gameplay and story elements (Yellow, Crystal, Diamond).  While we didn't end up with Pokemon Z (though evidence points to it being planned, but ultimately scrapped with ideas rolled into future titles), it sounds like Sun & Moon will bring about a »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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First Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer Could Be Attached to Rogue One?

20 hours ago

If you've been anxiously awaiting your first glimpse at the new Spider-Man movie, after his incredible debut in Captain America: Civil War, it looks like your chance is coming up...At least according to a new rumor making the rounds.  

With 2016 starting to wind down, movie studios are beginning to give audiences their first glimpses at 2017's biggest films.  The last few weeks have been loaded with trailers (Wonder Woman, Kong: Skull Island, Valerian, etc) and I expect the next few weeks to be much the same.  

According to a new report from sources over at ComicBook, we can expect to add Spider-Man: Homecoming to the list of trailers on the horizon.  While fans in attendance at Sdcc earlier this year got a sneak peek at the upcoming superhero reboot, the rest of the world has seen very little of Sony/Marvel's upcoming release.  If the rumor turns out to be true, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Pokemon Anime Makes the Switch to Disney Xd

21 hours ago

The long running Pokemon anime is set to continue with Sun & Moon, which will see Ash interact with new characters/creatures from the newly launched games of the same name.  What's different, however, is that the new series (along with all the previous seasons) will now debut on Disney Xd, along with a new movie.  Come inside to learn more and watch the English trailer! 

Normally, I don't report on all the changes going on with the Pokemon anime.  Despite being a huge fan of the games, I never got into the series, but today's news is a little bit different and something fans of the show will want to know.  For as long as I can remember, the Pokemon series was something you could watch on The WB (or CW now) and Cartoon Network.  No more!  

Disney Xd will be the new home of the Pokemon Anime and movies, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Scns - S5 E26 - Fantastic Nerds and Where to Find Them

17 November 2016 5:15 PM, PST

On this edition of Scns, the nerds are giving you the rundown for all things Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!  Plus with Pokemon Sun/Moon coming out, we're reminiscing about our Pokemon experience thus far and going over the upcoming Pokemon in the Alola Region!  As always, we'll have all the biggest news with Scnn!  It's another informative, hilarious episode of Super Cool Nerd Show! Join us!

Every week, the Scns gang gets together to present the latest news and events from the world of geek culture to our viewers in a live news format.  We bring in special guests, talk up the latest news, and break down what's buzzing in the nerd community for the week.

Be sure to join us Thursday nights at 8pm Central on our YouTube Channel and keep up with all our updates over on our Facebook Page.

Scnsscns LiveSCNSLIVESCNNFANTASTIC Beasts And Where »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Matt Malliaros)

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Focal Point: All Aboard for the Switch!

17 November 2016 1:20 PM, PST

After a long (and what was assumed to be permanent) hiatus, Focal Point is back with an all new comic strip, in which we abandon all pretenses and feel legitimately excited for the Nintendo Switch.  Come inside to check it out!  

I suppose it's fairly safe to say that I'm a Nintendo fanboy.  Since the Nes was my first gaming console/experience, followed by the GameBoy it's a company that I literally grew up with.  While I've never shied from criticizing them in their failings over the years, I still feel a good deal of excitement when it comes to any new Nintendo announcements.  

I bought the Wii U when it launched and can't say I regret it.  It has some serious problems and isn't everything I wanted it to be, but it's still a system I play quite often, especially with the kiddos.  That said, I really wanted more »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Batman A Telltale Series Episode 4 Available November 22nd

17 November 2016 12:21 PM, PST

Enjoying Telltale Games Batman series? Well we just got a trailer for Episode 4.

Well we’re working our way to the last episode of Batman The Telltale Series. Gotham is in shambles with the events of the last episode and when Batman disappeared it left a void Harvey Dent filled well, horrifyingly. Cobblepot has taken over Wayne Enterprises in the midst of all this. And to top it all off Arkham’s latest guest is Bruce Wayne. And your objective is to get out. Now this episode will have different events depending on your choices in Episode 3.

