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Jurassic World (2015) Poster



The tires on the abandoned jeeps were the modern replacement for the radial all terrains used originally.
Stock footage of an American Airlines jet shows the old logo.
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The Jurassic Park logo font seen on the abandoned Jeep vehicle badge differs from the logo font used on the vehicle badges seen in the 1993 original movie. The JP logo with this font variation did not come into existence until 2011 with the release of the Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy set.

Character error 

When the aviary is breached and the pterosaurs within terrorize the public, a crew of employees along with Pratt get into a small formation and begin to shoot them. At least one of the actors is shooting while his index finger is still in the "safe" position on the rifle.
The DNA screen displayed behind Claire when she pitches the Indominus Rex to the business dealers, phosphorus is misspelled as "phosporous."
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The men flown in to hunt down the Indominus Rex are implied to have backgrounds in special operations. They carry small caliber, high velocity (SCHV) rifles such as the Sig 556 and AR15 variants, which fire the 5.56x45 round. The equivalent hunting round is the .223 Remington, which is classed as a varmint/small game round, and is in fact banned in many states for hunting deer, as it is deemed cruel for its low lethality against an animal of that size. With that being considered, it would seem unlikely that such an elite group of experienced operators would choose such weaponry against such a substantially large dinosaur - especially in an instance when killing it immediately was so pertinent.
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When Claire and Owen are hiding from Indominus Rex in front of the old jeep, Owen leaves his rifle leaning against the door on the driver's side. Indominus initially placed its head on that same side, rocking the car back and forth several times. When Owen looks back around, the rifle is in the exact location, totally unmoved.
When Owen is negotiating with "Blue", the Velociraptor, he puts down his rifle, in the next scene, shot from Owen's back, he is holding the rifle. The scene changes again to show Owen with both his empty hands is the air as he talks to "Blue".
When Grey and Zach are waiting for their turn in the gyrospheres, Zach is making eyes at a group of teenage girls. When it's the girls' turn to get into the ride, they all go at once. Later we see that each gyrosphere only holds two people, so only two of them would have been able to get on at a time.
After Gray and Zach jump over the waterfall, they are climbing out of the water hole and Gray has mud on his face. The mud on Gray's face disappears and re-appears between shots.
Claire picks up Zach's broken phone. In the following shots, Zach's phone is still on him clearly visible in his left pocket.
The camera deliberately shows Claire's nude stiletto heels in several shots, and before she and Owen go into the gyrosphere area, he remarks about her "ridiculous shoes," which she does not change. But in several subsequent action scenes, Claire is clearly wearing nude lace-up flat shoes.
When Claire and Owen are at the waterfall, they head off into the jungle and are completely clean, but when they come across the abandoned Visitors' Center they are coated in mud. This is in fact the result of a deleted scene where Claire and Owen discover dinosaur dung and have to rub it all over themselves.
In the original Jurassic Park brochure and map, the old Visitor's Center is nowhere near Jurassic World's restricted area. The original visitor's center is in the west, where the restricted area of Jurassic World is in the north.
When Mr. Masrani is taken to the Indominus' enclosure, cracks in the viewing glass are pointed out from the inside. When the camera is looking at the viewing room from the outside, there are no apparent cracks in the glass.
Even though Claire wears the same shoes throughout the movie and are shown to be filthy in many scenes, when she goes to the T. rex pen they are clean, nearly white. After she leads T. rex to battle I. rex, her shoes are once again dirty.
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When Owen is running away from I. Rex he is not wearing a watch. Then, after he hides under the vehicle, a watch appears on his right wrist.
The Mosasaurus manages to grab the Indominus. The Indominus however is standing at the pavement where visitors can walk.
Hoskins' watch clearly shows few minutes till 10 (am) during a conversation with Owen outside the raptors' cages. After the incident that presumably takes a few minutes, his watch shows 5 min till 11.
When everyone is running from the pteranodons in the main park section, it is broad daylight and very sunny out. The next scene is in the raptor enclosure, and it is already totally dark.
After Owen finishes the training session with his Velociraptors early in the movie, Hoskins strikes a conversation with Owen and Barry. The sun changes from midday to early morning, between shots.
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In the first part of the movie, Claire wears eyeliner lining her top lid and later, when they emerge from the park and enter the velociraptors' enclosure, her makeup has changed and now it lines the bottom lid and waterline. Her hair color also changes though they never get wet anywhere.
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After Owen finishes the training with the Velociraptors early in the movie, the feeding bucket has moved from the outside of the gantry to the inside.
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When Zach and Gray are in the gyrosphere being attacked by the Indominus, they are both facing up towards the I-Rex's mouth. However in the very next shot, they are able to drop out of the gyrosphere without having to turn the seats around.
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The Brontosaur that dies tragically has his head straight when he passes. In the next shot is it in a 45 degrees angle towards Claire.
When Zach and Gray are in the gyrosphere and their Aunt calls to warn them the phone can clearly be heard ringing before he answers. Moments later when they are upside down and she calls again the phone is on vibrate rattling against the gyrosphere's shell. (Which consequently is what draws I. Rex's attention to them.)
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When Gray and Zach find what is implied to be the front door to the abandoned Jurassic Park Visitor Center, the front of the building is missing all the architectural features seen in the original film (a long, tall flight of stairs leading to the front door from the road, flanked by a multi-tiered water features on either side) and is instead shown to be nearly level with the rest of the jungle floor.
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Given the amount of time the raptors were running when let loose to hunt the I.Rex (running at full speed for a good length of time), it seems the man with the bloody hand who slaps Claire's window would not have been able to return so quickly after Claire watched the carnage. The raptors also returned very rapidly after presumably following the fleeing security forces back to the raptor cage area, far quicker than the amount of time they spent running out just a little while before.
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Indominus is continuous moving in the south direction. He follows the children to the lake, where they proceed to the old visit center to fix a jeep. However the dinosaur ends up much later in the old visitor center to meet Owen and Claire.
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Just prior to the Indominous Rex escaping, there were other workers around the compound. After the Indominous Rex escapes, the other workers have disappeared.
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When Zach and Gray discover the jeeps in the wooden shed, Zach drives the jeep out of the front of the shed, but in the very next shot, we see Owen and Claire directly beside the front of he shed, but they didn't see the jeep leave.
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When Gray is crying on the train, his tears keep changing.
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Crew or equipment visible 

