I work in HR and want a change of direction

I am moving to a rural location and enjoy training people, but am not sure how to best utilise my skills

I’m not sure people outside human resources would always recognise the key skills I would bring.
I’m not sure people outside human resources would always recognise the key skills I would bring. Photograph: Alamy

Twice a week we publish problems that will feature in a forthcoming Dear Jeremy advice column in the Saturday Guardian so that readers can offer their own advice and suggestions. We then print the best of your comments alongside Jeremy’s own insights.

I live in a city and am looking to move closer to family in a more rural part of the country, although with access to larger towns and cities. I have worked in human resources for about 10 years, mainly in the private sector, and while I enjoy the job I am looking for a change of direction when I move home, potentially with the ability to work more flexibly, or for myself.

I am a HR generalist but particularly enjoy the areas where I can interact with people and help them with their careers. I enjoy recruitment and selection, and often help friends and families, giving advice on their CVs and applying for jobs. I enjoy training people and engagement activities. I am less keen on the more “traditional” aspects of the job, such as discipline and grievance and policy. However, I do enjoy the application of these processes where it comes to providing advice and support to managers and individuals.

I understand people well and enjoy helping them to understand situations and the motivations of others.

I am now unsure of where I can best utilise my skills and am also very aware of the perception of HR people when it comes to applying for roles in different areas. I’m not sure people outside the profession would always recognise the key skills I would bring.

I have managed people in the past, and have considered whether using my skills to manage a team in a different area would be a solution, but I’m not sure what role I would have the experience for. I have also considered roles such as careers advice but am reluctant to make a move to the public sector. What would you and your readers advise?

Do you need advice on a work issue? For Jeremy’s and readers’ help, send a brief email to dear.jeremy@theguardian.com. Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or to reply personally.