This is some of the best Batman storytelling in a while. Titled “Guardian of Gotham” the title will be available November 22nd for PC, Xbox, Playstation, and compatible portable devices. If you’re a fan of the Batman comics you want this series.


-Jason The X

BATMANTelltale GamesBATMAN A Telltale Series »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jason The X)

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New Documentary Set To Explore Positive Side Of Gaming

17 November 2016 12:14 PM, PST

Unlocked: The World of Games, Revealed is a documentary set out to explore the true aspect of what makes gaming so great.

“The goal in producing a series like ‘Unlocked’ is to educate and entertain the audience on all these fascinating topics within the world of gaming all with a cast of curious correspondents that the audience is familiar with,” said Jeremy Snead.

The new 8 part documentary is set to release December 15th, and it will explore the world of gaming in a new positive approach that gamers will love. Check out the trailer above and you can see why we are excited.

Topics the trailer hints at include violent video games and how gaming can be utilized for learning or social interactions. The trailer alone seems to tackle a lot of stereotypes gamers have to deal with all the time and counters them with positive ideas instead. This could »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Dustin Spino)

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Skyrim, Fallout, and Doom Pinball Tables Coming to Zen Pinball!

17 November 2016 11:29 AM, PST

Zen Studios amazing line-up of pinball tables is growing once again, this time taking inspiration from some of Bethesda's most popular games.  Come inside to check out the first trailer of the tables in action!

What happens when you combine badass games with badass virtual pinball?  You get Zen Studios' Bethesda pack, which gives pinball gamers the chance to play tables based on Skyrim, Doom, and Fallout on December 6th.  If you haven't played any of their tables before, you're missing out, and fans of Bethesda's games are sure to be in for a treat: 

Zen Studios, creators of hit digital games like CastleStorm and Pinball FX2, and Bethesda, the worldwide publisher behind the blockbuster franchises Fallout®, Doom®, and The Elder Scrolls® , have joined forces for an unbelievable pinball experience! Coming to Zen Studios pinball platforms in December, Bethesda® Pinball presents three exciting pinball tables based on Bethesda’s epic gaming universes: Fallout, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Star Wars Battlefront: Rogue One Dlc and Ultimate Edition Details Revealed

17 November 2016 11:06 AM, PST

With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story less than a month away, EA has revealed the first real details on the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront expansion focused on the new film as well as a trailer for the Ultimate Edition release.  Come inside to check it all out!  

Today brings about our first look (quick though it may be) and information on the upcoming Rogue One: Scarif Dlc expansion for Star Wars Battlefront.  The final Dlc before next year's Battlefront sequel is timed to launch alongside the new film on December 16th.  If you're a season pass holder, however, you'll be able to play the new Dlc, which lets you play as Jyn Erso or Orson Krennic, on December 6th.  

If you've yet to pick up Battlefront or any of its Dlc, EA has also given new information (and a trailer) for the game's Ultimate Edition release, which will hit at the same time. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Kong: Skull Island - Monster Madness Ensues in the New Trailer

17 November 2016 6:04 AM, PST

Today brings about an all new trailer for Kong: Skull Island, giving eager monster movie fans their best look yet at the new iteration of the iconic beast, while giving us new hints about the film's overall story.  Come inside to check it out!  

Last week gave us our first official image of King Kong in all his glory in the upcoming film, Kong: Skull Island.  We saw a monster that's at once familiar while markedly different from all modrn incarnations of the creature.  Today, we get to see him in action, and it's glorious: 

I was pretty much sold on the film since the first amazing trailer, but now the wait feels almost unbearable.  What do you guys think of today's new Kong: Skull Island trailer?  Are you anxious to see the King's return to the big screen?  If all that wasn't enough for you, we also got a »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Darksiders Warmaster Edition Will Be 4K On PS4 Pro

16 November 2016 2:10 PM, PST

Darksiders Warmastered Edition will not be exclusively 4K to PC, and instead PS4 Pro will see an upgrade.

