Bethany is tops by IntroducingEmy in bindingofisaac

[–]m_gartsman [score hidden]  (0 children)

Oh, fuck you. You're the one that made it an issue to begin with.

How do I go about making this steel effect in photoshop? by noodle-pirate in UI_Design

[–]m_gartsman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Here's the best advice anyone can give you: articulate what you want to know and then type it into Google. This one would go something like "realistic grunge metal effect Photoshop". Putting that into Google will give you a million tutorials and assets.

Reddit will rarely be an asset for finding out how to do things when it comes to design. Your intuition and problem solving skills on the internet will always be the best asset.

Design motivation I posted on the wall of my cube to keep things in perspective... by SAT0725 in Design

[–]m_gartsman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes, tell me how the world is. Call me a faggot. Yes. Wonderful.

You get shitty with people everyday online, so don't be so sensitive when you get called out. Not so fun when it's happening to you.

Chill out, man.

Design motivation I posted on the wall of my cube to keep things in perspective... by SAT0725 in Design

[–]m_gartsman 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Your whole reddit account is dedicated to whining how life is shit and how everyone is a "miserable cunt".

Newsflash, you 21 year old know-nothing baby, you're acting like a miserable cunt. I hope something good happens in your life so you can pull yourself out of this pathetic sad shithole you've dug for yourself.

Here's a tip from a someone with 10 years on you: Shut the fuck up and breathe. Relax. Focus on yourself and try to be positive. Until you do that, you're an unsavory asshole that people will not and should not like.

That's something younger generation will never get by Mrgear69 in pics

[–]m_gartsman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fuck, OP, your post/comment history is embarrassing.

Mozilla just revealed its minimalist new logo by OlegION in logodesign

[–]m_gartsman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why? If they're the worst (and they damn well are), why does it matter?

Which logo is better? (for social media marketing agency) by [deleted] in graphic_design

[–]m_gartsman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don't think this generic $5 logo stuff will fly in the modern social media marketing game. Do you?

These are very outdated.

[OPEN] [Small Youtube Channel] "PlayerGameSK" Official Logo (will be used across all associated Social Media) by PlayerGameSK in logorequests

[–]m_gartsman 4 points5 points  (0 children)

These people aren't putting any effort into their thinking. They assume that a logo is just some drawing, and a drawing is something kids do for free. When you make 5 euro offers on anything involving a professional, you're living in a fucking cloud.

When my pipe bursts or my engine goes out, I don't just pick a number I would like to pay and assume that's what things cost. I do some research (which takes less than a minute for crying out loud) and learn what those services cost.

Beginners that see these lowball clueless posts and go "ooh, I need something for my portfolio and I could use 5 bucks", stop yourself, turn around and walk away. A year from now down the line you'll be kicking yourself for ever taking on dogshit projects like this for insult money. Taking these jobs is what perpetuates jobs like this.

[OPEN] [Small Youtube Channel] "PlayerGameSK" Official Logo (will be used across all associated Social Media) by PlayerGameSK in logorequests

[–]m_gartsman 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You want something like this for that cheap, you can fill out a damn form. Logos cost money. Good money. Of course you're just a tiny YouTube thing, so that wouldn't be as much as something for an actual company, but these things cost more than 5 euro. Ignorant of the industry or not, that offer is a bit of an insult to anyone that can rub two sticks together.

New Logo for Digital Reasoning Software by Golden Spiral by Invictionary in graphic_design

[–]m_gartsman 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That icon set is so busy. I get what you were going for, but it's overkill and super distracting. Icons are meant to be an immediate and quick representation of an idea or concept. When I scaled them down to around 50px, the concentric rainbows meld together in a confusing way.

"Jaded" guy is absolutely correct.

The new logo is an upgrade from the incredibly generic original, but it's not memorable imo. It's only a couple clicks less generic, but that's not saying much.

Considering the corporate hoops you had to jump through, I hope you got mad paid, but there is no way this is your best work.

A gem from r/wholesomememes by softcoregaymer in rupaulsdragrace

[–]m_gartsman -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

You made a dumb comment and I clocked you on it. Are you forgetting where you are?

A gem from r/wholesomememes by softcoregaymer in rupaulsdragrace

[–]m_gartsman 9 points10 points  (0 children)

That certainly doesn't deserve it's own post and I'm pretty sure it also doesn't deserve to be shoehorned into a completely unrelated post as a comment.

Also, who gives a fuck?

SmashGear Needs A Logo! by [deleted] in DesignJobs

[–]m_gartsman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No spec contests. No contests. This post is entirely against the rules and no designer worth a damn will respond to this.


The most masterful Lost Hush fight i've witnessed. by freakDWN in bindingofisaac

[–]m_gartsman 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Your comment history is like a museum of dog shit and salt. Do some yoga or something.

The Seatbelts - Tank! [Big Band] by jimmycthatsme in Music

[–]m_gartsman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, I'm gonna watch it again too. So good.