Google’s Pixel copied more than just the iPhone’s design by [deleted] in Android

[–]IAmAN00bie 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I lol'd, that's actually pretty decent trolling.

[Android 7.1 Tip] Get rid of the Play Store on your home screen and use the 'My Apps' shortcut instead by armando_rod in Android

[–]IAmAN00bie -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

It's an old idea around this sub though. When the feature was first announced that was one of the first things people mentioned around here.

Extract Destination from Google Maps by katie_lies in tasker

[–]IAmAN00bie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Like the others have mentioned, you'll need a different approach to this. Google Maps uses a direct intent that can't be intercepted without perhaps an Xposed module.

Need Variables for CPU Frequency and Temperature by chopst1ck in tasker

[–]IAmAN00bie 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Not to rain on your parade, but this wouldn't be a good idea. CPUs go on and off very very frequently, and CPU temp also fluctuates heavily in readings. You would have to very aggressively poll the temp.

Monitoring battery temperature is much more realistic.

Tasker "ur://intent" popup by Vintovka69 in tasker

[–]IAmAN00bie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Disable notifications for Unified Remote. Doing that will also stop toast notifications.

Finally got Auraxium C4 by IAmAN00bie in PS4Planetside2

[–]IAmAN00bie[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I wish the VS weapons were as SciFi as the lore promised they would be. Well, at least we've got the PURPLE HOVER TANKS but that's about it.

Finally got Auraxium C4 by IAmAN00bie in PS4Planetside2

[–]IAmAN00bie[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Pfft, I didn't have a dedicated slave to drive me around on a flash, I had to do the dirty work all myself ;)

Finally got Auraxium C4 by IAmAN00bie in PS4Planetside2

[–]IAmAN00bie[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks! More people need to appreciate the Flash. TBH it's absurdly OP when you use certain cheesy tactics on it. Just ask CP9X last night when I blew up like 4 of Uriel's Vanguards using my invisible flash + newly Auraxiumed C4.

A fork in the road - Cyanogenmod by arahman81 in Android

[–]IAmAN00bie 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Knew it. A ton of blogs (AndroidPolice, AndroidCentral, AndroidAuthority, some others) were implying that you could continue using CM nightlies, but almost every single one of them misinterpreted the original cyngyn post. I hope everyone takes notice of this blog post, the real announcement here, as it clarifies what will happen to CM.

Finally got Auraxium C4 by IAmAN00bie in PS4Planetside2

[–]IAmAN00bie[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I know, it was so frustrating. I had to cheese the hell out of this directive. I would go to heavily popped sundies (eg. at the Bastion or Crown) with my Mine Guard + Wraith flash and throw two prox mines down at the spawning berries. I felt terrible doing it. It's literal cancer.

But I'm finally done. And now I can play with my shiny new C4 explosions.

Who is one player that you are genuinely afraid to fight? by TheWarFabled in PS4Planetside2

[–]IAmAN00bie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

After an alert ended, I chased him with my Magrider past 3 hexes until he eventually stopped behind a building thinking he could deploy in his Prowler and cheese me. Thankfully Vanu Magburner too OP so I cheesed him instead. But this dude somehow fucking vanished in the span of like 2 seconds - one moment I'm shooting at him the next he's already re-deployed. Wtf.

I don't think I've ever seen stranger stats. by 5FVeNOM in PS4Planetside2

[–]IAmAN00bie 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yup. You'll frequently find him camping the terminal at Auraxicom Network Hub from one of the mountains to the West.