
By being one of the contributors to the GCTF Rome Memorandum of Good Practices on Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Violent Extremist Offenders, the topic is an important part of ICCT’s work. With the aim of implementing these Good Practices, the Centre developed a Training Course on the topic which so far has been delivered twice in the Philippines. In 2015, ICCT also started with the development of an Intake and Risk Assessment Tool in collaboration with other experts in the field. The Centre’s focus on this topic has so far mainly been on the prison setting, in both its publications and projects, with the goal of assisting governments in designing and implementing effective rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for Violent Extremist Offenders, and to minimise the spread of violent extremist ideology in prison settings.


Policy Brief | 19 Jan 2016
Rehabilitation for Foreign Fighters? Relevance, Challenges and Opportunities for the Criminal Justice Sector

This Policy Brief aims to inform the current debate on integrating rehabilitation into the overall approach to foreign fighters by highlighting the challenges and opportunities within the criminal justice sector response to the phenomenon. The authors argue that rehabilitation constitutes an important part of any pragmatic and reasonable strategy to deal with foreign fighters, laying the basis for an effective long-term security approach.

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