After the boys crawl out of the water after jumping into the waterfall, the ground around them can be seen giving in around them several times as they move, suggesting that they're lying on rubber mats covered in mud.

Errors in geography 

In the beginning of the film when the camera is panning through the Forrest of Isla Nublar, a Kookaburra can clearly be heard laughing in the background. Isla Nublar is off the coast of Cost Rica, but the Kookaburra is native to Australia.

Factual errors 

Gray is using a Lomography Diana mini to take pictures of the park. The Diana mini works without electricity and has a mechanical film advance. Still Gray keeps pressing the shutter consecutively without advancing the film with the wheel on its top in between each new picture.
Helicopter pilots fly the aircraft from the right seat, not the left seat. Only the instructor would fly from the left seat, when he is training another pilot.
When exploring the original visitor's center, Gray powers on a pair of night vision goggles that have been sitting exposed to the Costa Rican humidity and jungle for over 22 years. After that much time and exposure the batteries would most certainly be dead but the goggles show no sign of battery drain.
The helicopter at the beginning is shown with the serial number, or "tail number" beginning with the prefix "JW". You can't make up your own prefixes... they are assigned by the country in which the aircraft is registered. Later, another helicopter is shown with the prefix "CR", presumably for "Costa Rica." But, "CR" is NOT Costa Rica's prefix.
Throughout the movie, Owen is seen carrying a Marlin 1895SBL Guide Gun, chambered in .45-70 GOVT. This rifle is a lever-action design with a six round tubular magazine. Owen is shown firing the weapon well over a half-dozen times before reloading.
The opening, egg hatching sequence, contains multiple errors (when compared to reptiles in general). A number of lizards and snakes develop a true tooth that is shed after use; while other reptiles and birds generally develop an analogous epidermal horn that is reabsorbed or falls off. This is because their current teeth are in development. Fully developed claws are never used to penetrate the shell since they would be far too soft during early development and due to submersion in cytoplasm (amniotic fluids) (the scales on the body are also effected in the same way). Most reptiles lay amniotic eggs covered with leathery shells, with a minority featuring calcareous exteriors (hard-shells). The calcareous eggs also contain a much thicker/stronger outer membrane (when compared to bird eggs) which usually remains intact even as the shell itself cracks.
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The Jeeps they are able to start, start very easy and run fine after sitting around for over 20 years, gas alone would have gone bad and at most, it would run like crap.
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When the ACU tries to hunt down the Indominus in the helicopter with the M134, the door gunner trails the dinosaur and tries walking the rounds from behind it. Any experienced door gunner would know that you lead your target, not trail it. However, as we have no background on the ACU member operating the M134, we do not know if he is an experienced helicopter door gunner or not.
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While Simon Masrani is flying a helicopter, at least twice, he lets go of the controls; first to make a hand gesture, again to put on his sunglasses. It takes two hands to fly a helicopter; one hand on the collective, one hand on the cyclic.
At approximately the 55 minute point, an on-screen graphic at the control center is shown when recalling the glass pods. Near the top right of a close-up of the display, the graphic clearly reads "Return Request Disbhatched" - the last word is a mis-spelling of the word intended to be "Dispatched".
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When Owen puts gas on himself under the truck, you can see beads on his face - water not gas would bead.
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After jumping over the waterfall, the two boys dry awfully quick and their clothes appear dried by dryer not air dryed. Also, their hair looks perfect after the swimming and drying.
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Incorrectly regarded as goofs 