Thq Nordic announced this is the first PS4 Pro title they will be releasing, which consists of making the game 4K for the console. Originally only the PC version of the Warmaster was getting a 4K upgrade, but with the release of Ps4 Pro they were able to bring it to consoles too.

The remastered game is releasing November 22nd for Xbox One and PS4, and PS4 Pro owners will get the 4K patch. PC players will get the remastered edition on November 29th which has 4K capabilities. The WiiU version has been delayed for an undetermined amount of time.

Key features include:

PS4, Xbox One and Wii U versions of Darksiders (Wrath of War) Native 1080p rendering resolution for console platforms 4k support for PC and PS4 Pro Doubled all the »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Dustin Spino)

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The Nominees for The Game Awards 2016 Are...

16 November 2016 11:00 AM, PST

The Game Awards 2016 are only a few weeks away!  Which means, it's time to find out if your favorite games of 2016 got nominated!  Come inside for the full list of nominees!

Movies have the Oscars, TV has the Emmy Awards, and Video Games have The Game Awards. On December 1st, the 3rd annual Game Awards will distribute their awards to the games, developers, talents, and eSports members that astonished and amazed gamers, around the world, from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles! 

This is a night where video games, and all who make and play them, are honored for their hard work and committment to excellence.  Among the nominees, no game is being honored more than Naughty Dog's Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, which has earned 9 nominations, including Game of the Year.  Other games garnering a lot of nominations include Blizzard's Overwatch, Indy Developer Campo Santo's Firewatch and PlayDead's Inside, »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Matt Malliaros)

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Justice League Dark Trailer and Blu-Ray Details Revealed

16 November 2016 10:58 AM, PST

Hot off the heels of a nostalgic trip with Batman: Return of the Caped Crusader, DC Animation returns to a draker portion of the DC Universe with Justice League Dark.  Today brings about the details on the upcoming blu-ray release along with a trailer.  Come inside to check it all out! 

If you've been looking forward to WB and DC Animation's next movie today brings about some solid details on Justice League Dark, including box art, bonus features, and even a trailer.  Sure, we're all still waiting on the live-action version, but at least comic fans will have this to enjoy on February 7, 2017 when it arrives: 

To battle unparalleled supernatural forces, Batman must combine efforts with a new team of heroes – led by occult specialist John Constantine – in the next DC Universe Original Movie, Justice League Dark. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment, the full-length animated film arrives from Warner Bros. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jordan Maison)

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Hey Kids, Comics! #204 - Creator Spotlight #6: The Man. The Stan.

15 November 2016 8:47 PM, PST

The Hey Kids, Comics! Creator Spotlight shines anew, and this time on a living legend in the industry, Stan "The Man" Lee!

Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston are back with a brand new issue and a brand new look at a legendary figure in comic books.

On the cusp of Stan Lee's impending retirement from comic book convention appearances, your hosts field questions about the godfather of Marvel Comics and explore his storied career.  What do comic book fans just like you want to know about "The Man"?  What insights can two mere fanboys provide?  What sorts of things did you never know about Stan Lee?  These and other questions may or may not be answered within the confines of the latest edition of this podcast.

Excelsior, anyway!

Fun Fact:  Excelsior is that fake hay looking stuff made from shaved wood that they used to use as packing material in the olden days. »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Cole Houston)

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Paramount Looking to Reboot The Green Hornet

15 November 2016 6:12 PM, PST

Ah the Green Hornet, definitely an underused property. I mean yes we had a remake a few years ago that was okay but luckily there’s people out there that see potential in a reboot.


Okay so was I a fan of the original Green Hornet, nah. I mean the biggest thing for me was that it helped the career of Bruce Lee. And even as a comic reader the times the character has appeared have never been long lasting. What I can admire is that he still has a following of fans that know of the character and that alone shows there’s potential. Well the rights have apparently lapsed and have now been picked up by Paramount and Chernin Entertainment who are looking to make an edgier Green Hornet. Deadline is reporting that Gavin O’Connor  (Warrior, The Accountant) looks to reinvigorate the almost 80 year old property.

“I »

- feeds@cinelinx.com (Jason The X)

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