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IMDb Polls

Poll: Character from "Lost" you'd most like to be stranded on an island with

If you were stranded on an island with one character from the show "Lost," which character would you choose?

Discuss this list here

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Richard Alpert

  2. Vote!

    Kate Austen

  3. Vote!

    Juliet Burke

  4. Vote!

    Boone Carlyle

  5. Vote!

    Ana Lucia Cortez

  6. Vote!

    Michael Dawson

  7. Vote!

    Mr. Eko

  8. Vote!

    Daniel Faraday

  9. Vote!

    Nikki Fernandez

  10. Vote!

    James 'Sawyer' Ford

  11. Vote!

    Tom Friendly

  12. Vote!

    Desmond Hume

  13. Vote!


  14. Vote!

    Sayid Jarrah

  15. Vote!

    Jin Kwon

  16. Vote!

    Sun Kwon

  17. Vote!

    Frank Lapidus

  18. Vote!

    Charlotte Lewis

  19. Vote!

    Ben Linus

  20. Vote!

    Claire Littleton

  21. Vote!

    Walt Lloyd

  22. Vote!

    John Locke

  23. Vote!

    Bernard Nadler

  24. Vote!

    Rose Nadler

  25. Vote!

    Charlie Pace

  26. Vote!


  27. Vote!

    Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes

  28. Vote!

    Ethan Rom

  29. Vote!

    Alex Rousseau

  30. Vote!

    Danielle Rousseau

  31. Vote!

    Shannon Rutherford

  32. Vote!

    Jack Shephard

  33. Vote!

    Elizabeth 'Libby' Smith

  34. Vote!

    Miles Straume

  35. Vote!

    Ilana Verdansky