The abandoned Jeeps in this film really are the exact same Jeeps from the first movie. The incredible thing is no modifications were done to the vehicles because, astonishingly, the Jeeps really were left to rot after filming. The logos on the Jeeps haven't been tampered with in any way, they are faded as a result of the 22 years of sitting in a barn.
After the troops fail at containing Indominus Rex and Owen's suggestion to use lethal force to kill it is rejected, he knocks all of Lowery's toy dinosaurs off his work desk, but they magically appear in their same setup in subsequent shots. However after Owen walks away and begins to talk to Masrani Lowery can be seen in the background placing the toy dinosaurs back to their original positions.
Zach and Gray used matches to light a torch just after their jump into the water. One would think that the matches should be wet and unusable, but there is no indication that these aren't a box of waterproof matches. Yes, they exist and they do come in matchboxes.
When Zach and Gray get one of the jeeps from the original park, there is a tag hanging from the rear view mirror with the Jeep number on it and the Jurassic Park logo. On the tag, it may appear that Jurassic is misspelled as "Jurassik", or "Jurassk", but in fact, on the tags, the "I" and the "C" are very close together, giving the appearance of a "K".
Installing a thermal camera in the cage of Indominus would not make any sense, since it was already known that this creature was able to change its heat pattern. Except that we are given the impression that very few people know what went into this designer dinosaur, AND even Dr Wu seems surprised that it happens, although he does explain what caused it.

Plot holes 

Earlier in the movie, a comment is made that all of the animals are 'fitted' with a device to shock them in submission if they escape from their paddock [the device fails on the Pachycephalosaurus because their butting heads short-circuits the device]. When the flying dinosaurs escape from the aviary, the device should have stunned all of them as they flew from the enclosure. Or, the humans back in the control room should have activated the device to stun the creatures instead of watching them attack the crowds.
The Indominus should never have been able to escape its enclosure. After scanning its enclosure with the thermal detector and not finding it they could have used the tracker to locate it. Instead Owen along with two other staff members enter the enclosure to examine scratch markings on the wall and Claire doesn't get the control room to search for the Indominus using its tracker until she is returning to the control room. As a result the Indominus attacks Owen and the two other workers and they open the gate to the enclosure to get out which also allows the Indominus to escape.
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When Owen and Claire are unable to locate the Indominus Rex with the thermal vision. Rather than ringing the control room to locate it via its tracker straight away thereby discovering it is in the enclosure Claire waits until she is driving back to the control room (she also left the relative safety of the viewing room without knowing where the Indominus was) and Owen and others have entered the Indominus' enclosure. Which allows the Indominus to escape as they need to open the doors to the enclosure to get out and away from the Indominus.
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Revealing mistakes 

When troops are deployed to contain I. rex, the control center has screens showing streaming data from their heart monitors to keep track of their status. The flat-line acts as a dramatic announcement when a troop is killed. However, all of the troops have the same heart rate and they are all at a resting heart rate - their heart rate should be extremely high during combat because of adrenaline and physical exertion.
When Zach and Gray first arrive on the island, they are standing on the dock. There are extras that past them on the left, scene cuts away and returns, some of the same extras pass Zach and Gray again.
When the velociraptors are released and they are chasing the scent of the I. rex, they are shown to be running extremely fast through thick jungle, including jumping over logs. Nevertheless, the motorcycle, 4-wheeler, and van following them have no trouble keeping up, which would be impossible. The close-ups of Owen on his bike amidst the running raptors also depict him enjoying a completely smooth ride, with no bumps or jolts that would result from him riding through the jungle without a road or trail under him.
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From a distance in the Main Street shot of Zach, Gray, and Zara entering the Innovation Center, the three actors can be seen standing still waiting for their cue to walk.
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Riding around in the gyrosphere, the glass stays perfectly clean until meeting with the Indominus.
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The goof items below may give away important plot points.


Just before the raptor kills Hoskins in the lab at the end of the movie, three to four men are seen carrying sealed totes filled with dinosaur embryos. However, seconds later, Blue charges into the lab and kills Hoskins. When Owen, Claire, and the boys flee the lab, they do not encounter any dead bodies in the hall. However, based on its prior behavior, the raptor would have killed the men carrying the totes before entering the lab, and their bodies should have been lying in the hall/lab.
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Factual errors 

When Claire presents the Indomitus Rex to Masrani, she says it picked up on them because it is sensitive to thermal radiation. The windows they were behind however block infrared radiation.
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See also

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