Superstore is awesome. I hope it's doing ok by itcantbetwothings in television

[–]tightassbogan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

i mean it's not great. but it's something to eat dinner to or laugh at. It's funny compared to the big bang(HOW IS THAT STILL ON)

Hoyts needs to lift its game if it wants our money by hopefulpenguin in australia

[–]tightassbogan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

lol ours isnt. theres a sushi bar next door to the dendy here in act just below it. most ppl grab some just walk right in with it. i have not seen them ever stop anyone

Hoyts needs to lift its game if it wants our money by hopefulpenguin in australia

[–]tightassbogan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yep the local back home spent like 120k upgrading his audio. indepenants rock. plus they usually have good choc tops which is a sign of a good theatre. Hoyts just use shit streets now fuck that tastes like ghina rhineharts thrush

Hoyts needs to lift its game if it wants our money by hopefulpenguin in australia

[–]tightassbogan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I can get to gold class for 19 bucks on a weekday before 6pm. Normal tickets are 10 bucks im happy to pay that. plus the popcorns sourced from local suppliers with fresh real butter. 3 bucks for a large.

You drive 10 km over other side of town. hoyts want 33 for gold ticket. and 18.20 for a normal. GO...FUCK....URSELF

So how close are we to a writer's strike now. by tightassbogan in television

[–]tightassbogan[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Uhmm the analogy fits perfectcly.

The home owner profits continually every time the housing value goes up. which in this market is 7 percent a year.

But why should on artist get paid over and over again. yet every other worker doesnt have this option. They are asking too much at once. Start with the pension and healthcare. then move onto other things.

Union movements are about making inroads to better postiions for it's members. not disrupting everything so everyone loses

How would you rank the last 5 Prime Ministers? by hrtn890g480 in AustralianPolitics

[–]tightassbogan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Howard was better Pm than either malc or tony.

Yeah he sold everything like keating did. but still had some decent tax policys. But fucked us over structuraly in the long term with his vote buying practices that we now can't get rid of.

How would you rank the last 5 Prime Ministers? by hrtn890g480 in AustralianPolitics

[–]tightassbogan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yeah not really not at this point. This is is only chance. if this budget bombs which it looks like it will as they are on track to start hammering ppl on the DSP again instead of productive shit.

I would not be surprised if he doesnt get rolled.

Howard/rudd/gillard/turnbull/tony. Tony by far is the worst Pm of the last 3 i have worked under. APH was a fucking shambolic mess when he was there. But at least he never lost his cool over a cup of fucking tea like rudd did.

you rank it on policies passed then gillard win's. easy with her 377 passed legislations. closest anyone got to that was 219. This govt's the worst in that regard it has tabled 187 bills since the election and only 133 of them have passed,which sort of is senates job to stop stuff going overboard.

Shots fired at Manus Island detention centre, asylum seekers say by Leadback in australia

[–]tightassbogan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Paging V_Maet to tell us how this would not have happened if tony abbott was still pm with his mandates

Shots fired at Manus Island detention centre, asylum seekers say by Leadback in australia

[–]tightassbogan 1 point2 points  (0 children)

As someone who's been to the camps. your definition of adequte is very fragile.

Shots fired at Manus Island detention centre, asylum seekers say by Leadback in australia

[–]tightassbogan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean you had me. But then u spelt it labour,your are so triggered you can't even get the party's name right. s

Shots fired at Manus Island detention centre, asylum seekers say by Leadback in australia

[–]tightassbogan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How long till the LNP flag this as see.. WE TOLD YOU. and start spinning the fuck out of this as to how PNG is just stopping the bad refugges who are unarmed from attacking them

If your not watching it. You missed another stellar episode of Agents of Shield. Very well done episode by tightassbogan in television

[–]tightassbogan[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It was on netflix 2 months ago?. Amazon has it though. i know that that's where i used to get mine from till i VPNed the ABC go app. i just watch it the next day on my tele cause it thinks im in washington state lol even though im in australia

Good News Everyone! New species of funnel web spider discovered in Tasmania by TenacityMan in australia

[–]tightassbogan -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Coincidentaly snap is the sound a qld's trigger makes when he hears that a 457 took a worker's job

So how close are we to a writer's strike now. by tightassbogan in television

[–]tightassbogan[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

3 weeks ago it was in the papers daily. now nothing. it might have quited down.

I mean im all for ppl striking for their rights. but i mean to walk off the job cause ur not getting paid royaties from streamings a bit much. I agree the pension thing needs to change to meet rising healthcare costs. as does season order for small batch series. But asking for a proift from streamings a bit much.

i mean if i built a house . i don't expect a paycheck every time one it's sold to a new owner do i. i got paid for the work the first time

I am interested in learning more about Australian politics. What are some podcasts I can listen to? by Radical_Distributist in AustralianPolitics

[–]tightassbogan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yeah. i asked why he got banned from roz. it's pretty hilarious dredds response he sent me a screenshot of the Odd stuff he wrote it's pretty racist a fair amount of the time

Apparantly the budget would be amazeballs if the senate let tony pass all his budget measuers. Fuck all the ppl who would of been on the street though. tony had MANDATTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am interested in learning more about Australian politics. What are some podcasts I can listen to? by Radical_Distributist in AustralianPolitics

[–]tightassbogan [score hidden]  (0 children)

As much as certain users in here hate the guardian. it seem's to be the only outlet reporting on issues that impact more than 5 percent of the nation. Yeah it's a centrist-left centre leaning paper. but so are a lot of ppls views now.

I am interested in learning more about Australian politics. What are some podcasts I can listen to? by Radical_Distributist in AustralianPolitics

[–]tightassbogan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Barry casidy though. Fuck he shits me. SIT THE FUCK DOWN.

I hate how he has to stand around walking around holding his big sheet of paper like he is some lecturing proff or something. your a show on the abc take it easy.